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Posted in Starry’s Hangout Posted 2 years ago
Hiiii. I'm almost a week late but I'm doing alright. It was really hard to go back to work this morning, Mondays are the worst. -.- How are you doing?
@Wildfire: Hi there. c: Nice place you got. lol
Posted in Characters~ Posted 2 years ago

A good example would be Hondo from the Clone Wars series.
Posted in Hi! I'm new! Posted 2 years ago
Hi there, welcome! c:
      Moonpies!! One of my all time favorites.

      They should have left those on the moon.

    Not a fan?

I still think you should try one, and if you hate it you can blame me and the martians. lol
Posted in Hiya<3 new player here!! Posted 2 years ago
I'm a little late but welcome.

I never got into Monster High, but I cackled when you said you hate Gil. That's one of my ex's names. xD
I also think it's really cool you're into beetles. Growing up my dream was to become an entomologist and I was always bringing insects inside my house.
My mom hated it. lol
Posted in I HAVE A NEW OBSESSION Posted 2 years ago
I just woke up and saw this and it was such a great start to my morning. lmao

If you haven't already, I would look into the Desert Rain Frog. Cutest effing things ever and their squeak is the best.
Posted in Shark's Hangout Posted 2 years ago
@shark: Same. >:c Although I can't complain too much today, it's only 78℉. Next week is supposed to be in the upper 90s though. ;_;
Posted in Shows You're Watching? Posted 2 years ago
I've been watching Firefly and Hell's Kitchen lately.
Posted in Shows You're Watching? Posted 2 years ago
@Shark: That takes me back. I used to watch that all the time in middle school/high school!
Posted in Puppy pic! Posted 2 years ago
Ahhh adorable ;_;
Posted in -sneaks in through back entrance- Posted 2 years ago
Hi there, welcome! c:
Moonpies!! One of my all time favorites.
Posted in Pashmina's Place ? Posted 2 years ago
@totalanimefan: I believe you may have mentioned you had Long Covid. :o How high was your heart rate? I think mine normally falls between 60-70, but my blood pressure is on the higher side so that's something I've been trying to work on. (I think it's mostly stress related tbh. It spiked when that Roe v. Wade document was leaked.) Were they checking something in particular with the blood draw, or was it just a routine one? I'm really glad you were finally able to do it though.

And no worries, you can rant/vent anytime! c: My week was okay, just busy hence why I haven't had a whole lot of time to be on Voltra. ^^' I really need to just start logging in from my phone, that'd be really cool if this site had a phone app or something.

And I've been okay. I've been having some gut issues (possibly due to an ovarian cyst, not 100% sure). I have a doctor's appointment set for 8/22 so I'm hoping things clear up with my next period.