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Forums General Chit-Chat Gimme tips on making friends please.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 20:50:08 )

Sounds kinda pathetic..
STILL, I suck at this thing and would like to have friends to have game nights, wine nights or even just someone to go shopping with.

So please give me tips on making friends.

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 21:40:34 )
do u have money
u can buy them online

you can: join local clubs related to your hobby, take a class that you'd like, volunteer in your community.
small talk for 30min then near the end say you enjoy their time can i get ur number can we hang out sometime, etc.
be proactive. but if it's starting to feel one-sided like it's just you inviting them out for 1 month and they've done nothing back/not being reciprocal of ur "friendship", then cut them out. friendship is a 2-way street.
you can try bars too...but making friends when you're not's a double-edged sword

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 21:52:36 )

@okios: HM, when all your hobbies relate to the internet or gym.
And your town has basically nothing to do. And going to the pub on your own would be scary af.
I talk to people as basically my job, but i'm too shy to ask to hang out, cause then they gonna be like "what you want to do?" And my indecisive ass won't know.
Plus money. I'm poor.

How to strike a conversation out of work... And to know if they actually think you're cool, or being polite.
I really overthink this.
Yeah I had to cut off someone I saw as my best friend last year, so unfortunately I know how.

Note to self, earn lots and buy friends.
"can i get your number"

Just chillin'

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 22:19:28 )
I have no friends in real life. It doesn't even bother me? I think I have ascended the need for company and just become like, a perpetual loner? I kinda made my peace with it tbh. Social interaction exhausts me in every way. I would prefer to spend time with my dog

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 23:10:31 )
@robyn: time 2 get new hobbies make gym friends or online friends. u could bond over gains, workout routines and stuff
ok but do u want to remain shy and friendless or...
sacrifices must be made, man.
maybe it'll be easier if u pretend making friends is ur 2nd job.
u already got a nice mini list of stuff to do. out of the 3, game night seem the most fun, and least costly (i think).
oh how about pokemon go? u can exercise, collect pokemon, and it doesn't cost much. (i'm assuming everyone has a smartphone tho)

How to strike a conversation out of work: "hey i got nothing to do this week. wanna hang out?"
if they say no, then u colleague-zoned
if they say sorry, busy this week, then try one more time before giving up.
if they say srry, busy, BUT i'm free nxt week (aka a follow-up) then hurray!
if they say yes, then best hurray!

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Donator — she, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 00:30:06 )
Here in the darkness I know myself

I just watched a video last night that stated you need to put 100+ hours into someone for your friendship to essentially level up.

Also, if you hang with a group of people and you vibe with someone in the group to suggest one x one interaction with said person.

It was also suggested to put the effort in, say someone isn’t making plans first, you make the plan and most likely someone would go along because they didn’t have to make the plan?

I don’t know though, but I’m going to try some of these things out.
Can\'t break free until I let it go.
Let me go..

Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 02:09:28 )
@Hazer: I recently got a puppy. He is really good for helping me keep calm and giving me confidence when I'm outside. Some of the time he is too boisterous but that will pass with age :)

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/10 05:28:23 )
I got lucky enough to marry my best friend, so I always have one person to do things with, at least. My best friend from high school recently got another job across the country and moved away, so we can't hang out anymore. Other than that, I just happened to become good friends with some of my coworkers and their spouses. I would recommend just asking someone you go to school or work with if they'd like to go see a movie or attend some kind of casual event together, a concert or a convention. Or just grab coffee. That's what I always do, if I meet someone I have something in common with.

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/23 07:26:38 )
In my experience making friends has been kind of an incidental thing. Like, the harder I try to make it happen, the less successful I actually am. Maybe that's just an introvert thing, though. I know people who can just set out to make a friend and they can just... do it? And that has always confused me. I think the easiest way is just to let yourself drift into people and see if you click, that's kind of how I've always done it. Probably not the fastest way of making friends but it's my way.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/23 10:33:56 )

You can always join an online community of locals, get really drunk and start talkin' smack about your ex. >w> did that. Now I have a movies and wine night every Sunday. XD


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