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@Kozi: Mine aren't hurting for the most part, but the dentist terrifies me, I've been avoiding it pretty much for the last 10 years. Root canals. x.x I've heard lot of horror stories on those. My sister is having dental surgery next Tuesday. They want remove part of a broken tooth, and fill another, but she says it's off if they want to remove bone.

Hi, Shark. :)
@Kozi: I don't think I've ever sen anything like that before. Pumpkin pie, that sounds ether great or awful, depending on how well they do it, lol. A lot of people I interact with have had tooth problems, myself included. x.x I hope it gets better. Do you know what is wrong with it?
@Kozi: Same! All I got though I think is applesauce. XD
@Kozi: Blueberries would be awesome in a fruit salad! I think a good fruit salad, at least for me, would be blueberries, mandarin oranges, kiwi, and coconut.
@Kozi: Lol, cool. :D I know I can't stand it when I'm ordering fruit salad and I come across melon chunks. x.x
@Kozi: Same, fruit is so good, I've tried many, and there is only two that I don't like. Blackberries, because of the seeds, and they taste slightly bitter to me, and melons (except watermelon, I like them), because they have this light sickeningly sweet taste to me.
@Kozi: Lol, orange is one of my favorites, but I know what you mean, I have people it the house who don't care for it as much as I do. Though my favorite application for orange i just eating it, lol.
@Kozi: Oh, I love the smell of lime too! Citrus in general really. I adore lavender myself, but I don't usually end up with a ton of things that have it, so not been over saturated with it.
@Kozi: They sound like would smell great, and I'm a huge fan of basil anyway. :)
@Kozi: True, and after it is, you won't need the bleach anymore.
@Kozi: Oh, yeah. x.x No way around that, definitely don't want to go easy on black mold.
@Kozi: Bleach. x.x I always try to find the best smelling stuff I can, even better if it's natural. Those fumes get to me.
@okios: Lol, no, you didn't. I got distracted by TV. XD
@Kozi: That sounds exhausting. x.x