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Forums General Chit-Chat Hobbies! What do YOU do for funsies?

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 10:13:30 )

I haven't looked on TikTok (tbh while I appreciate it as entertaining, I also appreciate that it's a time vortex that's hard to escape so I don't open it often lol) but I've seen all sorts of cool stuff on Etsy. And omg that's a mood; I swear if I tried to make adopts that would happen to me. In fact now that I think of it, it did! I bought a four-character species from someone, later (with the original artist's permission) created a new character with the intent to adopt it out, but ended up falling in love with it and kept it. XD And now looking at its profile, I still need to, well, build a profile for it.

Oh goodness, congratulations! I'm trying to get healthier in general too but it's mostly so I stay on this mortal plane as long as possible. :P And funnily enough I'm more confident with chicken than I am with like, beef. Fish is even trickier to me because I don't always trust the short cook times for 'em...

Yeah, it's mostly depression that claimed my dental health too. Such a pain; it's not like other health issues you can generally fix, like your weight or something, oh no, it has to be permanent damage. :I

Eh, I browse the Young Adult section whenever I'm in a bookstore and I'm 37; the stories tend to be more fun, in many cases. I never read Divergent, just vaguely remember the movie trailers. I'm not familiar with Ellen Hopkins or "Cut," though. When I was actually the target demographic for YA books, my favorites writer was Caroline B. Cooney. She wrote mostly modern settings with sci-fi or fantasy bends, often horror. Even before I was really into "horror" as a genre, I loved her books so much. Oh, memory unlocked; there was also a series revolving around severely ill/terminally ill teens? That's really all I remember though, but I was hooked. I just googled and they were by a writer named "Lurlene McDaniel" and apparently it was a whole thing. My god, I genuinely haven't thought of those books since high school. :o

And I just started reading Acception really recently! I love it! I binged like the first 30 episodes the first day I found it, lol.


Donator — Any Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 10:26:03 )

@CooperationIsKey: I LOVE BORB ASADFG
i made a little pokemon oc and i liked it too much so here i am with a sprite of it and everything
yeah, it sucks. such a societal pressure to have nice teeth and good dental hygiene too, its something that people still make fun of unfortunately and it really bothers me.
oh woah, havent heard of those lol. I still need to finish like, 80% of the books on my shelf. I recently bought some Junji ito mangas though, and read them all like immediately, i even bought his art book. Guess im more inclined to pretty pictures nowadays xD
SAME. I love maud and lola, everyone has really nice character developement! All of the outfits are super cool too, im a sucker for unique fashion


Please ping me!

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:03:19 )

Aw, thank you! He's an "Amoeba Pet," basically a creature that resembles an oversized amoeba, sometimes imitating actual animals, that are soft and squishy and generally make good pets (and sometimes absorb their favorite treats and toys, lol).

Oh goodness, that's so pretty! Reminds me a lot of Shaymin (my fave pokemon tied with Umbreon) by those colors! I love the flowers. :3

And I mean, I guess it's not just societal; healthy teeth are indicative of good overall health and bad teeth can directly lead to health problems, so it makes sense, but it's not like you can explain "I had depression and didn't brush enough" to everyone you pass on the street. I'm trying to get mine fixed but my insurance only covers one crown a year and I apparently need... several.

Yeah, I guess the books I referenced are more 90s (even 80s) so they're a bit on the old side, lol. Still, I recommend Caroline B. Cooney's trilogy "The Fog," "The Snow," and "The Fire" if you ever get a chance to read them! I have fond memories of that suspense series.

I appreciate Junji Ito's work but also I tend to avoid it because it gives me the heebies pretty badly lmao. There's an "Art of Invader Zim" book that's been sitting in my Amazon cart for the longest time, though!

Maud is a riot, lol. And Arcus is so sweet! So is Lola. The whole thing is so well-written. And yeah! I love the fashion in it, too.

Also I was wrong, I binged the first SEVENTY episodes the other day. XD


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:10:13 )
@cooperationiskey: That's okay, I don't mind ^^

Ooh I see! Maybe it's probably due to nostalgia I guess? And oh my goodness, over 10GB (or above) of custom contents and mods for Sims 4? o_o That's really impressive! My laptop can't even handle above 1GB of said things that you mentioned lmao. Do you also own any DLCs of Sims 4 or just the base game only?

That's cool! I didn't know it got its own community :o

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:31:58 )

Thank you, haha. I'm a chatterbox and I just can't help it!

