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Forums General Chit-Chat That family member you hate

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:00:05 )

I hate my cousin with a fierce and mighty passion. There's a very long list of reasons why, some people on here know about them. She's dumb as shit, doesn't take care of her kid, and comes over here to steal food. Anyway, because the bitch is over here being loud and pissing me off. I'm going to distract myself with y'alls stories about the family members you hate. I'm noisy and bored and ugh.

I don't adhere to the idea that you can't hate someone solely because you're related to them. If someone is a piece of shit, blood ties does not undo that.


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:05:29 )
I don't have stories of family members I hate, because people I would hate, I don't count as my family.

But, I'll let you know something you might like to hear.
In the latest snapshot update to minecraft, they made an update to cats.
When you sleep in a bed, any cats you own nearby will lay on the bed with you and purr.
Also, when you wake up from sleeping, there will be some random items that the cats brought you as presents.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:06:26 )

@Rallaa: o.o omg I love that!


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:23:59 )
@kiwi: I almost said "myself" too, but my girlfriend gets annoyed with me when I self deprecate, so I try to do it less.

Congrats to your cousin.
That reminds me. Did you hear about the girl who was gloating on Twitter about becoming an intern at NASA, and then a guy told her to act more professional.
And she told him to "suck her dick, she's working at NASA"
And then the guy turned out to be a board member of NASA or something like that.
She didn't work there for long.
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Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:32:01 )
My grandmother had an affair with her daughters husband and put the rest of my family in danger as a result. I can relate.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:36:36 )

I've hated this cousin since the very earliest cognitive thought. She's been known to steal my brother and I's stuff, and was allowed to get away with basically anything because she was 'special' and poor. My hate has become sharper since she moved to live next door and had her son. She doesn't take care of him, he's 4 and can just barely talk. He's suuuuuuuper delayed because of her. Her and the baby-daddy don't know how to work a budget, so they run out of food all the time. So in order to feed her son, she comes of here and forces us to feed them.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 20:01:29 )
I don't hate but strongly dislike all four of my sisters, Mary, is bossy, tells me what is hould do, even though i am an adult women and live in my own place, Michelle has nearly gotten me kicked out of said place, when i offered her a place to stay until she could get on her feet, she walked all over me, had music playing so it thudded into my bedroom at midnight for crying out loud, Darny's a drunk who lives in another city from me and since i moved out of moms has had no contanct with me, and wanda, well she's the latest in people i dislike iwth a firey burning passion, i let her stay here longer then i should of over the winter so she could get her feet under her, but when i was informed i had to have anyone 'staying' with me leave by the people who own my apartment, she decided that iw as a brat, but stronger, and told me my mother, who's dead, and Berry, who is also dead and was her old man, boyfriend, hubby, whatever they where, and who'em i looked up to because like my mom he treated me as if i could give him the moon, that iw as that precious and awesome.. would be disappointed in me. its like 'excuse you?'

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 21:32:06 )

@star2000shadow: I can see why you dislike them.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 21:42:44 )

I do not like my parents. There is a long list of reasons why I don't. And I wish I could move out and get away from them. They also don't know I really want to live on the other side of town so I'm atleast 30 minutes away from them.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 21:49:32 )
Another Movie Addict:

star2000shadow: I can see why you dislike them.

yeah and thent here's my brother, who knows im strugglign just to get a winter coat, which i still haven't managed tog et yet 'sigh' wanting me to pay for 'his clothes' because he left them here for almost three years, andk at some point my newest cat marked them. its like 'dude, if you had taken your stuff, it wouldn't of happened'

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Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 00:58:25 )

My dad, which ye probably know.
He's grumpy, alcoholic, has no patience, lost his licence due to d.u.i.,
he's a racist, homophobe, bigoted, a$$hole. etc

He never closes the bathroom door when he's in there, also leaves pee on the seat.
When he can't find something, he looks for two seconds before complaining and swearing about always losing things,
blaming the messy house. Also insists 'it can't be there i already looked.' but guess where it freakin is? hmm
He drinks a bottle or two or three a night, wasting money even tho he gets the cheap wine.
He's talkative and goes on and on and on, nagging about stuff.
If something bad happens, he's all doom and gloom, like chill, complaining won't help the situation >.<

When he goes on racist rants, it's so hard to keep quiet,
I will tell him off sometimes but other times it's like talking to a stubborn brick wall.

