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Forums Events A Late Event Thread [free art inside]

Donator — He/They Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 07:34:25 )

@Anarchist Beauty: well, somebody has to UwU Who better than the Worm?


Voltie Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 08:38:18 )

        @Count Trashula: Exactly, exactly.
        ROY FOR MAYOR!

Donator — He/They Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 10:25:44 )

@Anarchist Beauty:


Donator — she, her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 17:48:15 )

@count trashula: I hope you are well today!


Artist Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 19:06:18 )
@Count Trashula: You're welcome! If you need more items later lemme know~ Thank you again for the pretty art x3

Voltie Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 19:33:08 )

        @Count Trashula: Oh my god.
        I love you.
        That's amazing!

Artist Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 19:36:21 )
Count Trashula:

@Anarchist Beauty:


Donator — Medical Biller Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/8 21:32:47 )
Meric beaucoup she's beautiful
Count Trashula:

@Qiqi Agatha:

I'll be slow to respond for this week𓃵

Donator — she/they/him Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/9 02:11:43 )

@Count Trashula:
-runs around trying to find a place to hide-


Donator — He/They Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/10 09:53:05 )

Just popping in to say sorry I've been gone; wasn't feeling well and had stuff to do, but I will return (and finish those drawings) shortly!


Donator — Medical Biller Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/11/10 18:20:02 )
Good morning @Count Trashula: , Feel Better. I also sent you a trade of candy before the Event ends

I'll be slow to respond for this week𓃵

Donator — He/They Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/12 00:06:25 )

@Qiqi Agatha: I appreciate it! And I'm glad you liked the art!

If I don't get the other arts finished before the event ends, I'll PM it to whoever's left.
@Anarchist Beauty:
ty, ty UwU
@Lithium: Late reply is late, but yeah, I wasn't feeling very good this week and disappeared for a bit, sorry about that!
@Justice: You can run, but you can't hide...


Donator — she/they/him Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/12 02:46:47 )

@Count Trashula:
hey that's my line~!


Artist Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/12 03:20:09 )
@Count Trashula: aww sorry you weren’t feeling well <3 are you feeling any better now?

Donator — Medical Biller Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/12 05:49:21 )
Ensuite, je suis le fantôme de Novembre!

Donator — she/they/him Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/13 03:54:23 )

I have 91 spare candies if anyone needs some~


☥ "Think of me when you look at the night sky" ☥

leave me msgs here

The Crooked Dog Inn

plz ping me!

Donator — she, her Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/13 18:23:28 )

@count trashula: oh no i hope you are feeling better

Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator — He/They Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/14 23:31:46 )

@Ruby: A bit. I'm starting the process of being switched to a new medicine, and I had kind of a rough week since I had a lot of appointments and phone calls to deal with. Stress of any kind = symptoms going crazy for a while ;u; I still have calls I don't want to make, but at least I can stay home for a bit now and i know something's being done.
@Qiqi Agatha:
@Lithium: I'm hanging in there! I don't feel as rough today as I have been, so I can focus a little more now.

I appreciate y'all


Artist Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/15 01:40:40 )
@Count Trashula: Oof I feel you there ;3; I'm okay talking on the phone with friends I'm comfortable with (still draining tho) but if it's something official I get selective mutism (which is a misleading name because it's not a choice) and cannot talk no matter how hard I try >.< Happens in really stressful situations off the phone too.
Not that that's what you're experiencing but I completely understand how draining social interactions can be lol

Loving your avi btw! :D


Donator — He/They Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/11/15 02:58:33 )

@Ruby: Damn, that sounds really difficult. My phone/social anxiety used to be a lot worse; I've had a few experiences in the past where I would just clam up and had to get a friend to help me with a phone call or transaction. It was rare for me, though. I feel for you! Nowadays I just procrastinate on making calls and wonder why in the so-called digital age still nobody uses e-mail. -_- I've got a "one to two per day" limit on phone calls and large tasks. More than that is just too draining for me.

and ty lol I had just enough ohms from the contests to snag the event support items (and a Roy) and i am loving them


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