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Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 05:11:30 )
@Yuracye: Yeah! I didn't think I'd enjoy at all hiking up mountains, but once I did it, it was actually pretty nice!.
It's really tough and takes a long time too and I don't think I want to do it again any time soon xD
5 years is amazing ! :o wow..though it's never too late!
Ahhh same here.I used to take more but... I haven't been happy with my appearance so I don't take selfies except for snapchats

Ahh I hope it was fun! I would've gotten back to you earlier tired these days =w="
Oh are not careful creatures...
Yeah that does sound like dehydration! It's really important to drink extra on hot days since the water leaves our bodies way faster...

There are some books but I didn't like the uh cover photos so I will be starting a project to make my own quirky and fun cat owner book with useful tips. We deserve a funny helpful book bout owning a cat!

Yeah it's sad how that usually happens... Luckily, although it's not often, my highschool group still talk and get together to talk about how we are and so on.
Ahh ;u; as long as it works for you! Talking online can be just as useful as talking offline ^^

Yeah same here... but she was rash and it didn't go too well.. ;u; but hey MAYBE she'll be back one day? As surprise ?? :0
Yesss. It is so cute my heart can barely handle it... Chocolate thunder and baby girl...

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 04:13:12 )
I didn't even know I didn't reply to this??

@kjemi: Same here! I couldn't really talk much because I was exhausted and sweaty, but I did have fun the one time I did do it! I really hate bugs too, so I feel like that would deter me from walking around too. I'm like a magnet for mosquitos. x ___ x ;;
I suppose so. The most of the scrapbook would be tickets and stuff. That's about it.
I really only like selfies when they have a cute filter. xD Otherwise I don't really take normal selfies. rip.

It's fine! My reply was super late too. D;
Kids are just... kids.

Ah, really? q vq Maybe it is? Is it normal to black out like that though?
I've had times where I'd be walking around for like 15 minutes and get dizzy.

Oh? The cover photos weren't good? o ___ o Was the content good though? That's what really matters. ;;
There should be! I'm sure there's one out there, but I don't really look at cat books to know. n ___n ;

I've tried to talk and make plans with certain people, but others I didn't really talk through text with any of them, so it makes sense.
I still have a few of them added on Facebook, though I don't talk to them, I just look at their posts when they post.

I haven't seen any signs yet, but eh.
RIP ME. My fiance hopped on and started watching it with me and he loves to two of them. xD Any time they call each other he just laughs quietly. xD

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 02:23:53 )
@Yuracye: haha xD I figured as's hard to keep track sometimes...
Ugh...bugs are the bad part of nature, the one I'd also like to avoid :c and mosquitos....ew... but let me tell you something
I wasn't bit even once... I didn't even SEEE a mosquito this year. I legit thought they went extinct or something because I never saw one during the whole summer.... it was so weird
That'd be cute though! And adding like a small text on what you remember about that day
Cute filters are the best though...create lots of confidence and cute-ness

I usually have trouble sleeping but I feel like I could fall asleep any moment now ahhhh =u= are kids... my friend recently started working with them and she told me some interesting stories.

I think if your body doesn't get enough water that you pass out :0 specially if you're doing something physical like walking and stuff. It just becomes too much...but I am no doctor x-x

Well I didn't actually read the books xD but you are right, the content is the most important part.... ahh now I really want to make a real project in creating a book bout cat care and random cat facts with funny and cute pictures....

Ahh yeah ;u; I know how that is fun to see where others have ended up though! :0 like some people from my highschool years got kids filling 2 years and I just "but we're both 20... how "

Omg yesss Morgan and Penelope friendship club is now created and will spread its wings as the members grow!

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 17:48:22 )
@kjemi: Yeah, I usually go all the way to my bookmarked threads on the bottom and then work my way up, but I guess I managed to miss this one....

Some bugs are good... like bumblebees, and ones that eat decomposition, I guess. q vq ;;;
WHATT? REALLY? I mean, I didn't really go out all summer, but I still got under 10 bug bites because family is always like "COME EAT OUTSIDE FOR THIS BBQ." And it's really annoying. x ___ x
Maybe they're dying down in your area? /wheeze. That would be nice. xD

Yeah, it would! I mean, some of them are like 5 years ago, but it's still something. Remembering the date would be hard unless they were already there. > > ;;;
I wish we took more pictures as a couple, but then I'm also glad we don't. Idk. I feel like it's so cheesy to take a picture while eating dinner or looking through a museum. I'm there for the content, not to take a picture of myself.
I LOVE FILTERS OMG. My fiance hates them though, so I generally don't send him any. > > ;;

I guess it depends on the day. If I'm too stressed out, then it takes me longer to sleep, but I eventually build up so much stress and then I pass out that way. xD Or this week has been the first week of my new job and while I'm not doing much, I'm still exhausted.
Hahaha. I have tons of stories too. xD Literally when I was working with the two year olds, this girl was trying to potty train and she... well she wasn't really good at it. So she needed to pee and squat down outside and peed on the floor. I just...Yeah, that was that.

