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Posted in all work and no draw Posted 4 years ago

Just having the time and energy to do art would be nice, for starters. I've been busy with work, too.

Posted in November Crate Items Feedback Posted 4 years ago

Shark Slayer
I appreciate the more unique theme and color choices on this one. I think the pants/leg mod look pretty awesome! Not a fan of the hair; it feels like most of the hairstyles we get tend to be variations of the same few styles. I do like the way the hair was colored, though. I doubt I'll use this one very often, though I can see myself making use of the pants and jacket.

I really like this one, especially the eyes. I love that I can layer the ground pose over other background items to create some depth. I also appreciate the fact that, for being a fluffy animal related item, it's more neutral than cutesy/girly like so many are. The only pose I don't really care for is the legs; I get the impression they're sort of skipping/dancing, but the way they're both kind of turning the same direction looks a little weird to me. I feel like they'd be difficult to use.

Fall Harvest
I love this item so much. The theme, the poses, and the colors used are all wonderful. I especially appreciate all the background items! Really beautifully done; this item is a work of art. My only complaint, if I were to make one, would be the color variation on some of the poses. The flower wreath background in orange, for example, I feel like making the wreath portion orange was a bit too much. Makes it look monochromatic compared with the other two; had it been that dark brown color instead, I'd probably be using it a lot. It's kind of the same issue with the fox; the orangey/yellow recolor doesn't look bad, but a little dull compared to the other two as the colors sort of blend together. Wouldn't consider it a big issue, just a nitpick. And while I'm not a big fan of giant hats that look like objects, I do love all the detail in the mushroom hat pose. The amount of detail and versatility in this item overall makes it a really worthy buy.

Posted in how is credit supposed to work? Posted 5 years ago

@Kitalpha Hart: one thing's for sure, I wish I had stayed where I was long enough to get my shit together instead of giving in and coming back here. But hopefully your relationship with your family isn't as bad as mine ;v;

@Totalanimefan: thanks; I wasn't expecting them to since I had just gotten rejected for another card, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try. Glad I did.

Posted in How was your Halloween? Posted 5 years ago

@Shadami: omg I can practically taste the frustration. it's bitter

Posted in how is credit supposed to work? Posted 5 years ago

@Kitalpha Hart: yeah, that sounds about right. I'm already 30 :'( I moved out at 18, but I was living with someone else and didn't have a job then due to illness. Couldn't get disability, but couldn't work either, and had no one around to advise me one way or the other. Then things didn't work out and had no choice but to come back "home", where I've been stuck doing crappy retail jobs that don't pay the rent ever since. oh, what fun.

ooh, just what i needed. if you please:

I'd like to ask the cards...
Spread: 4
Question: What path am I supposed to take when every one seems to be a dead end?

Posted in I'm so achey Posted 5 years ago

What'd you do to your poor feet?
Mine get sore from being at work all day, standing/walking around on concrete floors. Which I'm about to do ~an hour from now, hooray. That's my weekend plans: go to work, come home, soak away my soreness in the tub, repeat until my next day off during which I'll probably be hunting for my next job and housing options.

Halloween sucked, which makes me sad 'cause it's my favorite time of year. Got sick, had to call in from work, stormy weather destroyed my decorations, we got last minute trick or treaters while I was on the porch coughing and sneezing in my pajamas with my hair all in my face, fiddling with one of said decorations trying to fix it after the storm. So I just kinda silently reached into the house, held out the treat bucket to the kid with one hand while holding a tissue to my nose in the other and praying for death. Awkward. Then I slithered back inside after fixing the thing and let grandma take care of the rest of the trick or treaters. And she ended up turning off the damn animatronics before the last batch showed up, so almost no one got to see them in action after all my efforts. what even is life

I hate Christmas. I love the atmosphere and the Santa and all, but I hate the whole "being expected to sit around with family for dinner with heavy religious overtones and an undercurrent of financial stress and expectations of buying presents for people you never see or speak to all year" thing, which unfortunately is what I'm stuck with every year until I'm finally able to move out. But thanks to my city being one of those lovely places where minimum wage hasn't risen in decades while housing costs have continued to skyrocket and even being a dish washer practically requires a degree these days... yeah that's tough.
So I'm dreading Christmas just like I dread every other godforsaken holiday.

...yeah sorry to grinch all over your thread you can ignore that

Posted in What are you currently drinking? Posted 5 years ago

I just finished my morning coffee with some peppermint mocha creamer. Not bad, but I gotta say the flavor in this brand of creamer is a lil weak. But if that's the trade off for it being all natural, I'll take it. I'll start working on the water once I take my pills. Because I'm an old person, I guess.

Posted in how is credit supposed to work? Posted 5 years ago

@Kitalpha Hart: Who knows any more tbh.. I feel like I'm 10 years behind where I should be thanks to family and life situations screwing me over from early on. But it seems like people are taking a lot longer to get the stuff our parents/grandparents had by our age, and there are probably a lot of factors involved in that.

@Bioshock: Yeah, pretty much exactly that. I got spooked out of ever even thinking about credit until I got hit in the face with "Actually, you needed it all along and now it's too late!!" thx everyone~ So now I am also looking for a place that doesn't worry so much about credit or the income of both people moving into it, for that matter, but I guess that's a separate issue.

@Totalanimefan: I think Discover was one of the ones recommended, but since Capital One was what came up first, that was what I tried and actually got accepted from them. So I'll see how this goes.

Posted in Event Freebies - Art Roulette Posted 5 years ago

ok y'all I didn't see anything saying this was closed so I'mma roll up in here
and to whoever it lands on: I'd love art of any of these guyses. sorry most of them are so lacking in reference pics

Posted in How was your Halloween? Posted 5 years ago

my halloween was so horrible i made a rant thread about it. tl;dr: i was sick and alone and it was pouring rain.

Posted in What was the last movie you saw? Posted 5 years ago

watched that new version of "Child's Play". I... don't know how to feel. On the one hand, I have several very large complaints. On the other hand, I can't pretend I didn't enjoy it.

Posted in ART TRADES. TRADING ART. ART UP FOR TRADE. Posted 5 years ago

@vintage: yoooooo I also got busy with other stuff but I did a thing. Lemme know if you want any changes cause I been looking at it too long to tell

@Lilypoo: a settlement, then
that did it, thanks!