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Posted in Ruby's Logbook - Needs Updating Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Ruby: Ok darlin. You have quite the list there and I am sorry it took so long. This is what I know I have that I can get rid of. I do have items I am looking for as well. So I do prefer trading, but eh in the end I am easy to negotiate with :)

Bride of death x 3
Groom of death x 2
Cheshire cabaret x 2
Fabled beauty 1
Magnificent inspector 2
Night light 1
Harlequin 3
Nifty nurse 1
Hanami 2
Dreams of delight 2
Synthwave 2
Botanist 2
Dual tones slick hair
Dual toned styled hair
Year of rooster, monkey, dog
Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@LilMissKushy: yes and no. He has school, allegedly as he would if he were in a brick and mortar school, yet it is nothing like as if he were attending in person. he has 2 teachers, facilitators really. and he has a learning management system he logs into which has his classes aka some activities, but mostly reading, responding, and reviewing. Not a lot of education going on. I have taken it upon myself, to essentially supplement his education. I look forward to his future and upcoming assignments. I then scour the internet for free resources to help teach him the information he needs to know. I also make sure that the teaching method is more akin to his learning style. that is why before school started I made a post for those who are parents on here and I was going to share resources but nobody responded. I spend probably 10 hrs a week looking for various educational materials which are in line with state expectations and standards as well as my own standards.

@Totalanimefan: it gives me hope when I hear you talking about how much of a blessing your move was. my partner and I are looking to move and I am nervous but excited.
Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@LilMissKushy: my kiddo is great. Was a rough spot with the transition to virtual school but i now have my whole house on a clipboard task management system. My schoolwork was suffering but i can turn it around. How bout you lil lady?

@GodsandPunks: hey shoog! So good to see you down in these parts. Glad uni is going well. Did you ever figure out if you hit high enough?

@Totalanimefan: hey total! How you been?
Posted in Ruby's Logbook - Needs Updating Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Ruby: you are so welcome! I would love that as well. I will hit you up.
Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@LilMissKushy: I feel terrible for not seeing you there on your bean bag chair! What's new what's shaking what's up?
Posted in Ruby's Logbook - Needs Updating Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Ruby: OMG your art is fantastic! I am working on homework right now but when I get a chance I will look through my items and see if I have any of those items for you.
Posted in among us Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Bean: I want to play but would rather play with people I know. I have heard great things about it. How do you prefer to play?
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Micki Chiba: oh that just doesn't sound very appealing at all. I think it is time I break out my emulator and put away my league of legends. Esp since I am not so great at league lol
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Micki Chiba: omg i was unaware of 4! What's dragon quarter? I appreciate the warning. Now just curious.
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Micki Chiba: OMG you also like BoF2? ahhhh.....I do love Nina and of course they paid homage to Bleu and I enjoyed her as well. I always enjoyed Kat. She was mouthy and tough with a whaaaapap LOL
Posted in Questions about the bundle Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@LilMissKushy: my injections take time to get in my system, what I take now is to maintain. I will PM you more. :) all is well though
Posted in Questions about the bundle Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@LilMissKushy: I am doing ok. About to wake up my kiddo and then honestly, I may take a nap. Last night was rough because I am behind on my injections and so eh but otherwise all is well. :P
Posted in Questions about the bundle Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@LilMissKushy: hugs. Hru today?
Posted in It's a miracle guys Posted 4 years ago
🌈 To my boy, all that energy so vital
Love your hues and your blues in equal measure
Your comings and your goings-away
My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze🌈

@Anarchist Beauty: hahaha yes! Now let's see who is really underneath this avatar lol I wanna watch Scoob now....or something murdery lol