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@Another Movie Addict: It's totally worth a shot! If you guys don't like it the first time, you don't have to keep doing it. :d
@0v7: they also don't last long, you have to eat them quickly. You cant store them and eat one tomorrow. [from what i understand].
I hope you had more to eat than questionable eggs. :d
@0v7: yuck. I'm not a fan either. Runny boiled eggs don't make sense to me. lol. it's supposed to be cooked.
@0v7: Soft as in, the middle is still a bit gooey? :0
@Another Movie Addict: OH MY GOSH. I remember you told me a bit about this before! THE PLUSH IS AWESOME! I still stand by the fact you have such an amazing DnD group!!!
@Another Movie Addict: Good Morning!
Chicken - Lizard! What's the backstory?!
@Wildfire: lol! I ended up with buttered toast with stew! *lol muffin things*

@sunny: I really love the children's genre. It's incredible what children absorb, whether it's illustrations or just simple stories. I took two children's literature courses when I went to college. I developed a passion for kid's books. To a point where I got hired with no background to be a children's librarian [assistant].
Applying what I know is insanely difficult though in writing.
I left my library when I moved states, that also landed with pandemic too. I don't know what I'll do from here as far as a job. -shrugs-
@sunny: I used to love writing! It's not something I dive into anymore. I don't have enough privacy or quiet space to really get into it. At one point I wrote down a few kids' book stories, thinking I'd get around to illustrating. That also takes time. lol. Writing is one of my hobbies that comes and goes. <3

@Wildfire: I don't know what to do for a side. o_o'
@sunny: Awesome! I don't know what you're writing but I feel proud of you! It's hard to stay focused and continuously write. :D
I'm most active in the mornings during my kids' school hours. I get super distracted as the day moves on. :d

- Side note, I made a beef stew that cooked way faster than I expected. So now I'm sitting here drooling.
Posted in Let's talk about the Sims! Posted 4 years ago
@sunny: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed it. Castaway definitely broke away from the typical sims play. I wish they had more games out like that one though.
I heavily thought about getting Island Living for Sims 4 PC. But I have a feeling it's nothing to what I'm expecting.
@Wildfire: I'm sitting here recalling I lived in Hawaii for a year and I remember in the winter it got below 80 and I put my jacket on. So I get that adjustment lol.
@sunny: I just spent last year in a flat state with no trees. The sunsets there were beautiful! The horizon just seemed to never end. it was nice. I don't miss it too much though. I didn't connect with people very well there, so I felt lonely often.
Posted in Let's talk about the Sims! Posted 4 years ago
Omgosh! I've been playing since Sims 2 on PlayStation 2 !
I do enjoy the details of sims 4. The graphics are nice. I'm bummed about the Sims 4 release because I got a lot of expansions on Sims 3. I took a big break once sims 4 came out. But then I had to try StrangerVille.
I highly recommend Sims: Bustin Out - if people can still get it. I have it for my PS2 and I think PS3. I'm not sure. I just recently unpacked it and picked it up again.
ALSO, Sims 2: Castaway . I used to spend way too many hours on that one. Bummed it didn't get much hype.
@sunny: I haven't quite explored enough. My neighborhood is really quiet. c: The view from the street is really cool! From our yard [we need to trim a couple of trees] but we can see the town down the hill. and if we walk up the hill a bit, we can see the mountains on the horizon. I ran into a neighbor who told me to walk up the block at sunset to really appreciate the view. :p That neighbor proceeded to tell me all about the neighborhood dogs, what their names are and their temperaments. lol. :D
We bought a house! So this is all really exciting for me. We've been renting and moving for the last 9 years. :O
@sunny: I moved into my house about 2 months ago. First 2 weeks, I had guests over helping me move in and unpack. After they left, we had a couple of weeks of horrible air quality- so going outside wasn't an option. Now things are cooling down, fresh air and whatnot. I feel like I can get out and go do things now. :O