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Forums Serious Talk Atraction? what?

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/10 08:38:53 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Ok so this ended up being longer then expected lol.
CW: mentions of sexual atractions and what that stuff involvs (Nothing explicit)

Ok so to start off, i think im ace and aro. However Im not sex repulsed (If your on T you know what i mean) and i honestly crave a romantic partner. Im ace and aro purely on the fact that never in my life have i been atracted to somebody in any way, shape or form.... or so i think? I truly dont know what i should expect? I tried to look up but most ppl seem to be rather vauge about it. Ontop of that i dont live in a nuclear family, my moms with a man that abuses her (not my dad), i live with my grandparents and ever since i was a small child they havent slept in the same bed. Ive asked my gran adn she confessed that the once "love" they felt is long gone but they see eachother more so as deeply conected family. They still live with eachother and i honestly dont think either one is leaving the other. That... sounds like a platonic relationship if im not mistaken? Like they are closer then just a family member but dont do the stereo typical couples things. And ofc as a kid i ddint know any better.

The only "love" i know is that of what ive seen from family and in media.
But i have been in like 2 serious relationships. One of them ive only accepted bc i was forced or id loose a friend (ended up loosing them anyway wich later on was best bc it turned out i din see all the red flags they have given me).

However in 2015 ive met somebody who i consider today my best friend. Weve been trough alot and they help me so much. Since the day i first met her we have talked everyday, ofc we have argued in the past but no matter how mad i get at her i just cant stand the thought of loosing her. I truly care for her so much. Shes such a wonderful person...

And for like some years i just... havent been sure about my feelings towards her? Are they purely platonic? is it romantic? How could i know?

Lets say im romanticly atracted to her, what then?
To start of with shes a lesbian and im trans masc. Im not her type at all. Ive been in that situation where my past best friend confessed to me and it became very bad time for me. I wouldnt wish that pain on her.
If id confess to romantic feelings i know nothing good will come from it. Best case there will be a forever akward wall between us.

But i dont think i am romanticly atracted to her?

But on the other hand, ive tried to imagine what it would be like if she ever got a girlfriend... And i honestly get a lil paranoid about it. We are very close and it would be understandable if my friend would want to spent more time with their s/o. On top of that whenever she spents time with other ppl i get... jelous wich honestly feels disgusting. But also i just view myself as very lowly so i constantly think id get replaced. Wich on a 3th oerson perspective is verry shitty of me to think bc the tings she does for me is insane. I ve only told 2 other ppl about this but this past year i think she almost sent me a total of 1000$. And each time i feel so bad but she gets so mad if id even consider paying her back. And i honestly dont think i deserve it. Ive been able to pay for multiple things that would otherwise have had my family not able to afford food at the end of the month.

And like in the past we made a promise to ourselves, when we could we would move in togeter somewhere, just be roomates. And that thought had me so exited. So ofc i eventually asked what if either one finds somebodoy?
And she told me that it wouldnt be a grand idea then... Wich yea... made me scared.
+ a couple of months ago a psychiatrist told me im somebody that would perish if they live alone wich was a lil hard to swallow

Also Sexual atraction wise, its wierd... so warning tmi:
U know i get aroused from time to time but i never think of a real person. If i do i get so wierded out and start freaking out? and when i take care of my bussines i cannot under any curcomstances imagine myself being in that situation. It creeps me out and makes me feel disgusting.
And like one one side id like to atleast experience "the real deal" once. Just to know how it is. But on the other side, "oh god no, that involves ME and a REAL breathing human being that has comlex thoughts and is intelegent"
So even thinking of my best friend and i.... it makes me cringe so much.

And talking like this rly makes me think im not atracted to my friend in more then a platonic way. But sometimes doubt seeps into my brain?

Also i watched the last seasen of big mouth and i was relating to one character bc they also felt the same like i did but then ended up being in love with that character anyway? So idk?


If it is me rly being atracted to her then big oof yikes, not a pog moment.
If its not, how do i deal with me being jelous? Like i cant tell her to not hang out with other ppl u know lol.

It dosnt help that in most media this isnt rly a thing, am i just wierd? Whacky doodle?

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

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Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/10 13:16:50 )
Feelings can be complicated and confusing sometimes. I was jealous when my friend mentions dating other people and I wasn’t sure why I was feeling that way although I knew he is a really good person. After confessing to him I might like him and as time went by, I had the strange sensation of butterflies? And my heart beating kind of fast? It was a weird experience. And I cry because he loved me in the past a long time ago and doesn’t feel that way anymore. And I imagine being in a relationship with him and how we could be happy together.

I would say just give yourself more time to figure out if you truly have feelings for her. As for the jealousy, that might fade away with time. I think it might have for me as I really do want him to be happy with whoever he chooses because he truly deserves it.

