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They really are. It's a pretty old building relatively speaking.

Yes it did. So we're obviously not happy about it this time either. XD that building sucks so bad.

Fingers crossed. Yesterday was so bad, even customers were complaining about the heat.

Yeah it's broken again, and the store is in direct sunlight during the day. So it gets hot fast.

I have today off. :3
Which I'm glad about, that store is currently an oven.

It was a very good lunch.

I'm doing good. Kind of sleepy from having a full belly from lunch.

I hope so. I'm kind of nervous about it.

Iunno. Just seemed like something I should do to make things easier at the store, and because I wanted to test myself.

More or less. I've been pretty busy here lately. Both with personal events and work, but a while ago I requested moving upward if I could. So now I'll be getting the lead training.

I'm doing alright. Soon I'll be starting lead training for work. ^w^

Yep. I was very curious when it happened. lol

Not really. I had my special coffee yesterday. It's brand created by a local comic book store, is very good.