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@Colin: Fair enough lol. I do, I always watch the DC ones hoping they'll get better, and the Marvel ones because they just ARE better lol.

@Totalanimefan: Yeah probably not although one of my coworkers said they legitimately thought she was deaf for 10 years because she just never talks lol.
@Totalanimefan: That feels pretty accurate for how I am actually. It's more like, I need to be around people I like but if I don't know if I like them I clam up. But yeah, she's super quiet and until Wednesday I almost wondered if she even could interact with people she didn't know and was comfortable with. She's like, visibly anxious, like rubbing her hands together and very clearly doesn't want to talk to people.
@Totalanimefan: That's fair. When I want to I can be the life of the party, it's actually one of the stereotypes of being a Leo, and I definitely fit it. I just don't enjoy it as an introvert.

For example, we had this work shindig on Wednesday and even one of the wives of one of the people I work with (who is shy as all hell and more introverted than me) I had laughing and chatting with me like she didn't have social anxiety. I just bring it out of people, I guess. Glad to know though that it's not because I'm special or anything xD I'm actually serious lol.
@Colin: Yeah I get it. Honestly I agree with you. It definitely helps. :)

@Totalanimefan: Fair enough. I'm a Leo so I feel like people flock to me, even when I want to be left alone. But I get it, totally.
@Totalanimefan: Nah, I just generally don't like people, and people can be stupid. Once in a while I find a decent person but usually I just avoid most people. Lol.

@Colin: Haha, that's a good point. Nihilism is the one true path haha!
@Totalanimefan: True, you're very right, it is. I can make friends if I want to, I just generally don't want to.

@Colin: I really think that's just so funny. Such power disparities lol.

You're right though, life is way too short.
@Colin: The funny part is they went from an overly nerfed one to one that got banned out of Legacy lol. Wizards has no chill with their Walkers sometimes lol.

Yeah that's true. I'm really tired of people I like dying on me.

@Totalanimefan: LOL! I had that exact thing happen yesterday. My company put on a huge event and there's this realtor that came (we work really closely with this real estate company) and we got to talking about events and she said "Yeah me and my husband just went to see such and such band" and that was literally my exact thought since I loved those bands :D
@Colin: I like Tibalt with decks that want things in the grave, like Dakmor Salvage, reanimator targets, or just plain using Conspiracy Theorist lol.

It really does. I feel like a lot of other celebs that I like will pass away in my lifetime, but I doubt any will be as impactful as Robin Williams or Chester.
@Totalanimefan: It is! It's actually super funny, I just met this new friend about two weeks ago, and we were doing the typical "getting to know each other" stuff and he goes "What's your favorite band?" My answer to that is super complicated so I just said "Unleash the Archers." About five minutes later he goes "Did you know they're doing a concert on the 1st in Minneapolis?" And I pretty much immediately bought tickets lol.
@Colin: Yeah I like 3 mana Tibalt. I actually don't mind 2 mana Tibalt either, honestly. Combining him with Conspiracy Theorist now actually makes him really great, since if you discard something you like you can just pay one and play it that turn. I play Gamble though so I'm not scared of the random discard lol.

Oh yeah, absolutely. Chester made a huge impact on people. I honestly just wish I could have given him a hug. :/ I never got a chance to meet him like I planned. I'm sure he gets hundreds of "you saved my life" stories but I'd still want to tell him. I want to tell all of them.

@Totalanimefan: I'm ok. Have a pain in the butt thing for work tomorrow but otherwise I'm ok. Been having massive headaches these past few weeks too that hopefully my doctor can help figure out tomorrow. I'm going to see my favorite band on September 1st in Minneapolis! :D Otherwise, not much going on. How about you?
@Colin: "Duds" is definitely the right word for some of them. Although if I'm honest, I really kinda like the 3 mana Tibalt. I know a lot of people don't, and I get why, but he was really good in limited, from what I experienced. I might include him in a cube, as I really like the card.

Yep, same here! I have a lot of guilty pleasure songs, and I'm unapologetic about them lol!

For real, I loved Linkin Park for so long and I didn't realize what a crazy impact he had on the world. Kinda reminds me of Robin Williams too. Insane the amount of people that loved him. As much as I love Wayne, he definitely didn't have that sort of impact when he passed. I think a little of it was circumstances (since Wayne didn't die from suicide) but I think a lot of it was just genuinely Chester being Chester, and seeing that big heart he had bleed through his music. I think most of us can relate to some of their songs, some of us can relate to that tortured existence he lived through and sang about.
@Colin: Yeah even just since I started playing Walkers have gotten significantly better.

I can understand people being neutral about them. I do have my reasons for loving them though, and they'll always have a special place in my heart. :)

Yeah, Chester, Joey (more recently), and several others like Lemmy really suck to hear about. They all have a special place in my heart. Chester and Wayne Static especially.
@Colin: I don't play with Walkers much usually but since Tergrid I've been changing my mind about using them for synergy. My issue is, well, take Ob Nixilis for example (5 mana, not Commander). His alt does...what exactly in a 4 person game of Commander? Like, drawing an additional card or maybe minusing to kill something is cool but he just doesn't do much. I realize Planeswalkers have been getting a lot stronger as of late (T3feri) or are very synergistic with certain Commanders (LotV with Tergrid, JTMS with Kefnet, ect), but before I started seeing some of these I thought they were kinda underwhelming in multiplayer. Lol. Clearly I've changed my mind since then.

I think criticism of Creed or Nickelback is fair. I can see why he might think that, since LP rose to fame during the Nu Metal rush and was pretty similar to a lot of Nu Metal stuff. What drew me to them specifically was that they did so many different things. Between having a rapper, good distorted/clean lyrics, a DJ, and mixing it all together as well as they did put them a little above some of the Limp Bizkits of the time.

It's a long story, but essentially in seventh grade (right after my sister passed away), my English teacher put on Somewhere I Belong in the middle of a study hall period. I asked her about it and who the band was and she gave me a burned copy of the album Meteora that was originally meant for her fiance. She said "I can burn him another copy, but you can have this." Somewhere I Belong (as well as MANY of the songs on that album made me realize I'm not the only one that feels depression, or thinks about suicide, or completely blows up on someone for no reason and then regrets it. Hell, Faint and Lying From You are pretty much a word-for-word explanation of my relationship with my mother. So, I started to reach out for help, instead of killing myself, since I learned from that album that some people actually get it and I'm not alone. I've burned through a total of four different copies of that album, the burned copy and 3 actual CDs that I bought because I love it so much. Let me tell you, after Chester passed I had a ROUGH several months after that. The man literally changed my mind about killing myself and ended up doing it himself. It was very tough to find out that sometimes even the people that help you through the hardest shit, your heroes, they're just people too.
@Colin: Fair enough lol. I kinda like the whole "Walker family" type of decks. Like Tergrid ended up being basically Liliana Tribal for me, and I think I'm already at 4 Chandras I'm trying to work into Prosper lol. Walkers are just awesome and super hard to deal with in Commander, especially when they do so much for your deck vs just being part of the strategy. :)

I can see a few of those but why LP? Even when I stopped liking their music, I thought Linkin Park was pretty awesome and creative. Of course I'm a little biased since they saved my life lol.