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@Totalanimefan: it was hit or miss last night for a while, but i got a call saying the outage was officially over so it's all good now!

@wildfire: Yeah, no kidding. it's definitely something i took for granted.
@Wildfire: our internet is back today thank goodness!!!!!! it's so nice to be at my computer and not be limited to offline games. i didn't realize how much i missed just having the option of talking to people and playing online games.
@CooperationIsKey: i hope it's up soon too. my husband and i have been bred out of our minds this weekend without internet. we've been sleeping a lot to pass the time. We just got to our old roommates' apartment and are leeching the wifi for a bit to download a few episodes of things for tomorrow. I'm hoping it will be back tomorrow, but chances are slim, i think.
@totalanimefan: I ended up quilting most of Wednesday night, then Thursday and Friday I pretty much slept all day. Today I went to Walmart and right now I'm at home hoping my phone will work well enough to post this. We are safe, just no internet. Power is on though, thankfully.

I am okay, our power flickered a couple times, but it was fine. However (and the reason I haven't posted) on Thursday around noon(right before I was supposed to go to work) the internet went down. The outage might last through the weekend. Which sucks because its so incredibly boring without internet, but it's nice cause no work and I believe I'm getting paid for the time gone. Also spectrum should be giving us a big credit for it being out for so long. So that's nice. My phone has shoddy signal at the house so I'm actually at Walmart sitting in my car right now as I write this out. We might be going to our friends apartment tonight though since they have internet.
@Totalanimefan: lol yes ma'am! Haha

I know, it's crazy how bad it is, but also that it could be worse!
@Wildfire: yes, definitely. And yeah, thankfully it's not too bad yet, but I know it will get a bit worse later.

I'm still hoping that the power stays on, at least until I get my quilt done. I'm so close to being done but right now I have a LOT of pins in it and I have several more to add before I can run it through my Machine to quilt it.

Also I need to charge phone before the storm hits just in case.
Posted in Hey There, Just Joined! Posted 2 years ago
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@Totalanimefan: @Wildfire: my mother in law just sent me a picture one of her coworkers daughters friends took from her 3rd floor of the neighbor's house and the water is up to the roof in fort Meyers. Pretty intense.

I'm glad Tampa is doing okay, but I feel so worried for Fort Meyers and the surrounding coastal cities. It's so intense. It's been raining off and on here with a bit of wind. We probably won't get much until tomorrow morning
@CooperationIsKey: I'm glad to hear you've moved further in land. It's important, and i really hope your roommate and the pets are going to be okay. I'm worried about you and @Wildfire: because of where you guys are. By the time it hits me it should be around a 1 or even may have slowed to just a tropical storm, so no real worries for me.
@Totalanimefan: it is soon. And if it weren't for this dang hurricane it would have been this weekend!!!! i just found out that my aunt in law and her husband were supposed to fly in thursday morning! So much for that! But it's okay, she's being tolerable this week, at least. Also i'm sure that just means that they'll be coming down a few days later than expected.
@Totalanimefan: yes, thankfully. I'm thinking it will be one or two more weeks now. Thankfully my work schedule being what it is makes the week go by really fast, which is nice.
@Wildfire: Yeah, i'm in the sandford/deltona area. I still worry more about my car than myself lol

I just checked the forecast and it looks like it has sped up so it will probably hit florida around tuesday night. We're hoping that it won't be too bad and the power won't be affected. My mother in law said she can't do cold showers and no air. The air comment amused me since the house has consistently been at 78 all summer. Tyi and i will be fine without ac since our office gets well over 78 at night because we have big computers and monitors that are basically like space heaters, but i'm more concerned about work since i work from home. I'm hoping it ends up ok without power or internet loss for us, or even if either go, i hope they get fixed by Thursday or Friday.
@CooperationIsKey: as someone who didn't grow up here, married to someone who did, i understand your anxiety and frustration. I felt that way myself when i went through my first couple hurricanes. But i quickly learned that while everyone panic buys the water and panic buys everything else, the biggest issue is probably the uncertainty of what's actually going to happen. I always get really anxious about how my car is going to handle the storm, because we don't have a garage that we can park it in. I think you're justified in being worried, but also as someone who's lived in florida her whole life, she's justified in not being too worried. My husband and i aren't too concerned right now, but we're keeping an eye on the storm to see how it's developing and where it's predicted to go. That cone of uncertainty is really no joke because it really could go anywhere within that cone. Bottom line, the best way i'd handle your anxiety is to do what you feel you need to do to be prepared. If that's planning a "hurricane party that could turn into the hurricane didn't hit us party," then so be it. Other wise what spider said is pretty good advice.

Also depending on where you are in florida will also determine just how anxious you really need to be, and also know that just because the broadcast today says it could hit your area, doesn't mean that it will say that tomorrow. The closer the storm is, the better the meteorologists are at predicting where it's going. For example, tuesday and wednesday are when i'm going to really be watching the forecasts because that's when it's currently estimated to hit florida. Yesterday it said it would be Wednesday, but it's a slow moving storm.