Another thing I hate is I'm the babysitter, i gotta babysit his drunk ass when I'm home from work,
where I babysit an actual kid who is so much better behaved.
I can't go to bed early when I'm home cause my dad doesn't eat all day and drinks on a empty stomach,
so when he staggers inside from hanging out in the garage with his friends, I end up making him food.
If I leave him to fend for himself he makes a mess and lots of noise,
when my mom is trying to sleep since she has to be up for work at 5am.

He's a loudmouth as well, probably cause he's going deaf, talks loudly on the phone for hours,
has the volume up on his tv which he falls asleep to, and we can hear it all the way upstairs.

My brother complains when my dad uses the computer cause he just plays solitaire,
and always turns off the computer even tho my brother wants to use it next and then he has to wait as the computer boots up again.

and i think i will stop here, or i'll be typing all night >.>
(Avatar Closet)

Donator — Trash Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 02:37:31 )

Oh man, this gets me a bit riled up but I will save the long paragraphs lol.
My mom and I have a very strained relationship.
Shes really judgmental of everyone around her, and its results in either her acting out or talking a loooottttt of crap about people.
Even when I've tried to talk to her about it out of concern she just rejects the thought that she could be the one that is wrong. She made a lot of enemies from this mindset.

She was also one of the main factors in my last relationship blowing up. I'm over it now, but she hated my ex and even went as far as to make up lies to the rest of my family members to get them to shame me and such. It was hard because my dad didn't want to at least talk to her about it so I was on my own when it came to dealing with it. My ex didn't even do anything wrong which sucks, he just didn't reach my mom's standards in looks. He even tried making the effort to talk to her but she didn't even give him the chance.
Other than that shes treated some of my friends really poorly and would say all these mean things about them and their families. It makes me angry every time this happens so I've learned to just not bring people home anymore because I rather not hear it :P.
Ugh plus whenever we are eating out in some restaurant she is soooo rude to the servers. She gets mad when food takes longer than 5 minutes to make and will start making comments that are just degrading. I'm a server myself so it just makes me so irritated lol. I often apologize for her behavior when servers get noticeably irritated.
Other than restaurants, in public spaces she will literally yell at someone to move if their in the way instead of just saying excuse me.
What really bothers me when I'm out in public with her is the fact is that she will openly act racist or homophobic with no remorse and tries to joke about it with me. I don't support this at all and when people around us hear her making such jokes and comments I feel horrible about it because its just so rude and unnecessary. Even when I'm saying things to try and get her to stop she just keeps going on and it gets worse x_x.

Despite everything, I try to keep my peace at home. I do my best to avoid conflict with her and have accepted the fact that she does not want to change her ways. I know I'm not perfect either but I'm doing my best to coexist.


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Donator — sheep Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 03:10:30 )
I don't really hate anyone in my family, but I guess I'm ambivalent towards my dad? Like, I don't like or dislike him; he's just the guy who got my mom pregnant. Six years ago he left the state with his girlfriend and left us four kids and my mom to fend for ourselves as he was still providing a significant amount of the rent money for my family since my mom didn't have a job at the time. Luckily we were all adults already, except my youngest brother who was in high school at the time, but it still left us homeless and separated from each other as we all found different places to stay.

Honestly, he was never really part of my life before that anyway. My parents separated when I was ten and he didn't really make an effort to keep in touch with us when he moved out. My youngest brother barely even knows the man since he was five when my parents split.

So just...ambivalence. I don't hate him because I don't know him enough to hate him, but if he happened to pass away for some reason I probably wouldn't be very sad. But if he ever tried to step back into our lives I wouldn't know how to talk to him. I haven't seen him in six years.

@ me to get my attention or I probably won't respond

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 03:22:21 )
I'm lucky to be a part of a really great family. I don't hate anyone, no one is a nutjob, and everyone looks out for each other. My immediate and extended family members are always holding parties at their houses for everyone to come together, talk, eat, karaoke, and just have a good time.

