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@Lina: Love the pumpkin patch! Does yours have a corn maize too?
@kiwi: Same. It's 100% my family that keeps getting me sick orz
@Totalanimefan: About 20 mins
@Elirona: Short lunches are the pits. I usually pack a "lunchable" for those. Cheese/crackers/fruit/etc.

I can post the chkn/rice recipe but I'd have to rewrite it. My mom's instructions are... vague to say the least lmao
@Totalanimefan: Luckily I was aiming for a late lunch XD
@Totalanimefan: It's pretty good. And it's cheap/easy. Just takes an hour in the oven tho 😭
@Totalanimefan: I kinda feel like we should have. Like when this all started in December we should have begun taking precautions then. But we can't really react properly if governments aren't giving us all the info :/
Makin' chicken and rice for lunch. Good ol' comfort food. (I added too much sour cream tho oops lol)
@Totalanimefan: Nope. If I had known how this year was gonna play out I would have bought one instead of a new computer haha
@Totalanimefan: It's fine lol. Maybe once I have savings again
Me without animal crossing ☹
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, my nose is just stuffy today
@Totalanimefan: I'm thinking it was/is a sinus infection so I've been vegging with soup and hot lemon w/ honey since Tues
Good morning~ Sorry I haven't social, been under the weather this week orz