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Forums General Chit-Chat Are you dealing with a natural disaster?

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:22:12 )
Are you dealing with a natural disaster? If so, then how are you coping with it and handling things? Are you okay?

Fire season started late in california. There have been bigger fires a few times in our state, but they were far away from my home. This year they are only a town away. My colleges classes are canceled for this week. There is an advisory out to only go outside if you need to, and wear face masks if you do go outside due to the poor air quality outside. At one point ash was raining on our house. I'm okay, but all of this is a little stressful. How about everyone else?

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:23:43 )
Oh my, I'm dealing with smoke storm in my city T.T It's giving me horrible allergy. A lot of fire on the mountains and stuff, and since I'm kinda in the valley, I get all the after effect of it. I hope people are ok D:

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 22:58:16 )
Do you have a store nearby that sells dust masks? They are typically sold in building supply stores. Even if you didn't have allergies you would still be advised to have a facemask on on sorts. The air quality is down a lot, which hurts and affects your lungs when going outside.

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/12 23:51:14 )
@SnakeWeaver: Hey there. I grew up in Florida, so I've been through my far share of Hurricanes, both big and small. It sucks, but I think that it gives people a lot of perspective, and there is a sense of community from it. (It's dumb that humans have to go through something horrible to feel that way, but what are you gonna do?)
I'm sorry that the fires are affecting you. They are affecting me too, but since my home isn't going to burn down I feel like a jerk for saying it. I live in the Bay Area and the smoke has been awful. It's been bothering me all week long. Itchy eyes and throat, worried about my animals because they are so small, etc

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:19:40 )
@Totalanimefan - Are you near the parts of the bay area that are on fire? If you are not sure you, then could check the fire map. Does this website allow off site linking? I could put a link to the government's fire location map on the first post.

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:33:11 )
@SnakeWeaver: Yes I am. That's very close to where I live. The counties the fires are in are some of the counties in the bay area. I live in South Bay. The smoke is bad and will be here for days. Where are you? (Also I misread your post at first and thought that you didn't know about the fires in nothern cali. I was about to be like where have you been lol)

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:44:19 )
I'm in petaluma, so I'm safe, but only a town away from a lot of fire. Looking at my town on the fire map makes me think it's in a ring of fire, even if it's only half of a ring^^;;;

Donator — ...... Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:53:02 )
Oh jeez, that's really close. I'm in the South Bay. Smoke was horrible yesterday, and my neighborhood's full of elderly people, so I hope they'll be alright...

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:54:18 )
@Espy: Oh me too! I work in Mt View, but I live south of there in a different town. Which one are you in?

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:54:56 )
@SnakeWeaver: Yeah it's big and serious. The smoke since yesterday has been blowing south, so we are getting all of the smoke and it's bad.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:55:19 )
I deal with them all the time. :D We get lots of typhoons! Yaaay...


Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 00:58:07 )
@Totalanimefan: Are you wearing a dust mask? If you aren't, your lungs will be in serious trouble of getting damaged, or even worse! Caked with ash inside.
@Mica: How does a house survive a typhoon? o-o

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:05:50 )
@SnakeWeaver: They're basically called a typhoon because of their location! So, just about the same as hurricanes! XD Luckily our area doesn't flood often or at all, but when it does that means the other places are gonna be hit really bad. :(

And we get the occasional tremors... the Philippines is in a pretty precarious spot to live on. :vanora_sweat:

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:06:17 )
@SnakeWeaver: If that's not enough to scare people idk what is. I do wear a mask when I'm outside.

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:06:36 )
I gotta go to lunch. I'll be back later.
By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
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Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:11:35 )
@Mica: Oh my o-o Well, I'm glad you're in an okay area at least?

@totalanimefan: You would be surprised, there are a lot of people here not wearing dust masks.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:14:35 )
@SnakeWeaver: Yeah, I am. I have never experienced fire though, I live in such a humid country. o.o;; Definitely not wild fires at least. It's so scary sounding. :( My friends were recently evacuated from their home in CA, but luckily everything is OK and they were allowed back in. >___<

Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:26:43 )
@mica: Ahh, well different areas of different countries have different issues, ne? For some reason in the united states, california has it's own 'fire season'. It's less naturally caused though and more like... we have a lot of forested areas, but a lot of our water goes to people and farmers don't have a proper limitation put on the amount of water they can use. As a result, our forests get drier. California is supposed to be generally foggy in the morning, the evidence in this is through the amount of kinds of redwoods we have. A redwood is a kind of tree that gets most of its water from... fog and mist. Also, a lot of our weeds and grasses have trouble due to non native worms. The non native worms don't work the soil the way it needs to be since they are not from the native region, this causes it to create soil conditions for non native plants. This could normally be okay, but a lot of california gets long streaks of no rain, so our native plants are built to handle that. Non native plants and weeds are not built to handle that, making it easier for them to get drier, meaning more flammable. The worm issue is caused by people who enjoy fishing. Many buy bait, use a lot of it, but than release the remaining bait after. A lot of worm bait sold isn't native to their areas, and people usually think -any worm is good for any area-, but that's not how it works at all. Sorry, I talked a bit too long on the topic of how california became a matchstick^^;;;

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:35:20 )
@SnakeWeaver: Holy crap, that's really insightful though, I had no idea about the worms. It makes sense that the non native worms and plants are kind of struggling. :( I didn't know it came from fishing, either! Man that really sucks, it sounds like it could have been at least prevented? D:
How did the plants get there, though?
Apparently out of a gig. --v
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Donator — Sea Snake Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/13 01:37:10 )
@Mica: the current fire state of california could have totally been prevented, but the issue is on how. How do we stop fishers from releasing non native worms? How do we boost native worm species? A lot of people don't use the internet, some don't even use televisions.
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