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Forums General Chit-Chat Medication Alergy

Voltie — Cat Queen Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/31 13:36:45 )
Just about a week and a half ago i experienced a medication allergy to my new anti-anxiety med "Buspar" it made my throat itchy, made me super sad and panicky along with other things but those are graphic. It took a week for the symptoms to go away (the itching) and another week to heal properly. Never again D:! My mouth was so swollen.

TBH, i was thinking "its just stress, take your meds!" and it followed into a vicious cycle and fast forward to a month later. yep, im that dumb.

Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/2 19:59:05 )
@OpalDeerling: Well, the thought you had towards what was happening was normal. A lot of people would have said the same thing. I had a bad reaction to Seroquil (er...however the eff you spell it). It wasn't an allergic reaction but it just messed with me. I became extremely violent and enraged. I only took it once. I have an allergy to Percocet. I got hives and I became very itchy.

I've never heard of Buspar before. Hmm. Well, I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope you can find a different med in its stead.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/2 22:34:25 )
Oh, geez. That sounds like the worst thing!

I'm allergic to vicodin, which is a painkiller. Makes me horrifically ill to my stomach. Found that out after I got my wisdom teeth out and spent a week suffering and thinking I was feeling sick because of the pain @_@
Luna Chandra
Please let me exchange goods and/or services for art. <3

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/3 17:40:04 )
I had that with Iboprophen. I was taking it against a migraine, just to get a headache because I was allergic to Iboprophen...

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