I wish you the best of luck! :3

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/10 14:53:45 )

Your family dynamic reminds me so much of how my father views love and relationships. We are very completely opposite, I'm the type to fall in love easily but through his influence, I've learned to step down a notch over the years. But despite my father not being the overly-romantic type over the years, I've learned to appreciate that side to him because even so he remains loyal to my mother. Despite their many many arguments.

So what I'm trying to say is there's nothing really wrong with you. People experience love very differently and being the other side of the spectrum, who gets very easily infatuated theirs pros with what you have. Take away the infatuation of the person you care about, you see them as who they are and I think with what you have with your best friend is good. So take your time figuring your feelings out and I do thing jealousy is not always romantic but platonic as well? Maybe that's very obvious but figuring out what kind jealousy your feeling can be tough.

Well I hope this helps.

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Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/10 18:39:08 )

This is something I can relate to.

My best friend and I have been very close for a long time. In a society where friendships are treated as shallow and replaceable and romance is given all the attention and importance, I was told that I must be in love with her because I talked to her every day, spent time with her whenever I could, and shared deep and personal things with her. It especially bothered me hearing this as an adult, from other adults. It seems so childish to go "Oh, those two people aren't afraid to sit less than five feet apart or talk about their feelings? MUST BE DATING".

Nonetheless, I had only been in one serious relationship at that point, so when my friend confessed to me that she did have those kinds of feelings for me, I felt pressured into dating her anyway. I was afraid of losing her as a friend if I said no, and I was starting to think maybe everyone else was right, because after breaking up with my previous partner, it occurred to me that I had no idea what the difference was between "romance" and "friendship". So I started framing our relationship in those terms, only to eventually realize that I did not actually feel that way. It took me a lot of searching and questioning to encounter the term "queerplatonic", and I told her that was what I really felt/wanted. I wanted to spend my life with her because she was my best friend, even if I didn't have romantic feelings. I guess she accepted that, because here we are years later living together as friends--even if we are closer than "just friends", it isn't a romantic relationship.

I do get jealous. I worry about the possibility of her "finding someone" someday and leaving me behind. With the level of importance society places on romantic relationships, that's not an unreasonable fear, especially since I know a typical marriage relationship is something she's always wanted that I can't provide. I don't want the most important relationship in both our lives to suddenly take a backseat to some newer relationship with less depth and history, just because it has one thing that this one doesn't. I don't like the thought of my best friend inevitably having less time for me, or betraying our plans to make a life together as friends. I don't think it's very likely to happen, and I suppose if it did, I'd eventually get through it and find my own way, but it's not something I like to think about. That said, if it did come down to it, I know I can at least trust that we'll always be friends. We have been through so much together and done so much for each other, neither of us is going to simply abandon the other, no matter how much things may change in the future. Even if we did decide living together wasn't best for us, that would just free us both up to find something that did work, and I don't doubt we would still never be too far apart. It can be hard to remember that when doubts and fears creep in, but I know what we have is too meaningful to just disappear because someone else came into the picture.

It took me a very long time to come to the conclusion that I was aromantic. I thought I had been in love or had crushes in the past, and maybe to some extent I did for all I know, but looking back, I think those feelings were more likely to be other kinds of attraction and even envy. They were all people I more or less wanted to be, and with my one serious relationship that ended, the fact that we were friends and got along well just made "romantic interest" seem like the natural conclusion. We're raised to believe that this is the done thing, told that if you're particularly close with someone it has to be romantic, and expected to form those kinds of relationships. It's not surprising to me that it took over 30 years and 2 failed attempts to figure it out, especially when I had other confusing circumstances adding to the mix.

Enter: dysphoria. Not only has it played a huge role in complicating my experience with relationships and my ability to distinguish envy from attraction, but it's also messed up my experience with how I respond to sexual attraction. I know I'm not asexual, but I feel very uncomfortable involving real people--but especially myself--in my fantasies. It may not be the same for your case, but for me, it comes down to feeling like my body is gross/wrong and no one would (or should) want it. I don't want anyone to be attracted to me as I am now, because I don't like how I am now (physically speaking). I'm hoping that in time, my health and confidence will improve and I'll reach a point where I can be more comfortable exploring sexuality. But that's a long ways off.

In conclusion: There are many types of attraction and ways of experiencing (or not experiencing) them. On top of these things being fluid for a lot of people, it can get very confusing! Reading about these helped me a lot in figuring out my own feelings and knowing I wasn't just weird/broken or alone. Whether you believe you are aro and/or ace or not, I highly recommend seeking out communities where these experiences can be safely and openly discussed. It might help you get more perspective on your feelings. I also think it'd be a good idea to have a serious talk with your friend about what both of your goals are and where you stand. Even if you don't have all the answers right now, talking it out in depth can get you both to a better place of understanding.


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