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@Colin: Yeah I love Push. It's not even super great against a lot of things in my play group but usually if it's not hit by Fatal Push it's usually not a big enough problem to worry about. Lol. Yeah I've had both Spirit of the Labyrinth and Underworld Dreams used against me. They would be smart plays if I didn't play a million things that can remove both lol.

@Totalanimefan: Of course! What are friends for? :)

@Ava: I get you :) I could play the game for hours but then I won't want to play again if I do that, so I take my time with it lol. But I get what you're saying about career choices, I'm certainly rethinking mine as well. But hey, at the end of the day, it's all your choice. :) I'm sure you'll find your answer soon. But good luck with it until the end of the month lol. Yeah they stay dead. The guards respawn since they aren't "named" but if you kill someone with a name in Skyrim they don't come back. You can even kill characters that have minor quests attached (which I did once) so you can actually prevent yourself from completing some minor quests, just not the people involved in the main storyline. The lore is huge, and I highly recommend it. If you're more into MMO type games, there's also the Elder Scrolls MMO. :)
@Ava: I'm with you on that, I love Stardew Valley and those types of game but I get hella bad burnout if I keep playing for too long. I only play Minecraft for a couple of days every like, 6 months or so because it keeps happening lol! Sorry to hear that your streaming site isn't so great, that sounds kind of rough to be honest. And it probably won't ever get much bigger with huge streaming giants like Twitch. But yeah, once your contract is up, you should totally find something that lets you be your own boss! :) Honestly though, most of the NPCs aren't meant to be killed. You CAN, which gets a bounty on you, and until you serve time or pay your fine (or die), the guards will attack on sight. You can kill them too, no penalty (besides a bigger bounty). I like to, once in a while, murder a bunch of NPCs in a town, then pay the fine later (after leaving for a while, then they give you a chance to pay rather than just attack on sight).

@Totalanimefan: That probably won't be as hard as you're thinking. We actually do a similar thing at my company (albeit for Title and land ownership documents rather than legal documents ala lawyers) but I think you can do it. If not, it's only temporary. :) You got this!

@Colin: I run Fatal Push and Dismember I think in Gitrog, as well as Deluge. Not much need for much else honestly. It's only to kill like, an early Bob so my opponents don't get ahead on cards, or something that prevents me from winning. Had one guy hit me with Spirit of the Labyrinth once. Very glad I had Nature's Claim at the time (since it's an Enchantment Creature). That stone-cold locks me from winning if I can't remove it.
@Colin: I even used to play Rec Sage in Gitrog because I can Chord or GSZ for it. Now I just play a million answers for Enchants. I don't have that much creature removal because honestly there's no need, I can usually win through most creatures in play (unless it's like, Drannith Magistrate or Ethersworn Cannonist). Yeah, people that don't play removal for Artifacts and Enchantments are wild, I don't understand it. Lol.

@Totalanimefan: Glad to hear it :D I know you can do it. Learning things is tough to begin with but I believe in you :D I mean if my dumbass can learn Abstracting I'm pretty sure you can learn whatever it is you'll be doing. What is the job, exactly?
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, we've been off all Covid restrictions for a couple months now. I think if Lakes Jam had to be cancelled a second year in a row there'd be a riot. I'm not even kidding. Good luck on your interview! You got this :D

@Colin: Yeah I run as much as I can, usually. There's so much that just stops decks that you can't afford not to. Like if someone slammed a Back to Basics against my Gitrog, I'd be screwed without removal. Blood Moon. RIP or Leyline of the Void. Even Grafdigger's Cage or Damping Sphere get played in Commander. You can't afford NOT to. Granted I'm also playing Abrupt Decay and Trophy but seriously, Nature's Claim or something, jeez.
@Colin: Yeah, I keep a bunch in whatever deck I can. Obviously I can't in Tergrid but I think in Gitrog I have like...9? Maybe even more. I even play Collector Ouphe to help slow down the crazy artifact decks.
@Totalanimefan: It went pretty well. Went to this big rock concert thing here in my home town, so I'm super tired. Not my favorite kind of rock music but it wasn't bad, I went with a couple Networking friends. Found out they're a lot of fun when they've had a few xD Hope your day was well :)

@Colin: Yeah, my playgroup is of the "Player removal is the best kind of removal" variety so most of them don't run good removal for it. Or enough of it. Honestly you'd think when I sat down people would be playing Naturalize-type card tribal against me. Lol.
@Colin: That's hilarious lol xD I play Smokestack pretty fairly (I think), no nonsense like that xD Although that does make me want to do some mean stuff like that too...

