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Forums Welcome Committee Hi I'm very lost, pls help

Donator — She, Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/02/26 19:31:51 )

@Seihou: i find it can help alot!
No, It's called "junk journal", I couldn't remember what it was called at the time. It's basically like a mismatch jounral full of papercrafts things, stickers etc. But I wasn't very good at finding things to put in it etc. So I kinda gave it up haha. Bullet journals are kind fun, I had started one myself but I haven't used it in a while lol. I love seeing how people decorate the pages and stuff on like Instagram and whatnot.

I was homeschooled so my mom actually got me into doing embroidery as sort of like a home ec lesson/elective. But I ended up likeing it and sticking with it. And i get that, sometimes you wanna try something but money isn't always free to actually do it or even time. Yeah trading cards lol, they're actually called artist cards, but since people usually trade them or whatever with others I just call them trading cards lol! I saw in a papercrafts magazine that they used the things you would for papercrafting or even scrapbooking and I thought it was pretty neat instead of actually like drawing, painting them or whatever. Especially since I can't draw or paint haha.


Voltie — (They/She) Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/03/13 00:14:05 )

@Totalanimefan: Ugh, depression kicked my butt again but now I'm doing better, so I'm back I think TuT It does sound like fun, but I have yet to figure out podcast stuff and topics to talk about. I would still like to figure that stuff out eventually O:

@NixieFae: Sorry for not answering for a while, I've had depression and it's made me unmotivated and out of energy, but I'm doing better now!
I've actually wanted to do junk journals, though I haven't thought about that in a while! Back then, I was looking at Goodwill stores and other thrift stores like it for some good old books that I could repurpose for a junk journal project, but I never went through with it because I couldn't find a good one D':

Oh! I get what you're talking about now with the trading card things :'D That would be a cool thing to do, especially if painting or drawing isn't exactly your forte. I should probably look into it more! :D


Donator — She, Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/03/13 00:26:37 )

@Seihou: It's ok, no harm! I'm glad to see your feeling better and that you felt you could come back! :) I know it can be hard to wanna do anything when you have bad days. Do try to remember to be around(if your up for it of course) for the vibrance day event that's coming up soon, You'll get an official notice when it's time lol.

Oh yeah!! I've seen people do the junk journals with an old book, I seen one using an old Jane Austen book and it's theme was kinda surrounded by that time period. It was so neat!! it seems like a fun concept, I would have liked to try it myself if I had stuck with it. Making the trading cards is pretty fun, I like that it's simple and pretty easy to do! Sometimes you can knock out a few at one time or just spend the time making one. I don't really do anything with them myself but I do put them in like a notebook in those sleeve sheets that you use for like pokemon cards etc hah.


Voltie — (They/She) Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/03/16 02:22:16 )

@NixieFae: Vibrance day event? What's that? O:

Ooooh that sounds so cool! Junk journals look so great, I wish I could do something like that someday TuT

And whoa, the trading card idea sounds pretty fun and relatively easy. I like to take pictures of places and stuff, so maybe I can make cards with my pictures O: Not sure, or maybe I might end up making cards for pokemon stuff. Who knows? TuT


Donator — She, Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/03/16 23:09:29 )

@Seihou: I think it's supposed to be the Valentines day/Easter(spring event?) Or something like that, This year will actually be my first time for it as I missed it the last couple years. But I do know that there will be good items to earn! haha even though I wasn't around in the past for the actual event I have some of the past event items and they're all really great.

I think they are cool! but I just never could bring myself to finish one. Maybe someday you'll be able to try your hand at it, You never know.

Oh that would be soo cool! using some of your own photos for trading cards, I never thought of that. I think doing your own Pokémon ones would be cool too

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