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i have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days
@Shadami: Ooh, I want some 😲
Happy Halloween everyone!
@Totalanimefan: I really need to finish it. I just never got around to it 😅
@Totalanimefan: Oh gravy, I can't even imagine what Inuyasha fanfiction would look like now. (Probably still a lot of Sesshomaru/OC self-inserts XD )
@Totalanimefan: -has mild existential crisis over mental math- I can't believe it's been around that long lol
@Totalanimefan: I regret nothing lol. I do wish some more niche fandoms had more content but I'll just content myself with older Marvel fics XD
I read fanfiction all day yesterday. Maybe not the best use of my time, but it was a nice reprieve lol
@xvz: No problem! If you need extra help let me know. 😊
@xvz: Congrats! Welcome to a life of yarn hoarding! (mostly kidding lmao)

The carrot was my own pattern. I had to take it off my Etsy cause no sales but you can still purchase it on my Ravelry. (I've got a few free designs up too but they are old and need reworking ^^; ) If you haven't made an account there I highly recommend it. There's tons of free patterns and groups to join. One of my favorite pattern designers is Sweet Softies. She has loads of free super cute patterns and tutorials on her website. And Planet June's tutorials are an absolute must for beginners. Her tips and tricks will really elevate your amigurumi.

I use regular poly fill for the most part. Sometimes I recycle yarn scraps too. But you have to be careful not to let them show through.
Crochet is one of passions! I'm happy share what I know. :)

@Totalanimefan: Oh no lol
@Totalanimefan: You know, I don't think I've ever actually played a pokemon game? Does 30 mins of pokemon snap count?
Afternoon all!