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Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/18 23:59:10 )

Hey guys, as you may know I'm moving across the country. I'm driving across along with my husband, cat and dog. We are bringing a cooler but we aren't sure what we should pack, any suggestions? My only dietary restriction is that I can't eat onions. Other than that, suggest away!


Voltie — They/Their Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 00:06:34 )


@Totalanimefan: I did that about 10 years ago with my family, we were moving from TN to NV. We packed deli meats and cheeses and low-mess fruit like apples and peaches (basically nothing with a peel because hour 3 with no rest stop those peels become sickening when you are stuck in the car with them), also take bottled water and avoid soda. Take a few sodas, but like those are emergency stay awake juice lol. Fruit juice is a good option too, but make sure its individually bottled (Capri sun's work well). Bonus on the water because that helps take care of the pets.

Also take chips you like, the "lunch packs" work pretty well since they are small and easy to work with even by the driver. But like,,,, take as much "real food" as possible because the more junk you eat and the more you stop for fast food the worse you are gonna feel on the other end. Its really bad digestion to be in a car for multiple days in a row while eating junk food.

Hope this helps!



Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 00:13:31 )

@koneko: Thanks for the advice. I was going to get these fig bars.(Blueberry flavored) Link Here
I feel like we have to minimize our trips out of the car either to stock up on water/food or just because we need lunch. Of course I also don't want to skip lunch but I might want a PB&J one day instead of getting lunch out each day. Bringing carrots is a great idea. Those are super good. As for the others, I'll look into it. My husband eats those more but he might not want them in the car.


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 00:17:00 )

@GodsandPunks: Totally going to stock up on water. I didn't think about Capri Suns. That's brilliant. Apples precut sound like a good idea and so does deli meat/cheese. I think I might just make a Ham and cheese sandwich or two for my hubby and keep it in the cooler. I think that's easier for him either putting it together in the car.
As for 'junk' food I was going to try and stick with flavored popcorn instead of something like chips. Less oil/grease and less calories too. Oh Jerky is probably a good idea too. I'll try and buy the small packs instead of two big bags. Seems like a better idea.


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 00:24:33 )

@koneko: Yeah I'm worried that is going to happen to us, but we like them as of right now. XD They are a good brand.
We don't need gluten free and will not be getting those. XD


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 00:56:37 )

@koneko: probably lol we don’t really have any other snacks in the house though so I hope it doesn’t make us eat a ton of them then get sick of them. I could always change the flavor to raspberry ^^


Voltie — They/Their Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 01:21:52 )


@Totalanimefan: Jerky is a good idea, yeah! Honestly, you can freeze the Capri suns too, to use as cooler packs, but they are at least a little real juice and very fast and easy to drink in the car.

IDK how far you are going, so honestly pre-making the sandwiches might be a good idea if its not too long a trip! If yall aren't allergic, PB&J are also decent if you pack them individually in quart Ziploc bag and then eat them like a hamburger with the bag around the outside.

TBH you might need to make quality of life changes to my advice in general lol. We were going something like 1600 miles in 2 days back in the recession of 2009, so we weren't packed for comfort x')



Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 02:34:02 )

@GodsandPunks: I'm traveling from CA to VA. So really coast to coast. It will be 5 days long. I'm not expecting the sandwiches to last the whole time, but we are bringing a cooler that is good at staying cool. I'm thinking lunch on day 1 is going to be sandwiches snacks for lunch. Freezing Capri Suns is also a good idea. Do you have any fav flavors? I haven't had them in years.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 04:56:11 )
Trail mix with whatever dried fruits/nuts you like is a great option.
Granola bars, fruit gummies, apples, cut up veggies with a dip of choice.
If you are salad eaters you can make a large salad that will last for a few days. Just be sure to add the dressing only on the portions you're ready to eat.
As others said, deli meats and cheese are a good idea too.

I hope you all have a safe trip!

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 05:48:43 )
════════════════ ∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

coming to mind are: dried mango <3, jerky, lots of water! (water jugs + reusable bottle/thermos?)
dried fruit in general if you like it (apricots, cranberries, banana chips, apple chips... dried mandarins from trader joe's are ) and maybe nuts? (almonds, mixed nuts) pistachios / sunflower seeds for the passenger to pass the time with lol
granola bars for breakfast/snack maybe?
maybe cookies, dark chocolate, or fruit snacks as a treat so you can look forward to eating them on the trip lol
if you're already bringing apples and peanut butter i would recommend them together :-)
hmm maybe green tea bags? you can put them in a bottle of water and shake it for a bit lol or leave overnight (no hot water needed)
i also like crunchy dried chickpeas as a snack w/ protein but might not be everyone's taste

not edible but stuff to listen to, like downloading playlists/albums/podcasts in advance

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘ ════════════════════════════════

⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Voltie — They/Their Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 07:19:58 )


@Totalanimefan: Oh man, yeah that's a serious drive. I'm glad you're taking it in 5 days instead of 2 days x'D I think you've got a good plan going! Since you will be traveling for so long, you should make sure that you stop and get a like "sit down" meal of hardy food for dinner, it will help mental health a whole lot. Like real, hot protein and carbs are way more important than I can explain.