Ah, maybe. But I don't feel thirsty? Like I'm pretty sure there's times where I have drunk throughout the day and then I start feeling nauseous so I don't want to drink more water and then it hits.
Idk, maybe I'm just not drinking as much as I need? I just feel like it's weird.

RIGHT? That would be so awesome!!

It's super weird, to be honest. In my senior year there was one girl who was pregnant and due within like 2 months. So, I wonder how she's doing. I really wonder what a lot of people are up to. > > ;;
I think that's why I like when I'm on Facebook and I can see all this stuff. Q VQ !!
LMAO. I like to see when people have kids though. ;;; Or that they're doing well.

Omg. xD
They really are perfect together though. Like. honestly.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/4 20:13:55 )
@Yuracye: Oh that's smart... I look at my bookmarks real quick..there aren't many xD and I don't always write in anything since I don't have that many conversations to keep up with most of the time

Ahh yess bumblebees and bees and.. well I suppose spiders are good too...they eat other bugs...but they're scary
Yeah, and like the worst part is my friends had gotten bitten and complained but I just...nothing. And I went out! I took lots of walks and everything... o-o

5 that's a long time ago xD Remember would be a miracle....
Oh yeah I can totally understand. It's embarrassing to take pictures and specially in public places.... people stare D:
Omg that's so sad D: that he doesn't like filters...The ugly ones are so great... or the ones that give you a pink glittery beard. It's everything anyone could ever dream of.

That makes sense.. I mean eventually your body is gonna just have to stop working xD still it can take a while of restless nights with stress ;u;
Ahh how is it though? Do you think you'll like it there? How are the car rides? Ahh I can only imagine how exhausting it must be trying to get used to the new routines and everything.
Woah...woah...woah... that's... wow... ok I couldn't work with that omg I just couldn't clean that up omg...

It is weird and I think when you're dehydrated you don't even feel that thirsty. i don't at least and I drink like half the ammount we are supposed to drink... TuT

It isss! Actually my first year in highschool, a girl got pregnant there. She was so skinny and not a very nice person... I wonder how her kid is doing o-o her mom was one of those movie popular girls, y'know?
It is nice to see what people are up to on FB and who got kids and all that. Weirdly enough no one from my middleschool days post anything o-o at least anything that I can see... I wonder what they're doing.

They aaaree. Soul friends for ever that will make people happy together

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Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/7 21:20:43 )
@kjemi: I have just barely a page worth now. q vq ;; I deleted some of the game threads that I don't post in any more.
I like that I don't have too many though, since I'm not able to get online often with the long ride. ;;;

Not wasps though, you can just replace all the wasps with bumblebees and we're good. |D
I don't like spiders at all. /shudders. Ladybugs eat aphids too, which eat plants. q vq ;;
But bats eat insects and stuff, so for them to survive we would need bugs. Not sure what else though. orz.

Yeah. Doesn't help that my memory isn't too good anyway. orz.
EXACTLY. That's mainly whey I don't take pictures. Part of me is annoyed when people take pictures, and the other half is jealous because I want to take pictures but I don't want the staring? You know?
Hahahaha. I like the cutesy ones!! They make me look good when I feel like crap. xD

I love my new job! TT u TT It's so much better than my last one. I love the people- they invited me right away.
The car rides take awhile, but I'm going to start bringing my switch and playing on the ride there and back so it's not as long. We've been looking at apartments that are closer, but I don't know if we'll be able to afford them. orz.
Yeah.... I'm so not looking forward to having children and needing to potty train them. x ___ x ;;

I know I don't drink nearly enough. I drink the 12 oz water bottle or whatever, and you're supposed to drink like 8 of those or something, idk. I'd constantly need to go to the bathroom. I already go 2-3 not during prep/lunch, so I don't want to do that.
= ____ =

Oh my gosh. REALLY? At 14/15 years old?? That's ridiculous. q ___ q
I wonder how they're doing also. She probably needed to get her GED later in life, which honestly just sounds horrible...
A lot of people don't really post much from what I've seen. o ___ o It's a lot of older people who post more.

I heard a spoiler about Criminal minds... and I really hope it's not right. > >;;;;;;

TH | dA

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