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Donator — Artist Posted 6 months ago ( 2024/02/2 02:49:28 )
How has everyone been / what have you been up to? For me, life has been very topsy-turvy for the past two years. I am seeing my psychologist soon to talk about things as it is, as well as perhaps visiting my university or high school. Maybe meet up with some friends.

Donator Posted 6 months ago ( 2024/02/3 20:59:34 )
Life has definitely been topsy turvy for me the last couple years as well. </3

I hope you have a good time meeting up with friends and visiting schools. C:

I'm hoping to switch jobs soon so I can bring in a higher income. o3o it's stressful to do so, especially since I know my current workplace needs me to stick around although I'm not scheduled too much. e.e'

Donator Posted 6 months ago ( 2024/02/8 20:07:00 )
Life has thrown me some lemons this past year as well, but I am trying to make lemonaide out of it, lol. I'm still here and chugging a long... which is good I guess.

Donator — Artist Posted 4 months ago ( 2024/03/15 04:59:11 )
Thank you, Koah :) I am hanging out a bit more with my twin sister, which is making me a bit happier and hopeful again~ We went to a spirituality festival and watched a movie recently together. I also have a friend I used to hang out a lot with in person, yet I don't know how to be in touch with them any more. And a friend I am talking to on Skype again -- an online friend I chat and write with. My psychologist knows both these people, whom I am emailing and skyping as well as seeing in person. Yet all these relationships were/are very tumultuous for me, which I am trying my best to struggle through. University would be the first place I would go to, I think, as it's nearest. I hope life calms down for you. What job do you work in? :)

That's good, macsen :) Yeah, life is quite hard, with endless pain after another ; the strength to just breathe is a beautiful peaceful clarity.

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 months ago ( 2024/03/31 01:07:51 )
Moody Says. . .


I hope things have been going well with the psychologist.

life be beating me down lately but, I'm surviving xD I got new glasses tho.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

Donator — Artist Posted 3 months ago ( 2024/04/12 09:57:17 )
Thank you, Moody I’ve been doing supportive counselling with my psychologist, which is good ^_^ He reminds me a bit of tobey maguire from spiderman in his appearance xD

I hope life gets better for you! :) That’s great about new glasses :3 What kind of glasses are they?
‘god, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young. I thought I saw you out there crying, woah-oh. I saw a lion kiss a deer, we are all lost stars trying to light up the dark.’ ~ Jungkook. / diary. text. visual. comm.

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