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@Mousy: Not a problem! ^-^ Trade updated ~

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@Mousy: Cool beans! ^-^ I'll send a trade over ~

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

Posted in How do you organize? Posted 6 years ago
When I lived in my apartment I would practically gut the place, rearrange furniture, organise my bookcases and clothes, etc. And since then I don't really have a closet but we have a tiny home so it's imperative to stay organised...which I really don't do enough xD

My favourite things to tackle are books and movies and stuff. I love to alphabetise them. Whenever I'm doing something like cleaning the whole house I start with the kitchen since it's always the hardest / least pleasant for me, then I'll move around the house and get the living area, bedroom, and bathroom, then move my way back down and finish with the dusting and laundry and such.

I have a lot of crap in storage I need to go through, and I've always wanted to go through the Kondo way and completely weed through all my junk, but I'm so sentimental and moved a lot as a kid so there are a lot of random things I just don't want to let go... Q-Q

It is true that your surroundings reflect your mental condition, though, so tackling that is always a good first step to tackling the the beast known as Real Life. c:

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

Posted in Gaia never ceases to amaze me Posted 6 years ago
I love Gaia cause it brings back memories of being like 15 but at the same time that place is such a beast I could never stand the forums. xD I just went for the games c': Pinball ftw

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@Reanna: I don't have any more dual-toned Knight's Bangs for sale (I know I'm sorry I need to update the front page RIP) but I do have a Snuggle Bunny I can sell you!

@Mousy: I'd take 6k for the Autumnal Spruce, would that be okay? O:

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

Posted in Uh did the site break? Posted 6 years ago
Regarding the issue @Neko: encountered, that's often what happens when a site "hangs up" while loading and/or doesn't load completely.
I haven't personally experienced any of these issues, but that's not to say they aren't happening. Though I have been working in the back end recently, I've only been editing things unrelated to the site's primary engine. However it is possible that my queries to the server, when timed (in)correctly, are interfering with users' attempts to access the site. o:

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@Faust Sheep: Thank you! ^-^ Enjoy your items ~

@Totalanimefan: Indeed, I haven't been able to get the proper environment set up for testing, having program woes. xD Soon, though! I know the trade system is kinda tedious c':

@Siron: You're welcome and thank you! This avi did come together pretty well :D

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

Posted in Lying about your age Posted 6 years ago
I'm with Glume honestly, as far as I'm concerned, everyone is lying about something... xD People do funny things for strange reasons. NGL, I used to lie about my age too just cause nobody ever wanted to be friends with a dorky I'm just like, shoot, I could have been a prodigy. xD Not really.

But...anyway, which Sims game do you make CC for? Cause I play 2 like it's going out of style and am reinstalling 3. cB Might be relevant to my interests. xD

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@Faust Sheep: That's fine by me!

@totalanimefan: Well, not really. xD Eventually I'll update the trade system to be a bit more cohesive, but not quite yet. c':
You're welcome, and thank you! ^-^

@Siron: I'll see to the trade real quick! And sorry, idk where my brain is today but I meant to say that the same price as Valorous Knight would be fine for the Victorious Captain since they're from the same crate. xD

@Neko: I'm sorry but I don't have any more of the Dual-Toned Knight's Bangs to sell right now :C Only had one extra, actually thought I had more. oTL

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@Siron: Yep I've got an extra Victorious Captain I can sell you! I've added it to the trade ^-^

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@Totalanimefan: Trade has been updated and accepted on my end ~

@Siron: let me double check my invo real quick and see if if I have an extra Captain! Honestly can't remember c':

@Faust Sheep: I'll have to check the price guide on the stockings but the Knight's Bangs are pretty common so I'll sell them for 500 volts c:

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

Posted in exciting summer plans?? Posted 6 years ago
Nope, no exciting plans here... xD I'll just be sitting around inside all day except it's hotter outside. RIP

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

@totalanimefan: Trade accepted and updated ~ sorry for my delays, working on super-secret-amazing-Voltra things x3

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

Posted in What's your opinion on "cringe culture"? Posted 6 years ago
Hoo boy...welp, I was always being made fun of in school because I was into anime / manga and was "weird" (kids are just buttheads, imo) and I hated how crappy it always made me feel, so I tend to avoid making others feel like that. If I'm around people who are into a certain thing I might tease them about it once, but not outright sit there and bash the thing just to make them feel bad--after all, we all have guilty pleasures, and I don't like when people bash the things I like. If I'm around people I don't know I try to avoid saying anything remotely negative about anything at all, just because I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth. xD

On the other hand, I do often look back and cringe at my younger self and some of the things I did, like some of the stuff I wrote or the way I used to talk to people online (I was a weeb, so you can imagine xD). Looking back and reflecting on our younger selves allows us to see and appreciate how much we've grown since then. I'll tease weebs now but it's all in good fun, I've been there, you're into what you're into and if it brings you happiness then so be it.

Also agree with Saeyra, sometimes things are so bad they're good. xD

I know this isn't necessarily where you were going with this but IMO there are too many people in the world who are too concerned with what other people are doing / how they're living their lives.

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