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Kawaii Slowpoke Pokemon

Kawaii Slowpoke's Avatar

Equipped Items


If you'd like to ever chat on discord just PM me so I can give you my name#


  • pixiebuns pixiebuns (6 years ago)


  • x x (6 years ago)

    Who drew your chibi in your sig? o:

  • eliechan eliechan (7 years ago)

    No I just like the crate itself cuz its shiny! I get attracted to shinnies like a magpie

  • eliechan eliechan (7 years ago)

    Thanks bunches for the trade! And if you ever have a pre-launch crate for sale plz let me know xD

  • King Wigglytuff King Wigglytuff (7 years ago)

    Oh hai there ^_^

  • musiclover0804 musiclover0804 (7 years ago)

    What are some of your favorite songs?


anime, reading, visual novels, league of legends
