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Posted in Hello Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Glad you're still here and doing well. Yay event!

@ephenay: Thank you! Alright. At work and unfortunately we're shorthanded.


@Miss Sandman: Yes. Is this Mothy?

@Synth: Probably. I frequent Caedon. Thanks! I was going somewhere different with it but I decided to make him a hippie instead.

@Q t e a p o n: Thanks. I'm sick and shorthanded at work unfortunately but pushing through. You?

@vengeance: Thank you!

@misery: Nice to meet you too. Is your name in reference to Stephen King's book/movie?
Posted in Hello Posted 4 years ago
@ephenay: Hello. Nice to meet you too. I like your avatar.
Posted in Hello Posted 4 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yay! You're still here. Hello hello. How are you?
Posted in Hello Posted 4 years ago
Hey, I'm back from a hiatus. If you don't remember me or if you've never met me, hello I'm Shamus. What's up?
Posted in Mosquitoes hate me Posted 6 years ago
They're attracted to heat as well as you smell (? I think that's what I read?) Different to them when you sweat. I read up on it because my wife and I have the same issue. I can't fucking step outside without them practically carrying me away but they don't even give Janna a second glance. And I was frustrated on why she got so lucky.
Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession) Posted 6 years ago
If I could just stop using drugs and alcohol, my life would be great. Truth is, I secretly feel like being sober is ridiculously overrated and if I could just live life perpetually strung out, that would be even better.

In some sense, I secretly feel a sense of contempt towards my children. I sometimes see them as nothing more than burdens. I feel guilty about that because they never asked for me to have them.

I do love them, don't get me wrong. They make me strive to be a better man. But sometimes I wish I didn't have to try to be anything.
@Tuijp: I don't know. I hope he got to the other side okay. ; )
@MoodyBats: Lol. He's probably got the dump in an uprising.
@MoodyBats: Haha. Unfortunately, his revolution landed him in a dumpster.

@Millet: Omg. I'm gonna say that to her. She's probably going slap my bicep. xD
We wondered later that day, since she killed the grim reaper, does that mean she has to be the reaper now?
Posted in How do you like your... Posted 6 years ago
I like my sugar with coffee and cream.
My friend and I were at a coffee shop and one of the employees was decorating for Halloween and this skull fell off of a pole and it reminded me of when Janna was trying to pack away her Grim Reaper after Halloween and she accidentally snapped his head off trying to stuff him in a box.
I started laughing like a fucking fool because I remember being turned away from her and hearing it snap and spinning around to see her holding his head in one hand and his body in the other. The look she gave me was hilarious. And she just put him and his head down in the box and whispered, "God dammit!"
I would pay to relive this again. The look on her face was priceless.

Only Janna kills Death.
Posted in Whats your childhood toy? Posted 6 years ago
My mom had a stuffed leopard that my dad gave her when they were dating. I found him (the leopard, not my dad) in a cardboard box after we moved from Ireland. We were in Boston and my twin and I were lonely outcasts. I stole him (the leopard, not my brother) and wouldn't give him back to my mom. She stopped trying to get me to give the stupid thing back after she realized it was futile. His name is Zipperhead...because five year olds find stupid shit funny.

I still have him somewhere. And I got my late wife something similar. A leopard that she thought would be cute to name Buttonhead. You Know, like zippers and buttons. My oldest, Jaden, gave them a couple name: Zippy-butt.

Zippy-butt is still a couple and I still have the leopard lovers somewhere.
Posted in Why did that have to happen to me Posted 6 years ago
What's a fixer upper story?
I use Sims 4 to create people mad at solely to kill them...which seems very psychotic now that I read that back. Lol

Sorry about your Sim. : / That's kind of a pain in the ass. My Sims 4 is so glitchy. I don't know if it's commonly glitchy to everyone else. I almost want to frisbee the disk into a dumpster.
@Millet: I teach in a private middle school. It's kind of snooty and I've had kids threaten me with their lawyer father for giving them poor grades when their work deserved it. I took a year hiatus last school year because I had such a demanding health issue, that I wasn't able to work.

Aw. It sounds like she was a very lovely teacher. I'm sorry for your loss. As a kid, even just for a teacher, death is confusing and depressing. At that age, I don't mean confusing as in you don't understand what has happened. I mean confusing because you have so much conflicting and scary feelings that it's hard to keep up.

Lol yes! I always say "Tones are important. Use the wrong one and suddenly your mother is a horse!" And my students always find that amusing.
Haha! I love that waiter's reaction. People learning new languages are afraid of sounding dumb or accidentally being offensive, but I've found that you just have to take it in stride. Native speakers usually are excited that you're learning their language and don't mind mistakes. They get how difficult learning a foreign language is. I find this sort of attitude to be especially true with native speakers of languages that are often overlooked.