Except for my older cousin's wife. She's a bitch and there's no other way to describe her, sorry
She doesn't really participate in any of the parties, or talk to anyone (I've... never... had a conversation with her in my life...). There's nothing wrong with that, I hardly talk myself. But I at least have the decency to greet the people who are putting in so much time to host this party at their house, make all the food for us to eat, etc. She gives off the feeling that she doesn't want to be a part of the family, like she's just... taking advantage of us.

She and my cousin had been living at my aunt's house since they got married. At some point, she got into an argument with my aunt and things went south. She started vandalizing family photos and other belongings, and defaming my aunt on the internet for things she didn't do. And then she turned to my other cousin (i.e. her husband's brother) and started vandalizing his stuff. Listen, you're welcome to be mad at someone, but you have to really be a piece of work to do things like that. My other cousin isn't even a part of your damn argument, leave him alone?? And to top it all off, she tries to play the victim by saying that my aunt is the one doing all these things and then framing her for it, which is NOT true.

Eventually she and my cousin moved out of my aunt's place. My cousin doesn't talk to his mother or his brother anymore, even though their relationship was just fine before. They have a kid and my aunt has never met him, no one knows where they live now. They don't come to family get-togethers anymore. My cousin didn't come to Tomb-sweeping Day this year to honor our dead ancestors. It's a family tradition that he hasn't missed in all the years I've been alive. Not anymore.

Really it only takes one person to turn a whole family sour. It hurts the most when you know that everyone else in the family is so close and loving to each other.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 05:12:54 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

*is pretty much mostly disconnected from every blood relative with the exception of my adorable half sister-Im on ok terms with her mom.*


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 10:24:22 )
We’ll carry on

*opens can of worms*

Okay, here we go. I’ll cut it up in pieces and put it in spoilers, since there will be bad things in it.

My mother had 6 brothers, only 2 of them are alive this day.
The oldest brother acted like he was my mother’s parent and decided what she could and couldn’t do. He went to college (paid for by the rest of the family) and, when he was home on the weekends, he told her how to live her life.
Fast forward to when my mother was in her 20’s. She fell in live with my father, who was 13 years older and an atheist. That was a big no no for that uncle and he told her she had to break up with him.
They started to live together and that was an even bigger no no. What would his church think if they heard his only sister lived together with an athiest, without getting married?!

When my father died, we didn’t even get a card or a call.

A year later, my mother was in the hospital and she nearly died. He would go over to the hospital a lot, read her reports and made decisions for her.
When she heard, she told the doctors he had no say in it.
She didn’t she him again in the hospital and, when she got out, he took my other uncle and his family out for dinner because they took care of my brother and me (coming to that later).

When I was 18, my brother got in with a wrong crowd and my mother called him, to ask for advice. His wife then said “everyone has problems.” That was that, conversation closed.

Again, fast forward: I was in my 20’s and we got the message that he had cancer and would die within a year. My mother send him a long letter and, later on, he called.
Within no time, he was shouting and swearing at her and she was in tears.
I took the phone over, listened to it for a minute or so and then gave him the same treatment.
He was impressed and shocked, because in his eyes I was still the innocent little kid. He got angry with me at some point and said “you don’t know what it’s like to die.”
Well, bitch, I do know what it’s like to die, since I have done it before. If you paid any attention to me in my life, you would’ve know. (My vital signs had been completely gone during surgery before and I was gone for a few minutes)

Another uncle had abused my mother for years, ever she was a young girl.
He has been married 3 times and I’m pretty sure he also abused one of his daughters. He had 2 more daughters, but they were too young when he died.
Another uncle found out years later and, instead of helping my mother, he sexual assaulted her, saying “I know you like this.”

Funny enough, the first uncle was the only person next to my grandmother who actually comforted my brother and me when my mother was gravely ill.

Moving on: this isn’t too much about an uncle, but more about his wife.
She was a cold ass woman. Standing on the north pole naked would be warmer than her personality.

