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Not to mention the whole m-preg naga fiasco on y!gallery
They were very into Snape from Harry Potter, had a very chibi style, and didn't take criticism well. Like, AT ALL. Again, pretty young. They got harassed a lot by trolls. A lot. Like, prime 4-chan fodder. Made multiple accounts to try and get away from it
Oh geez, well, if you kill some time look her up
You don't remember snapesnogger?
I don't think she was perfect. But she was young. And I think it got blown out of waaay proportion and into a witchhunt
I followed the snapesnogger drama for awhile

I miss some of it. Some of the drama... oof
The worst I got da was weird requests. But I was never very popular lol
DA was wild
I remember the Scandinavia and the world fandom more lol
Just kinda observed it like an iceberg in the night
It wasn't a fandom I was ever into
My sympathies