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Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/11 22:30:47 )
@FUZZY: Thank you, and I enjoy your cosplay.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/11 23:15:07 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence | Cheerful Companions | Garland Darlin’ | Gi-GNOME-ous | Big Ol’ Jolly | Her Graceful Snow

I feel that way too much. My joints often crack and pop easier which makes it feel like a stabbing pain (and yes, especially when it comes to walking too). My weekend has been well so far, I hope yours has gone well too. Thank you for asking! I have all the event items (except the Ohm-based ones myself). I hope they will sell them so you can get it. <3 I have a few spare 'The Gardener' and 'Shy Poet's which I should sell sometime. ^.^'

I hear yopu there, so far I've been doing okay, the only joint giving me issues is my Right shoulder. Some mornings it hurts so much it's hard to lift my arms up to post. and my apartments warm. I'm thinking that's the only reason The aches and pains actually waited until now to start appearing, cause normally I start aching in october. so its nice to have an extra month before the difficulty in moving shows up. as is at some point I have to go dust the living room and try and fix things. I just...really don't want to. Um yeah it'd be nice to get them I have the gardner Item but not the pose item which i liked some of the items it had. I'm debating on another avi, geared towards thanks giving or christmas I'm not sure 'hums' and Your very welcome. I hope the rest of your weekend goes great. Mine has been good. I've had a nice lazy day of listening to music and reading fanfiction. <:3( )~~


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/12 07:09:18 )
@Rei Ann: ooh I am. And thank you

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/13 01:35:32 )
@FUZZY: Your welcome.

How was everyone's day today? I went to an NFL football game, and I am dead tired.

Artist Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/13 01:38:43 )
@Rei Ann: Oh wow that's cool! How long was it? :o

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/13 01:43:44 )
@Ruby: Well the game went to 1 to 4 something. Buth my bil and my sil are in the marching band for the team, so we left here around 10, to get there around 11 with my mil, to see the siblings in laws play in the band. Then we got to watch navy seals parachute into the standium because it was veterans day weekend.

Artist Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/13 01:46:21 )
@Rei Ann: Whoa that sounds awesome!!! That's cool too that there's a family tie there, makes the game more special :3 Did you have fun?

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/13 01:54:29 )
@Ruby: I did have fun, and we almost won. The team lost at the end, as the other team scored a field goal right as time was ending. So it was pretty entertaining, and we are still ahead of the division.
Rei's Quest
Please ping me.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/13 04:40:02 )
@Rei Ann: I had to go get food, and one of the stores was playing the football game on the radio for all to hear it. My day has been very long, I am trying to relax
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — THEY/M Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/15 10:49:55 )
Glad you are doing okay as you can be, as for the shoulder hurting, that sounds painful. I hope if you are right-handed that you don't feel too terrible to write if you need to. ^.^' Cleaning is the last thing my body wants to do when my joints feel locked up and so I get that. My weekend was exhaustive emotionally and mentally. Sounds like yours faired better though. I've been considering doing gentle stretches every morning again to reduce joint pain for when winter hits full force, would be a nice way to keep my body a little warmer too, I am thinking too that I will regret it if I don't do it now in the future.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/11/15 19:51:00 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence | Cheerful Companions | Garland Darlin&rsquo; | Gi-GNOME-ous | Big Ol&rsquo; Jolly | Her Graceful Snow

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @ahi: I love your avi's face, she's just so cute. and yeah I'm Right handed so it tends to be a pain, I'm hoping this is like the cough i get every year at the begining of winter as my body adjusts 'shakes head' Hope you have a better time.
...hmm i might have to dig up my weights to use them to help build up some muscle along the arm, maybe it'll help. <:3( )~~


Donator — THEY/M Posted 6 months ago ( 2023/11/17 11:48:58 )
That is very kind of you to say, I appreciate it. Oh no! I tend to get a cold or flu at the beginning of autumn or winter myself. Thankfully it isn't like last year. Last year I got sick with COVID for the first time, thankfully, I had enough energy to make a pot of soup that lasted the entirety of my sickness. Didn't lose smell or taste. Just mild headache, very groggy, joint pain was the most annoying, also, feeling slightly out of breath and thank you, I am doing a little better, just need to give my body time to adjust to the cold weather outside.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 months ago ( 2023/11/17 22:09:20 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence | Cheerful Companions | Garland Darlin&rsquo; | Gi-GNOME-ous | Big Ol&rsquo; Jolly | Her Graceful Snow

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @ahi: going through the same thing every winter i end up with a cough, runny nose, sore throat and low energy but its NOT a cold cause no one can catch it 'sigh' and i deal with joint pain all winter, to one degree or another. depends on if I'm going outside and walking in the cold. that tends to make it worse. And your very welcome. <:3( )~~


Donator — THEY/M Posted 6 months ago ( 2023/11/29 13:23:39 )
I would like to apologize that I haven't said anything in a while. I haven't been feeling well and life got very busy, life does tend to get very busy around this time of year. I have exactly as you described at moment (cough, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing sometimes, and low energy) without it being a cold.

I struggle to go outside when it's so cold outside over here. The weather forecast has been predicting snow any day now and it's 35F outside, feels like 28F. I don't even like walking outside when it's cold here, it feels like a sharp stabbing pain in my throat the entire time. Since I am learning crochet, I am excited to eventually make a scarf and blanket based off the weather (saw a video of someone doing that and it got me inspired).

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 months ago ( 2023/11/29 17:51:50 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence | Cheerful Companions | Garland Darlin&rsquo; | Gi-GNOME-ous | Big Ol&rsquo; Jolly | Her Graceful Snow

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @ahi: That's okay I know how that goes. if i could i wouldn't go out in the cold. and heck 35f-28f sounds like heaven compared to what we get sometimes. but today it doesn't SEEM that cold, haven't checked the temp yet, so maybe i won't end up in agony on the way back from getting my hearing aids checked. <:3( )~~


Donator — THEY/M Posted 6 months ago ( 2023/11/30 11:53:53 )
It feels colder than what it says it feels like. Living closer to the ocean will do that. I hope all goes/went well. Take care of yourself.
Currently Questing:
Angelic Solid Set (Clouds/Halos/Winglets/Wings)

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 months ago ( 2023/11/30 16:19:46 )

Questing :
Squirrel Away x2 | Untamed Outlaw | Song of Sixpence | Cheerful Companions | Garland Darlin&rsquo; | Gi-GNOME-ous | Big Ol&rsquo; Jolly | Her Graceful Snow

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ @ahi: I made it 'nods' and at least I have a pair of Gloves a friend got me coming as well as some nice warm house shoes so that my feet don't freeze haha. so for once i'll be able to move around the apartment easier 'nods' <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

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