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Forums Serious Talk Goals for 2019 and beyond

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 19:08:24 )
Everyone has things they want to work towards right? What are some of our current goals? It could be something as small as making the bed every morning to I want to start a career in ____.

List and talk about your goals here. Please come back often and let us know what progress you have made, or what goals you have recently completed.
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Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 20:51:36 )
I post like that before in an art contest for 2019 goals:
-- I lose weight
-- improve art
-- work hard in my workplace

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 21:03:56 )
@Hazer: I cant do anything without pain killers. I will know how the doctors will treat me so I can start losing weight. ;w;
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 22:10:19 )
I've got a few 2019 goals but the main one right now is to get into a master's program.

@Hazer: 3AM walks?!?!? @.@

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 22:11:56 )
Hmm. I know I want to start actually working out. I was already overweight and put on like 30lbs. I've lost 5, but it's taken like 3 months and the weight is starting to take a toll on my bod. I don't care about how I look so much as the fact that I've started puffing going up the stairs.

I've also been ignoring my art. Like hardcore ignoring it. I played with my new Twelfth Night gift Copics for like an hour or two and haven't touched them since.

So I'm gonna say for bod goals:

1. Walk for 30 more minutes a day, even if it's 3 min here and there up and down the hall.
2. Start lifting weights again, even if it's with water bottles or refilled milk jugs.
3. Start listening to people who say it's okay to jiggle while you work out and do general living activities, as opposed to those who say "hide until you're not gross" (I'm not gross you jerks) or "don't work out if it hurts even the tiniest bit" (hahahaha How's that working for you now?).

Art goals:
1. Art at least once a week even if it sucks. (It's for my pleasure anyway!)
2. Learn how to draw a new thing. Any new thing.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 22:17:19 )
@Onyx Popcorn: lifting is the best 🏋️‍♀️
It seems boring and repetitive but idk why it's just nice. Good luck tho! enjoy the burn

@hazer: I see but... sleeping? D:
I can see how that's nice but also... hopefully you live in a good neighborhood ^^;

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 22:23:07 )
@Ixora: Agreed! It's fun if I'm doing it right. :3 I just gotta get back into it. I might start with that, actually.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 22:26:26 )
@Onyx Popcorn: definitely. I just came back from gym actually. Thought I was gonna die at a few points but it was great!
Yeah the starting is the hard part but the burn always feels nice :D like a good kind of pain XD

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/23 22:34:11 )
It's very satisfying. >w< Nothing like a good stretch and a hard burn to make me feel like I did something for myself.
I have many issues, gender things among them
I also have a ballet obsession and an unhealthy interest in Sonic the Hedgehog games. Take as you will, haha!
@ me, yo!

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 01:25:31 )
Let’s see... I want to join a volleyball or badminton club, draw art more frequently, open an art shop on here, maybe open commissions for rlc, complete some video games, watch lots of anime, and read every day. Think that’s about it. > o> Maybe acquire a full-time job? o uo; Hasn’t been going so well though..

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 01:28:24 )
3am walks sound awesome btw. I might do that once a week in summer or something. XD
Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 01:48:19 )
-Get in better shape (lose fat, build muscle, take better care of my skin and hair)
-Be more productive (finish projects, start new ones, get things done, stay on top of important adult stuff)
-Find a new job (not sure right now what that could be, but I'm keeping an eye out)
-Take care of other stuff that has yet to be addressed for various reasons (legal stuff, mental/emotional health stuff, and other serious business)

I would say "get moved out", but that's been my goal for literal years now and I'm stuck waiting on other people to do their part before it becomes a possibility. But as soon as it does, that's goal number one. The other stuff will be a lot easier to achieve once that's out of the way.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 05:42:13 )
Yes! I love this thread!

Goals for 2019-
1. Train for a half marathon that is in Feb of 2020
2. Lose weight in the process of training for my half marathon.
3. Give significantly fewer fu.... cares.. cares. about workplace politics in particular.
4. Be less dependent on caffeine
5. List all of the books I've read in 2019 (not in my entire life, just for the year)
6. Adopt a more minimalistic mindset/lifestyle (not totally minimal, but definitely less clutter in my house and mind)


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 06:27:30 )
-Here are my current goals, as of right now-
• I want to loose weight
• I want to pixel a lot more.
• I want to make stuf for other people, sort of on the craft side. weather it be more blankets, or other things to keep people warm and cozy, ect of other things to be made.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/01/24 11:54:39 )
We&rsquo;ll carry on

@Ixora: Hazer doesn’t sleep. We turn him on and off every now and then and we ctrl F5 him every blue moon.

My goals:
- become healthier
- consuming and using less animal products
- start inline skating again when the weather is a bit better
- make new friends
- making my house more mine (painting the walls, doors etc, getting new curtains and things like that)
- getting a bow and arrows and shoot things
- stop caring what some people might think about me


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/2 05:12:08 )
Yes! I love this thread!

Goals for 2019-
1. Train for a half marathon that is in Feb of 2020
2. Lose weight in the process of training for my half marathon.
3. Give significantly fewer fu.... cares.. cares. about workplace politics in particular.
4. Be less dependent on caffeine
5. List all of the books I've read in 2019 (not in my entire life, just for the year)
6. Adopt a more minimalistic mindset/lifestyle (not totally minimal, but definitely less clutter in my house and mind)

Alright! It's February-
Here's my 1 month update since I technically started these goals several weeks prior to posting them.

1. I've upped my running/jogging/walking from sitting on the couch to 2.5 miles. However, my knee is throwing fits right now so my times stink. I suppose the distance is what matters first and the times will come.
2. I'm not sure if I've lost any weight or not, but my time of the month left me significantly less bloated than usual for that and I can only attribute that to more water consumption and a more active lifestyle!
3. Going Strong on caring less about things that don't matter!
4. I've cut out most of my cokes and only get one if I'm at a restaurant. I drink more tea to help with caffeine, but it's not as bad as a coke for sure.
5. I've read 4 books so far this 2019. :D
6. still working on the decluttering! books and clothes have been totally downsized and the kitchen is going down next.

I'd love to hear updates from everyone else!
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/2 07:30:59 )
uhhh updates let's see...

-Been trying to get in more vegetables, eat less overall, and be more strict about avoiding artificial colors/flavors and other stuff I'm not supposed to be eating. No real progress on the exercise front yet. Got some new, more natural products for skin/hair and being more diligent about using them.
-Opened up to start some new stuff. Got one art commission, in the process of finalizing the information so I can start working on it after the weekend. Haven't finished much else, but did some sketching off and on in my free time, which is more than I've done in a while, so I guess it's something.
-Haven't done much job searching yet, but going to start looking again and digging through anything I've previously bookmarked, especially now that my current job has changed its attendance policy to be downright hostile toward people (like me) who get sick frequently. Still going to go through with trying to get intermittent leave granted in the meantime, though, as I don't know how long it will take to find something new.
-Legal stuff and other big issues haven't really been touched yet. Still trying to hold out for my house, which hasn't made any progress in getting finished despite repeated attempts to contact people and ask about it. Unfortunately, this is outside my control, so all I can do is continue to wait.
AKA Count Trashula

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