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Forums General Chit-Chat I had a dream..

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 01:22:23 )
That I was back at age 18, really sick, and in the hospital long term. I had to leave my room because they needed to clean it. I went to another room where my dad was sitting and there was a couch there. I decided to take a nap on the couch while I was waiting.

I woke up in real life in my bed in the same position that I'd laid down in on the couch in my dream. The pillow and blankets felt the exact same too. It felt like I went to sleep there and woke up here.

Every bit of it felt real too.



It would be so nice to wake up again and be back at 18. I feel like there are so many things that I'd do differently.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 02:00:51 )
A curious dream. Many, I think, would willingly travel back in time to be younger and do things differently, but if every person did that, would we be here, where we are now, as the same person?
Item QuestHangoutSales

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 03:16:30 )
This is definitely an inception moment right here.

Most of my dreams are very realistic. Nightmares for me nowadays amount to failing exams or missing assignments haha... ha...
Sometimes I have to spend a good few minutes convincing myself that it wasn't real yikes

I don't think I've ever dreamed of going back in time though. 18 wasn't that long ago for me but I still feel like there are so many things I'd do differently. Lots of regrets these past 4 years... but a lot of learning experiences too. I don't know if I'd throw those away for a second chance.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 02:37:06 )
@little crane: I do think I'd be different, but I would hope I'd be different for the better. I'll never know... unless I wake up from this dream. XD

@hachi: I'll occasionally dream of being younger and back in school, but it's usually stuff like "i'm about to go perform a halftime show and I don't know the routine" stuff. I hate the dreams where I dream that I'm getting ready for my day and I pick out my clothes and brush my teeth and everything only to wake up still in my bed. /facepalm

@xirin: I need to talk to the manager of this simulation! I have a few complaints. XD
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

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