As for flavors of Capri Sun, Fruit Punch and Pacific Cooler are excellent IMO. Pacific Cooler has a milder flavor, which can be good when/if dealing with motion sickness. (Also take a bottle of benadryl (off brand is same stuff) and take like half of one if you or your husband find yourselves motion sick due to angle of the sunlight/headache/etc.) I'm sorry for constant info dump,,, it was a rough trip for us through no lack of planning, but there were definitely some things we could have done better to have been less burnt out at the end.


Nagisa | 25+ | INFJ
xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx xXx

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Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 08:41:05 )

@rhapsody: Thank you for the tips. They are really helpful!
@xvz: Dried Mango is my favorite! I just love it so much. I'm probably going to have to pack at least one bag. Maybe two. As for the other snacks you talked about, I ordered most of them today.


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 08:43:22 )

@GodsandPunks: We don't get car sick, but I am still going to bring motion sickness medicine. You never know when you are going to need it. It also works to help you fall asleep. I like all of the info you are giving. This will be my 3rd time driving across the country, so luckily I know how to trip it. I just need help remembering everything and snacks. XD The important stuff XD


Donator — SIR Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 16:44:47 )
🌈 Let the sun shine on your face,
And dont let your life go to waste,
Now is the time,
Got to make up your mind,
Let it shine on you! 🌈

@Totalanimefan: I must say I agree with many of the ideas thrown out already. Dried meat/jerky and fruits. Anything crunchy but low mess such as trail mix. I like raisins. They even have like bags of dried fruit at our dollar store down here such as strawberries, apples, pears, and bananas I believe. I am also a fan of high protein items such as protein bars but I don't like the ones with a lot of sugar in them. It kinda defeats the purpose for me. If I have a protein bar I am generally good for a few hours without needing to snack or eat etc. They do make me thirsty though. I try and stay away from chocolates or anything coated on road trips. I am anti mess lol Nuts are another item I am fond of, or just pretzels. Also, I saw capri sun mentioned, but powerade is something my son and I enjoy. Just a thought. I hope you have a safe and uneventful trip. Sounds like you have a lot of it squared away so far.
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 20:12:18 )

Anything that comes in a single-serving size that won't melt/crumble or go bad easily. Pre-make sandwiches and put em in little baggies in the cooler alongside some juice or water bottles (coconut water is great to bring if you enjoy it). Nuts, dried fruit, jerky, protein bars, all good. Nothing that would require napkins, straws, plates, or chip clips if it can be avoided.
Also, I'd take hard peppermint candies and/or lemon wedges to suck on, and anything with plenty of ginger in it (ginger ale and ginger candy are easy to find) if you're worried about possibly getting motion sickness but don't normally get it very badly. Motion sickness pills are OK if you don't plan on being the one driving that day, but they can definitely affect you for a good while, so I would save them for times when motion sickness is gonna be a serious concern.


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 21:00:30 )

@Xanthan: I'm a big fan of low sugar protein bars. I gotta remember to drink enough if I have them for the trip. I think everyone has given really good advice so far. Now I just have to buy the snacks closer to the trip.

@Count Trashula: Thanks for the great advice. We both don't get motion sick in the car but I know that you can take a full pill the night before and it's still effective in the mornings. It's what I would do for the boat. Or take half at night and half in the morning. You get the full effect without it making your sleepy.


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 21:30:05 )

@Totalanimefan: I'mma have to try that whenever we move, since we'll probably be splitting the driving... I get motion sickness so badly, it's pretty debilitating. Ginger and stuff like that works in short bursts or when I'm the driver (it's so bad sometimes I even get sick behind the wheel, but never as strong); people I've known who only get very mild motion sickness/don't get it often swear by it. But I usually need something much stronger when I'm riding in the car with someone else. :'^( I am afraid to try going on a boat without a pill. Haven't done so since I was little and spent the entire boat ride laying down praying for death lmao but being sleepy ruins the fun of being on the water


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 22:16:11 )

@Count Trashula: Oh yeah if you are that bad then ginger isn't going to help, you have to actually have the drugs. I also heard there is a patch you can wear and it makes you not motion sick, but it is non-drowsy. A family friend would always wear it when he was on the boat, but you have to make sure it says attached to you (like if you sweat a lot). It stops working if it comes off.


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 22:42:35 )

@Totalanimefan: I've heard of these, but haven't actually thought to try them. Maybe in the future...


Donator — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/07/19 22:43:32 )

@Count Trashula: Yeah I'm sorry to say that I've never tried them so there is no advice I could give on them, but the family friend really likes using them. It's just sometimes hard on the boat in FL because you are sweating so much.

By Ghost
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