Her daughter got in a rough patch in her life and mixed in with the wrong crowd. Instead of helping her, she kicked her daughter out. Daughter went to the police, because she had no idea what to do. They called my mother and so she became my foster sister for a while.
She had worked with both my parents in the Red Cross, but, when my father died, no contact. When my mother got gravely ill, I saw her once, when the complete family gathered. There she said “oh no, my sister in law could die soon!”
My brother and me were nearby, but didn’t even get a pat on the back from her (I was 9 at the time).

When my grandmother died, within a day, everything made of silver and gold was gone and she was the only one who could’ve done that.

If you are wondering how my uncle managed to stay married with her for 38 years, well, he had affairs for 40 years.
When they got divorced, after she got the inheritance from her father and my uncle got half of it, their grown up son wanted to get married. She didn’t allow it because she could see my uncle that day.

And on to the next: the uncle I lived with for a while, was a homophobe. He didn’t want his sons (he had 2) to get any toy that could be considered girly or even let them play with it when they were somewhere else, because they might become gay.

He is also a racist and I heard him talk about ‘dem blacks’ several times. Even with 2 adopted, black cousins, and a quarter Chinese cousin right next to him.

When my father died, he was at the funeral, but not for my mother, brother or me. He was there because, when my father died, he was house sitting for someone. That someone being a coworker of that uncle and that is why he came.
He complained at the funeral that he had to take a few hours of from work because of it.

A year later, I had to live with them while my mother was in the hospital. At that moment, being a girl, I could only play with ‘the girl toys’.
Did they have any? No.
Were they planning to get some, even if it was just by going to my house and get some? No. That would tempt his sons to play with them.

In the following year, my brother was in and out if the hospital. I had to stay with them every time and they never woke up in time to give my breakfast and take me to school in time (even when it was a minute walk).
So I always woke up in time, make myself a sandwich and run to school.

One of my uncles couldn’t get kids, but, when he and his wife were in their 40’s, his wife became pregnant. He thought it was a miracle.
She was conceived out of an afair and we all know that kid was conceived the same way.

And the last uncle and his wife...
When my grandfather died, soon after, my uncle and mother had a discussion and he told my mother to drop dead.

His wife, when she had some alcohol, she starts to tell stories, even if she hasn’t had contact with that person for years (she hasn’t had any contact with my mother for 15 years, but still told stories about her at family reunions (to which we were never invited)).
We know she did, because 2 cousins both contacted us after and told us about it.

According to her, my mother was a sheman, a lesbian, anti Christ and much more.
They also always made up excuses why we, my family and an uncle, weren’t there. One if the cousins who told us about it, was the son of that uncle. He asked his father about it and heard he never got an invitation or even heard there would be a reunion. That cousin then asked my mother and got the same story.
All the uncles and aunts believe her stories, btw, since we live in the same small town so they think she knows best.

And there is the short version of why I haven’t had any contact with my uncles and aunts for years (saw 1 uncle (the one with the affairs), his son and an aunt (the wife of the homophobe) at my mother’s funeral but they were driven to the back by people who did give a crap about us and knew some of the history of the family.
My landlord, an 85 year old man, didn’t even want to shake their hands because of how they treated us.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 14:51:57 )
I don't hate any of my family... disagree with, yes... dislike yes. I find it hard to hate people, even if they are evil. But if I had to say, and I don't like speaking ill of the dead, but my Grandfather on my mother's side. He treated me like crap growing up... my cousin and I have birthday's on the same day and would have party's together growing up. Never ever in my life have I gotten a gift from him and I was talking to my cousin and my Grandpa walks up and hands her an envelope and says Happy Birthday to her and walks away. Nothing, nada, not even a glance my way. My cousin opens the envelope and there was like $500 in there, and she turned like 14 years old. My Grandma saw this and reamed my Grandpa a new ass(they were divorced at this point.) Also I have a memory from when I was a little kid of him standing over her after he just hit her to the floor and he grabbed a knife and held it above her looking like he was going to kill her, and when he saw me he threw the knife down and yelled at her saying next time she better have dinner ready for him by the time he gets home from work.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 15:15:38 )

@macsen191: See I would hate that person. Luckily the grandfather that I hate is dead, I was celebrated when I was told the news.


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