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Forums Mini Shops ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed]

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/5 08:03:11 )
IDK WHAT I DID??? maybe im dumb and literally just pressed submit early HAHA
i hope you appreciate the continued functionality of line breaks tho

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/5 15:32:18 )

@Hachi: Aw, lol. But okay, just let me know when you need my address, then. :)
And aahh omg he looks so cool like now I'm really dying to know more about him??!
What's written on his mask? o:
After looking up both subgenres, looks like they can blur? But personally biopunk seems more exciting imo, lol.


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/6 07:37:41 )
caught red-handed by kiwi whoops

@Apollo Im Burning: sure! I'll send Jordan and Icarus together probably?

hhhh thanks! im really dying to finish drawing all these refs tbh HAHA
im looking at it again and yikes my handwriting is so shitty
The mask translates to "who are you?" - the story revolves around memory manipulation, so I wanted to focus on the conflict of personal identity in that kind of world. I had a lot of fun writing tragic™ backstories for these characters tbh

biopunk is really cool! I'm more partial to that side of science anyways heh
ahh this conversation reminds me of the film Gattaca....

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/6 15:44:09 )

@Hachi: That sounds good!

lmao, making your characters suffer is the fun part i'm terrible
but that premise sounds super neat! o:
Wait, how many characters did you say you're making?
As for Gattaca, I remember watching that for my biology class in 9th grade. :) Don't remember it all, but it had a happy ending, right?


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/7 01:58:07 )
@Apollo Im Burning: HONESTLY THO wow we're really bad parents
I'm making 3! for now... I think I exhausted all my ideas for the next 5 years tho tbh

Ahhh same! (Well, except in 11th grade) I don't really remember it either! tbh I hardly ever paid attention in that class whoops. if i wasn't doodling or doing other hw i was sleeping HAHA
I'd like to watch it again though... like... for real this time... I don't remember the ending at all!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/9 04:45:53 )

@Hachi: Aaah just hearing you talk about making characters makes me want to make new ones, but I really should take care of the ones I have now. xD
(Plus tbh I never really was one to make them on the fly. o: I like to take my time with them.)
Any of them girls, btw? o w o
I only have like 1 and even then I haven't touched her in years omg the neglect x.x

lmao! You sound like a bad student. xD I could never do that; I'd feel too guilty. x)
You should! And let me know how it goes, haha. I don't like watching movies all that much, so I probably won't myself. :s


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 05:23:20 )
@kiwi: bully me kiwi
fffff thank you
ok but actually i'm starting on your commission finally sorry kick me if it's not done in a week

@Apollo Im Burning: rip me too tho these poor children tbh
ahh me too! but right now I feel like I'm in some kind of a rush to put them down on paper?? like all these ideas are going to disappear before I do or something haha

only 2 more to go.......

but true I wasn't a good student HAHA that's probably not the most outrageous thing I got away with in class tho
nahh I'm not much of a film person either haha. I used to go to the theater a lot when I was younger but now it... takes so much... effort......

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 05:47:01 )
I beat up okios in the mcD's parking lot once better watch out
rip man I can't even pick a character to draw this will take me 5 yrs

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 06:22:13 )
bless, pls do
I was about to RNGesus this thing HAHA

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 06:33:28 )
I appreciate...... plants?? ummm COOL OUTFITS

ya'll im sorry

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 06:51:11 )
Nooooo kiwi
I'll draw anyone, I'm just indecisive af

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 07:19:03 )
!! I'll give him all my love!!
cyberpunk 👀

when you have time can you explain his hair to me tho IM SORRY
are they dreadlocks?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 07:45:58 )
Nahhh you're good, I just wanted to make sure! I think I get what you mean
Is it one side? both sides?
sorry for too many questions hhhnnnnnnn

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/10 15:50:04 )

@Hachi: busy bee, busy bee

o w o
o w o
o w o
o w o

Where has she been all my life??!
She looks cute and cool and tough as nails, haha.
I must know everything about her now. (◕ω◕✿)

... Now I'm curious < w < very curious lol
speaking of curious, you've got me wondering what your tumblr is since all your stuff seems to be from there x)
lmao, what was the last thing you saw in theater? :)


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/11 04:46:55 )
I'll try to do your boy justice kiwi!

@Apollo Im Burning: hahaha how did you know

i just want to say that when I read your spoiler, the voice in my head literally went "owoooooooooo"
fffff im glad you got that impression bc she is definitely those things personality-wise haha
when I finish writing up the profiles I'll share them with you!

SWEATS NERVOUSLY no but really I only use tumblr as a (shitty) image host and way to organize my stuff. I might actually go back to deviantart tho because... tumblr sucks

curious about my bad student habits? i think my best feat was painting in the middle of calculus
I think the last movie I saw in theaters was Crazy Rich Asians haha. I think this is the only romcom I've seen?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/11 07:20:20 )
the bee movie is sacrilege

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/11 17:46:07 )

and lmao x) I literally just read it like that, too, tbh, haha
nice to know I hit the nail on the head, though! and aaahhh okay, I'll try exercising patience xD
mmm, mind sharing your deviantart if you do go back to it? o: I'm personally wondering if I should make another one again. It's been years since I was on it. Probably not for my own art, though, but rather to interact with artists. o:
btw, I wanted to say that the piece you made of Jordan makes me kind of just want ink pieces made of him, lol. There's an artist I'm eyeing because she has those types of commissions open at the moment, lol.

OMG WUT xD How? And what were you painting? (If you remember, lol)
I'm not really big on romance (I think I've only seen one, as well) so I decided to pass on it, but I'm glad it was a successful film! Did you enjoy it?

pls don't

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/12 03:02:43 )
@Apollo Im Burning: For sure! It's been yearssss since I've been on deviantart too. I'd also just make a new account at this point haha
I'm not the biggest fan of deviantart's interface (there's... too many things... I like simplicity) but yeah I think it's a great place to interact/connect with other artists! I think that's something that's missing from the other platforms I was thinking about switching to since tumblr turned into a dumpster fire

ahhh mind sharing a link to her work? I love ink And if you do commission more pieces of Jordan I'd love to see them!
I really want to get into buying rlc but idk where to start, haha another reason to go to deviantart tbh

IDK MAN. I sat in the back? haha I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was a project for art class and I cut it REAL close to the deadline
Yeah the film was pretty entertaining! I think my heritage makes my opinion biased tho

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/12 03:41:25 )

You have awesome art styles!


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2018/12/13 08:01:27 )
ahhh thanks dragoness!

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