I'm not sure on Minecraft, I guess? The game's about 10 years old now so I suppose there are going to be people who played as a kid who are adults now; my gosh that makes me feel old lmao.

And yes, it's a job getting it all organized and updated whenever I want to play lol. Though I recently was chatting with someone who has over 30GB, so I guess what I have isn't that much after all! And yeah, I have some of the DLC, including Get to Work and the one that adds pets. I usually get them when they're deeply discounted, like around Christmas, because frankly they're just too expensive otherwise! Generally I make my OCs to play with in Sims, so when a new DLC lets me do something that's important to that character, such as a job or a pet, I tend to focus on getting that one next. I haven't gotten any in a while though.

And yeah, it sort of merges a bit of the old style web with a bit of the new in that there are profiles and you can leave comments on people's sites/updates. It's quite nice. :)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:40:39 )
@cooperationiskey: No problem ^^ I might not be a chatterbox since I'm very shy to interact most people unless my brain just said "chill out yo"

Oh I see lol. That's understandable, organizing and updating all of custom contents and mods you downloaded is the tricky part since you have to bookmark each website's updates or something like that. I see :o Me too! I tend to buy them whenever there's a discount sale lmao as you said they're fricking expensive. And same, though I make OCs that are for The Sims Universe and either make their lives better or worse haha. Better save some more money for the next DLC or perhaps think before buying one ( < w <; )

Ooh I see! That's a neat stuff that people can leave comments on your website, like a guestbook :o I might think about trying Neocities and creating a website, although I have little to no experience on web designing ^^;


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:55:56 )

@ChiffonOrange: No worries! 👍

Yeah, I only have a few actual mods (as opposed to just custom content like clothes and stuff) so remembering them to update isn't too bad, but it's still a job that has to be done before I play most times (there's usually a while between Sims binges, lol). Oh gosh, have you seen the trailer for the Cottage Living DLC that's coming out? I just saw it like two days ago by chance and it's terribly adorable. Maybe it's because I grew up on a farm but I'm kinda excited to get my hands on that one (farm animals!).

Yeah, most people have a more traditional guestbook on their site as well, but when they don't you can generally go to their profile as backup to leave a comment. And honestly I encourage it! I learned mostly by just goofing around on like, Neopets back in the day, and then Geocities after that. I did go to college for web design years ago but tbh I don't think I retained anything useful that isn't either totally outdated or that I haven't retaught myself by looking things up on Google, lol. Good luck if you go for it! :D


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 12:06:11 )
@cooperationiskey: Same. I usually download mods especially the ones that improve gameplays or a little interesting and true. *nods* Yeah I saw it not long ago, I'm not sure what to think of it as the whole farm-themed pack isn't my forte (it's fine if you like it, I don't mind ^^) but I don't mind the items and contents the Cottage Living DLC has. :o

Ooh :o Neopets, that's the website I haven't heard of for a long time lol (I think I played it for a few times but stopped due to lack of interest) and I see, web designing sounds like an awesome skill to have one ^^ (I'll probably just search for tutorials on Youtube instead lol) and thank you! :3

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 12:17:47 )

Yeah for the most part I like the little tweaks, the ones that make it easier to fully customize a character's personality, or like, the extra food and drinks mods. Though I've accidentally aged characters before and iirc it took a mod to de-age them back to where I wanted, lol.

Yeah, Neopets, I was on that site back when it was brand spanking new! And I started learning html to code my shop page and my neopet's personal pages, and a passion was born. :D And oh, YouTube tutorials, I hadn't even thought of that but that makes total sense! YouTube has tutorials for everything, after all. :)


Voltie — She/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 17:41:56 )

I guess my biggest hobby nowadays would be language learning. I'm currently learning Korean and Russian. I've been learning Korean for a few years and Russian for about six months. Of course, it's not just learning the language but also learning about the culture and history of the country/countries where the language is spoken. I've already learned so much about Russian history in the past six months.

Other than that, I'd say the other hobbies I do regularly are reading, listening to music, and playing video games. Sometimes I combine these with my language learning. I try to do at least a bit of reading in Korean every day, and I've considered changing the language of some games I play into Korean. I haven't gotten around to it yet though. For music, I listen to music in English of course, but I also listen to Korean and Russian songs. Korean more so than Russian though because I like a lot of Korean songs. And I do sometimes listen to songs that are in other languages aside from those three as well.


