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Forums Serious Talk Ethics of Relational Communication

Donator — Artist Posted 6 months ago ( 2024/02/4 13:01:19 )
What are your thoughts with relational communication, and your experiences with it? Good or negative can go here, as I’m posting it in serious talk. I understand everyone has their own opinions / expression, yet I know one can feel very distressed and overwhelmed when already drowning in a terrifying crowded space. Please just speak the best you can from where you are at right now.

This thread is for me and others to remember they are not alone. I am fighting the best I can to finish coordinating my trauma ( which was actually my whole life rushing towards me I felt I was going to die ), and have plans to see my psychologist soon.

I also, like any community I am in, have viewed Voltra as a place I can just relax and call home — so it makes sense to write this ; anxiety and terror for a long length of time can affect one’s brain to the point of severe fracture.

Donator — Medical Biller Posted 6 months ago ( 2024/02/6 05:56:25 )
Hola @Jessamine: , can you please explain what is relational communication? Is that the same as relationship communication? If, so are you asking relationship communication dealing with family, partners, friends, or coworkers?

I'm looking to buy Vanora's Memories, pleaseš“ƒµ

Donator — he/him/theirs Posted 5 months ago ( 2024/02/13 15:02:21 )
@Jessamine: Hey there, I appreciate this thread and the words you've shared! If I'm interpreting them correctly I think I have some reflections to contribute.

For a long time I had the impression of myself that I am a good communicator, that I could understand my feelings well and explain their nuances. While I still feel this is true in many ways and that I am good at analyzing and objectively discussing my emotions, I think I've learned this comes at a cost of sometimes talking about emotions without emotion if that makes sense. In my current romantic relationship, communication is a very big struggle and much of that seems due to both my ADHD and wordiness, paired with my partner's CPTSD from extensive childhood trauma. We are also both at challenging points of our lives. It's so true how prolonged stress and anxiety can weigh heavily on the brain, and I think prioritizing good communication in one's support system can help mitigate those factors, but it is by no means as easily done as it is said.

Do you have any specific circumstances in your life at present that you'd like to share which have you thinking about relational communication? And I hope that if you've been able to see your psychologist since posting, it has been helpful

Donator — Artist Posted 4 months ago ( 2024/03/15 05:18:07 )
Hey, Qiqi and toe. Thanks for responding. I have been suffering for two years and feeling unsafe in my own home, yet I am thinking and communicating with the fragments of my life in a clearer cut coordination of moving mountains in my traumatic brain injury.

Relational communication is when people express relatable things in their own life -- to then communicate to someone else. Examples include songs which people can listen to and that gives them the strength and hope to recover from trauma. There have been many many moments when the relational communication turned very violent and passive aggressive, which perpetuates my feeling of paranoia and danger and endlessly needing to feel like I have to protect myself, including a musician who I used to like from afar and a friend I talk to ; it's quite complicated with the friend. I wrote a general premise of : people can see and hear what other people are up to, when they are experiencing a lot of trauma, and they try to help guide them back to their feet.

I went to a mind body spirit festival, which I got a tarot reading. He sensed I had been through a lot, speaking on my drawn card of five of wands, and also a card like the star.

Donator — Medical Biller Posted 4 months ago ( 2024/03/20 02:54:06 )
0k @Jessamine: . Thank you for explaining it to me. Hopefully, you'll find a safe person and space IRL as well to help you deal with your trauma in a healthy way. It is a journey when dealing with to heal trauma. I know from experiences, and you will still occasionally get trigger

Thank you Ruby for Vanora's Memoriesš“ƒµ
Ensuite, je suis le fantôme de Novembre!

Donator — Artist Posted 4 months ago ( 2024/04/2 08:52:04 )
Thank you :) This is a clearer link on my blog. I know that people probably think I'm pretty crazy on Voltra, with unstable moodswings, yet i was just trying to communicate and also repeating myself to oblivion. I think they are just hoping i'm okay, and just want me to be safe. I may do more art here soon, so i don't drown as badly in my brain.
‘god, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young. I thought I saw you out there crying, woah-oh. I saw a lion kiss a deer, we are all lost stars trying to light up the dark.’ ~ Jungkook. / diary. text. visual. comm.

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