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This is a game I used to play when I just needed some mindless posting on gaia back around 2007 I think. I don't think the game even exists over there anymore, but I enjoyed it. So I've decided to make my own here for the undercurrent. You're welcome to join me, and even suggest new categories. The point of the game is to answer each question in separate posts, even the multiple part questions in separate posts. It's a nearly impossible quiz, and pretty never-ending possibilities. I'm going to add parts as I go. Enjoy ! :D (feel free to put conversation in each post as well so that you can get more volts per post!)
Part One: Who are you?
1) Spell out your username in separate posts
2) When did you join Voltra?
3) Do you play Pokemon Go?
4) Do you like Harry Potter?
5) How many Volts
are you currently at? How many Ohms?
6) What is your favorite voltra smiley?
7) Do you have a favorite NPC here? Spell out their name in separate posts.
8) Have you ever written a book?
9)Is this your first avatar site?
10) Did you think this first section is easy so far?
11) How would you describe yourself?
12) What are some of your hobbies?
13) Anything else you want to share?
14) Just so we don't end on question 13 incase anyone is superstitious let's add an alphabet game! What's the first thing you think of for each letter of the alphabet, put it in seperate posts.
Part Two: Favorites:
1) Color
2) number
3) word
4) video game
5) book/author
6) YouTube channel
7) movie
8) television show
9) system
10) TCG
11) clothing
12) food
13) Drink
14) toy
Part Three: Numbers
1) count to your favorite number in separate posts
2) count backwards from 100 in separate posts
3) count to 26 with a backwards alphabet and put a name for each number letter combo. (1-Z, Zeus Y-2, Yeomin, Yancy)
4) how many bookshelves do you own?
5) how many televisions?
6) what is your least favorite number?
7) do you believe in the superstition of 13?
8) do you believe in lucky 7s?
9) what is the tale of a superstitious number to you?
Part Four: The Alphabet Game
Coming Soon
Part One: Who are you?
1) Spell out your username in separate posts
2) When did you join Voltra?
3) Do you play Pokemon Go?
4) Do you like Harry Potter?
5) How many Volts

6) What is your favorite voltra smiley?
7) Do you have a favorite NPC here? Spell out their name in separate posts.
8) Have you ever written a book?
9)Is this your first avatar site?
10) Did you think this first section is easy so far?
11) How would you describe yourself?
12) What are some of your hobbies?
13) Anything else you want to share?
14) Just so we don't end on question 13 incase anyone is superstitious let's add an alphabet game! What's the first thing you think of for each letter of the alphabet, put it in seperate posts.
Part Two: Favorites:
1) Color
2) number
3) word
4) video game
5) book/author
6) YouTube channel
7) movie
8) television show
9) system
10) TCG
11) clothing
12) food
13) Drink
14) toy
Part Three: Numbers
1) count to your favorite number in separate posts
2) count backwards from 100 in separate posts
3) count to 26 with a backwards alphabet and put a name for each number letter combo. (1-Z, Zeus Y-2, Yeomin, Yancy)
4) how many bookshelves do you own?
5) how many televisions?
6) what is your least favorite number?
7) do you believe in the superstition of 13?
8) do you believe in lucky 7s?
9) what is the tale of a superstitious number to you?
Part Four: The Alphabet Game
Coming Soon