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 19:29:57 )

Korean and Russian, wow! I've been told Russia is one of the hardest languages to learn, and I can't imagine Korean is crazy easy either. That's really cool. I took three years of Spanish in high school (sadly didn't have options for other languages) and forgot pretty much everything. I swear I know more German through osmosis as a small child (and my baby brothers' Muzzy language learning videos lmao) than I know Spanish. Maybe I should look into one of those language-learning apps and work on my German more. At least I've got some childhood basis in that thanks to my mom studying it when I was small.

I wish I could concentrate better on reading. There have definitely been books that have caught my eye that I'd like to read, but it's very hard for me to stick with it for long, usually. I'm not really into the K-Pop scene (got nothing against it, it's just never really caught my attention much), but now I'm curious to look up Russian music! That's really neat to incorporate your language learning into your other hobbies; forces you to have more immersion in the language, I suppose!

What games are you into, if you don't mind my asking? o3o


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 21:59:27 )

@CooperationIsKey: Thanks about the profile. I also love listening to Synthwave.

I only recolour stuff. Meshing is to hard and time consuming. And I do and I have 2 places: &

My CC folder is big to XD


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 22:13:59 )
Moody Says. . .


I don't have too many hobbies, so I just play games and draw.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 22:55:33 )

You're welcome! And oh, I'm so checking out your stuff, I love collecting CC. Darn stuff is addictive!

That's fine, you don't have to have a ton of hobbies! Even if it's just a few that you enjoy, as long as they make you happy, that's what counts. :D


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 23:19:50 )
Moody Says. . .


@CooperationIsKey: I'm not good at investing in hobbies.
But i've drawn for years now.
it's like both hobby but i also do it for work kind of too.

But i do really enjoy it.
Especially when i figure something out, that i've wanted to for a while.

Voltie — She/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/12 23:41:01 )

@CooperationIsKey: Russian and Korean both have their difficulties, but I have a lot of fun learning them! If you know some German from when you were younger then I think it could be possible for you to pick up things more quickly once you refresh your memory. Well, that makes sense to me at least, I'm not really an expert on these things :viosweat:

It's easy to get distracted from reading, but I try to fully focus on it when I do it for that reason. No interruptions, no stopping and starting again, just one solid block of time spent on reading. I used to be a pretty big Kpop fan, but now I mostly just listen to the songs. I also listen to non-Kpop Korean songs more than I used to. I need to try looking up more Russian music too to be honest. It feels so easy to find Korean songs I like, but it seems I'm picky when it comes to Russian music. Yeah, incorporating the language you're learning into things you do anyway is always a good thing to try from what I've heard.

For games, I mostly play Nintendo games nowadays. I was addicted to New Horizons when it came out, but I barely play it now. Aside from that, I've been playing games like Splatoon 2, Super Mario 3D All-Stars (all three games), Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Aside from that, some games/series I like but haven't been been playing much recently are Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon games, Stardew Valley, Pokémon games (I should really get New Pokémon Snap though), Pikmin games, and so on.


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/13 00:54:13 )

Well that's kind of the dream, right, being able to do what you love for work, too? That's really awesome. :)

That's what I'm thinking: theoretically I have the like, connections in my brain from childhood that should make learning the language properly a little easier?

Honestly I may have to look up some Russian music now; I'm curious. I've listened to Japanese music before (mostly because of anime, admittedly) so why not? :) And maybe I should look up some German music, now I think of it. o3o

I haven't had a gaming console since the original NES, lol. So I can't say I get to play much Nintendo, though I want to! Especially Animal Crossing and Link's Awakening. I mostly play PC-based games, or at least ones available on PC. Minecraft is probably the one I've sunk the most hours into. And Stardew Valley is so cute! But boy is it a time sink; it's hard to pull myself away from so I don't boot it up very often, lol.


Donator — Female Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/13 00:55:46 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Mostly Art, create characters, draw my characters, RP my characters with Colin (if you look in the RP forum, that's obvious, lol), play my switch, watch Youtube and sleep. Lol.

I'm not super interesting.
But I like to think my characters are XD

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/13 01:57:28 )

@Amber Lynne: Creating and developing characters is one of my favorite pastimes. And woohoo YouTube and sleep! That's how honestly too much of my time is spent too, lol.

Please ping me!

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/13 02:07:09 )
Moody Says. . .


@CooperationIsKey: yeah tho not easy at all.
currently been burnt out i think so i've just ended up playing games for weeks on end LOL

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

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