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Forums Serious Talk Having friends who you don't trust

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/28 10:00:28 )
So this is going to be a long story. Buckle up everyone.

I have two friends in college. I have others, but these two I see and talk to daily. They are my "closest" friends that attend the same school as me. I'll call them "D" and "J" because it'll make things faster and easier. I met D my freshman year. We were roommates. We got along great, basically the same person. We never got into fights and it was all good. So we decided to live together our sophomore year.

Now, I don't really know what went wrong, maybe it was my fault (it probably was). Our sophomore year we lived with two other girls. They were dirty and irresponsible which caused tension in the apartment. Early on in our sophomore year D got a boyfriend. Now, at first I supported it but they moved really fast. Like she was basically living with him after their first date. I voiced my opinions about it because if I don't like something I will tell you. She said she was grown and could do what she wanted. So that was that. I told her I didn't feel comfortable with him staying over at our place during the night. She said she would respect that. (He lived a few doors down in a single bedroom apartment).

So after she started dating this guy, her personality did a complete 180. She was glued to him 24/7 and wouldn't do anything without his approval basically. After a few months of this I sat down and talked to her, saying I felt like I was losing my best friend and that she had changed. She didn't see it that way so I dropped it. Well things got tense because of the other roommates and D being someone I didn't know.

Fast forward to spring semester of sophomore year. D and I were doing homework and talking. I was saying how I couldn't wait for everyone to leave for spring break so that I could be by myself. She took this, I don't even know how, and got up and left, saying she was going for a walk. She didn't seem upset at the time or even say she was. It started raining and she never came back so I figured, like she usually did, that she was at her boyfriends place.

After that night she completely avoided me with no reason. She wouldn't talk to me or look at me. We had all the same classes and sat by each other but she didn't after that. Soon the other roommates wouldn't talk to me either. This left me completely alienated in every sense of the word. This caused me to have a mental breakdown. I couldn't go to class because she was there and I didn't want to be at home because it felt like a suffocating prison. I was walking on broken glass.

I went to a therapist after this. He advised me that I shouldn't continue my friendship with her anymore. But I didn't take his advice. I reached out to her. I wanted to know why she was acting this way. When we talked she said it was because I didn't like her boyfriend and I was being rude and the night she left and it started raining I didn't check on her. I explained to her that I didn't know she was upset or out in the rain.

We mended our friendship, sort of. J is D's best friend from highschool and she also started going to our college. Junior year we started talking. After a while she confessed that she had hated me the year before because D bad mouthed me so much. This hurts me even today to think about. It aggravates me because D claims that if she has a problem she tells the person. She never told me. She also keeps up a "holier than thou" appearance and "abstinance" around me when I know she's been intimate with her boyfriend since the second month they were together. I'm not judging, just upset that she lies to my face about it.

So J and I became friends my Junior year. We talk about D's boyfriend, we both hate him because he's a controlling a-hole. D doesn't see it but we all do. So D, J, and I were sitting and talking. D admits that if I pissed her off she would sneak her bf in at night into the apartment, even though she knew it would make me uncomfortable. she claimed she did this to get back at me, even though I never knew.

J and I were talking one time and she admitted that they would talk about me behind my back and that D would show her boyfriend messages of when I was going through rough stuff with a past boyfriend. She showed him private stuff. I've made it a point never to text her about anything besides school or something that I wouldn't mind being shared to the world.

But knowing that they both talk about me... it's like. whenever they are alone together I can't help but wonder if they are quietly talking about me when I'm in the next room or something....

I don't know where I was going with this. I just wanted to get it out there I guess...

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 05:47:08 )
That's just entirely wrong. If you can just try to unassociate yourself with them. She shouldn't be sharing your private stuff for one and it's just wrong to go behind your back and do something you have already said makes you feel uncomfortable just out of spite.
She just needs to grow up. And come to her senses apparently.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 06:27:26 )
@Burntcicle: I have tried to ckind of fade out of their life but its hard when we have the same classes and they always talk to me and stuff. I know I should be more strong willed but I'm not.

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 06:41:42 )
Situations like that can be hard to avoid, so do whst you can for now and maybe just say hey i don't want to talk to you anymore or if you're not comfortable doing that cause i know i wouldn't be, just walk away or side track yourself

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 06:45:10 )
@Burntcicle: it makes me feel like I'm a bad person :c like... I don't know. I know I probably shouldn't feel bad for terminating a friendship but...

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 06:50:35 )

Nobody deserves to live so uncomfortably. You should be able to go to class or go home without feeling like you have to "steel" yourself, for lack of a better word.

Honestly, friends are supposed to be people you can trust and count on for anything. It's a symbiotic relationship. But if someone will badmouth you (in ways beyond the small things that usually happen between friends) to the point that other people treat you differently, play mind games with you, or otherwise make you miserable, then I'm sorry but they are definitely not your friend.

[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 06:52:40 )
@Vii: yes. That is what my therapist said more or less.. And I wish I could see it that way but I dont know. I feel like a terrible person if I think about not being their friend.

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 06:56:08 )
@Taemins Lover: They aren't your friends. It's quite literally as simple as that. They're just people you know. And you know the kinds of people they are. And you can choose not to associate yourself with those kinds of people. You owe them nothing.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:08:42 )
@Alia Starchild: but. Idk. I'm just. Like. In my mind it makes sense. It hurts my heart though.

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:17:16 )
@Taemins Lover: And they'll use that against you. They're being parasites. They're using you and your better nature. They're toxic and you should remove them from your life.

Again, you owe them nothing. If they're just going to use you, they're cancer, cut them out of your life.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:25:40 )
@Alia Starchild: Easier said than done. I just... I don't know. I only have one more semester with them. I'd rather just tough it out and then have our lives go in separate paths...

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:30:30 )
@Taemins Lover: Oh it sucks, trust me, I know. But you'll be stronger for it if you make the leap yourself.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:39:14 )
@Alia Starchild: I am a weak child

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:41:36 )
@Taemins Lover: You are not, you are a strong child who's just having some trouble finding her strength. There's nothing shameful about that. *Hugs*

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:42:58 )
@Alia Starchild: Q~Q it's just really hard. Because I mean... I'm kind of like an afterthought and it sucks... Like they pick each other over me if there is any kind of pairing off

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:48:04 )
@Taemins Lover: Like I said, I get it, it's not an easy think to cut people out of your life. But it sounds like they're already doing half of the job for you. You deserve better friends, sweetie. You're a charming, funny young woman. :3

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:50:26 )
@Alia Starchild: I have a cat. He's my friend

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 07:51:36 )
@Taemins Lover: He's a good start, but he's not exactly the most engaging conversationalist I'm sure. ;3

23 ♥ Female ♥ Pansexual ♥ Single
I am, to put it mildly, an incorrigible pervert. If I make you uncomfortable, please let me know.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 08:03:57 )
@Alia Starchild: He's a good baby

Donator — She/Buns Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/29 09:50:21 )

This like this are never, ever ever easy to deal with. Cutting people out of your life is so hard. Doing what is best for yourself can be so hard.
you need to ask yourself is it worth your time, mental health and physical health to stay friends with these people?
They aren't your friends. Friends do not treat each other that way.
Alia is so right.
They are incredibly toxic and you need to be free of them.
There's no reason to stay friends just because you've spent time being friends.
You are strong. And you need to believe that.
You can do this, you can take charge and make things better for yourself.


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