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Ikr? I had so many plans...
-does a sad synchronized dance-
It's gonna be May :(
Morning glory~
Yeah, I woke up at 9 instead of 12 so that feels like an accomplishment
It's almost noon here too, but technically still morning haha
Gooood morning, I managed to awake at a reasonable hour lol
CSP ready to make me scream! This is why I do vector art. Nice, stable lines. I really should give csp's vector lines a chance I guess :[
I'll just be miserable the first week or so. I'll get back into the swing of it eventually haha
My sleeping schedule is so so off. I don't know how I'm going to be able to get up at 8 in the morning again ]:
I mean, as a teaching tool? maybe??? But it feels more along the lines of tragic crafting.
You know, I've got nothing against artists taking advantage of trends but selling plush/patterns of the coronavirus seems mmm... not great
A lot of system is set up for factory jobs that don't exist anymore and it most certainly is set up to keep middle class and lower exactly that. Education has always been the barrier to equality and the super rich know that.
I mean, look at our school system. It's not surprising we don't learn anything from history XP