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★彡 @Wildfire: Nope I'm done with it long ago :3
Honestly had to take a little break after that, it took a toll on me. 彡★

★彡 @wildfire: Ugh yeah but fortunately I did get some decent sleep in last night so I'm not sleep deprived...yet.

Oof is better to get those stuff done and hopefully you got time to wind down and relax later. I got more time to work on my drawing today since I got a ton of stuff done yesterday. Is really nice when you get all dem tasks done, I felt very accomplished lel 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: Same and I'm doing alright so far. Today feels a lot slower though probably because I woke up around five...
How are you? 彡★

★彡 @wildfire: I find having donuts paired with coffee for breakfast is the best♥
Good Morning~ 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: Yeah I admit it is a little weird xD
Oof so your son has the same issue as you when temporarily disabled? Well ish the perfect time wind down and play some games for awhile. I can't honestly relate since I'm in the other end of the spectrum rip

Oh and happy shopping~
Hopefully you get dem crates 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: I see I'm glad it's slowing down for you :)
I hope you manage to at least take a short nap sometime later if your still tired. And oof yikes, I'm fortunate to not even have any wisdom teeth pulled out on me. Heard it hurts like hell.

Is an interesting question for sure especially if your sharing it with someone. But yeah once and for all I did get up my lazy bum and check what those drink are and is safe to say... I still have no clue what it is. It's some kind of sparkling beverage that is maybe alcoholic xDD

Oh and also remember we have a large ziplock bag of peeled and cut garlic just chilling in the fridge. I have also no clue where that came from *shrugs* 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: Oof sounds like a busy hectic morning x.x Did it died down for you now?
It does actually probably because I woke up early for crashing early last night.

Oh! As for today's question: Uhh the strangest thing I own is not mines heck I don't even know what it is. I have a couple cans of drinks and it has been there for months now actually. I never bother check what it is pfft. 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: It's good but also don't feel like I got anything done so far.
How about yours? 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: Oh no not that xD
The fact that were keeping up with the leftovers and have thrown very little these past... month or two xD

Which btw I'm getting hangry again and I'm being my usual picky self 彡★

★彡 @Vegan: Oh yeah the veggies are usually the first to go rotten so good for you ๑•‿•๑

Yeah and what's even more crazy is often some people will bring food home on friend's places or parties. Or most friends will bring home cook meals for the rest of us here...

Like the guilt never stops... ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒)  彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: True true same goes for me honestly but I'm happy to say that we got a bit better on eating our leftovers here lol
Probably because my mother literally clean the entire fridge and thrown a lot of stuff away. Something tells me this won't last long, call me pessimistic xD

How are you today? I literally crashed early last night but ish nice to get some proper sleep in. 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: I honestly have been on my phone most of the time reading fanfiction for the first time in ages. It didn't help I had also crap sleep last night... I'm also very ready to crash early tonight but I just ate soo have to wait for awhile =w=

Lol what is it so hard to eat the same food a few times in a row? I thought it was only me but learn that is more common to others than I thought. 彡★

★彡 @Wildfire: And then if you do, you find out is probably some expensive crate item or whateva and be discourage (T⌓T)
Ugh that sounds delicious! All I had for dinner is some pb and j sandwiches. People be too lazy to cook here sometimes hahaha

I have no plans whatsoever, is Sunday and I want to be a lazy potato as much as possible =w= 彡★

Posted in My fellow artist of Voltra... Posted 2 years ago

★彡 @MaxIsConfused: Awwweeeee
*pets the adorable snowball* 彡★