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@Totalanimefan: ah... I didn't even notice. I swear my typing + grammar skills have gone down in the last several years.
@0v7: Hello! I'm trying to decide what to do with my time today since I took the day off. I was going to shoot some costumes, but I don't really feel like dealing with a wig right now, so I figured maybe fashion pictures instead?
@Shadami: Spooky story game where you get sacrificed...

@Shadami: Mint + pumpkin is not a combo I have ever considered.... I thought cinnamon ice cream and pumpkin would taste good / classic.

@Shadami: mmmmm that sounds good. I haven't had mint ice cream in ages...
@Totalanimefan: Thai tea is something like a really rich blend of black tea. Matcha usually refers to the powdered green teas.

@Shadami: See, but if you plan for the regrets, like having a cup of hot cocoa ready, it's a win-win situation >:D

@Shadami: It tastes really good in the moment.... you just regret it after the fact lol

@Totalanimefan: It was so good... that tea ice cream -drools-
Overwatch and small mmo!

I just finished eating and had ice cream after and now I'm freezing and slightly regret my choices.

@Totalanimefan: Just work. Realized I did my calculations wrong so my numbers were a lot worse than they actually were lol Also doing dailies for another game for their halloween event. Yourself?
Posted in jack-o-lantern ideas! Posted 4 years ago

@icedchai: Agreed! I watched the first one and I think I watched part of the S version.
Posted in jack-o-lantern ideas! Posted 4 years ago

@icedchai: exactly why I say she'd be hilarious! The perfect pumpkin head for her blanket lol
Posted in jack-o-lantern ideas! Posted 4 years ago

If you've ever watched Himouto! Umaru-chan, I think an Umaru pumpkin would be hilarious... but that's just me.

@Totalanimefan: I like the term "realistic" lol Dunno if wisdom is really the right term here

@selenite: lol impeding doom. That's just life in general though.

@selenite: hmmm I've never seen a tornado before, so I couldn't say... whenever I think of green and green lights, I usually think of radioactive waste, even though I don't think radioactive waste necessarily looks green lol

@Totalanimefan: Yep everyone's situation is different and the you can always make the best of it! Doesn't hurt to have love and support from people around you though :3

@selenite: If there's so much stuff in the air where the sky is green, you probably shouldn't be outside lol Usually stuff in the sky makes the sky red/orange though I think?