@Totalanimefan: You know it! Lol.
@Colin: I usually just do 1 and don't tick it up any more. Even just one permanent per turn is really rough for a lot of decks to deal with. I also like how you can stack the triggers so you sacrifice zero permanents, then add a counter the first turn cycle. Pretty brutal lol. But with 1 I can just sac a token every turn cycle and my opponents actually lose stuff, so it's funny :D

@Totalanimefan: I do what I want! lol. Kidding
@Totalanimefan: It's 73 today, so not too bad long as I don't stand in the sun. Wearing all black has it's downsides sometimes.

@Colin: That's true. I've never really played around with it before but I'm very glad I am now. It's nice because even if I'm arch enemy I can block one creature a turn and then have something to sac on my upkeep to Smokestack. :D That's hilarious btw. :D I love it :D
@Totalanimefan: True! Definitely a good thing! :D
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, unless they live on a road like me where there's bikers all the time I doubt most people think about it regularly. That's a tall bike though! :O
@Totalanimefan: That's true, definitely have to be careful of cars. I'd probably travel a bit to get to a good spot where I can ride, otherwise I live on this pretty hill-y road and I know personally that it's hard to see them sometimes because I drive it and I don't always see the bikers right away.

@Colin: Yeah the original list I had for Tergrid had both FBM and Plaguecrafter which is a little better but I took both of them out in favor of other things. When my deck has stuff like Smokestack, Obliterator, Vona's Hunger, ect, both feel very underwhelming. Usually in my list you sac like a Bitterblossom token or Dreadhorde Invasion token to the FBM or Plaguecrafter to get kind of a "beater" out of it, but I don't really care for that play.

Also, holy crap is Ophiomancer a strong card in this deck. Since you basically become Arch Enemy from the moment you pull Tergrid out, having a recurrent Deathtouch blocker on every Upkeep if you don't have one is super good.
@Totalanimefan: Sorry to hear that it was hot there, it didn't get above 65 here! But the pollen and stuff was so bad that even though I took allergy meds before I left home it still messed me up. Hopefully you find someone that can go with you on your bike ride! That would be a lot of fun, I haven't ridden bike in a long time.

@Ava: Yeah, I know the feeling. I probably wouldn't be able to do more than a couple hours of it a week. Or I'd probably just somewhat ignore chat, idk. That VS sounds awful, jeez. I totally get what you're saying though. It sounds not so fun. Yeah, they'll fight forever in Skyrim since they can't die, but it's funny some of the things you can do. Like one guy uses magic to run really fast across the top of a mountain, and if you hit him with enough damage to "stun" him (basically kill him, but he can't die), he flies off the mountain really far! But yeah, I mostly use fun mods. I can't play vanilla Minecraft anymore, I have it so modded up that I get really bored with normal lol

@Colin: Yeah I don't like FBM. Obliterator is always fun to slap down, especially a couple turns into the game. And I pretty regularly tutor for Greaves early if I can to keep Tergrid in play. Even if they kill her, having a Shrouded Hastey Obliterator is gross. xD
@Colin: Yeah! Originally it was Fleshbag Marauder but that card just felt so bad most of the time that I switched for it. But yeah I've had a guy scoop immediately on cast to that lol, but he was tapped out and I had Greaves in play. :D

@Ava: Yeah no, the real Vikings xD Lol That's ok though :) I get where you're coming from but you've got to think about it like this: People won't stick around if they don't like what you're saying. So if you have people that keep wanting to talk to you after you go off on a ramble, then they're fine with it :) I get that can be nerve-wracking, I tend to push people away if I feel I've said too much personal stuff when I'm not ready to give them all that information, so I get you on that.
Yeah, they'll fight back, in fact they never stop fighting which is kind of annoying. They get "stunned" which means they get down on their hands and knees and breathe heavily like they're wounded and beg you to stop, but once they regen some health they'll get back up and attack again. But again, totally unkillable in Skyrim lol.
Yeah I don't really use cheat mods, just time save mods like the automatic chest mod, and some of the prettier mods like the no-bowlegged mod or portrait changers.