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Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/16 06:34:39 )
@Yandere: omg that's a crazy amount!
Sorry I haven't been replying. I was travelling home from my trip..

On the last day of the trip something terrible happened..we got a text message that my father-in-law had a heart attack and he died..I loved the man dearly and it's a huge blow to my husband as well. He was only 61 years old. We are currently trying to plan a funeral and pick up the pieces of our life. Don't really know where to start..but we have a strong family unit that's helping out where they can with papers and things..I still can't believe he is gone. It feels like he has just gone on a trip somewhere where we can't call him..but not gone gone...

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/16 19:50:37 )
@saeyra: Yeah, n ___n ;; Thankfull by the end of my bachelor's, I only had $24k debt. Thank goodness for government aide and scholarships. |||OTL. Though, I still need to go back for my masters. It's going to be so much money. Ahhhh.

Oh. Oh no. I'm so sorry for your loss. Make sure you take time to just... take care of everything. It's overwhelming.

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/17 07:41:16 )
@Yandere: ..have you experienced losing a parent too? This is my first's pretty shitty (not the right word but I can't think of another one atm). I cant look at his stuff and even just remembering his hat and bag he used to take to work just sitting there makes me wanna fall apart. I know I am gonna survive this..I just don't know how..

Sorry I am telling you all are easy to talk to...

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/18 02:00:27 )
@saeyra: No, I haven't. My husband's mother has been really sick lately though, so I'm worried.
It is really shitty. Heartbreaking. There really is no definite way to describe. Ahh god. I would be doing the same thing. ;;; Just keep thinking of the positive times, you know? That's really all you can do. :c
You just need to be strong, crying is okay, remembering is okay, being with your family is important too. I'm sure they're going through the same feeling.

Of course. I'm always here to listen. I don't mind at all. I wish I could... give more support but listening is definitely something I can do.

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/18 09:53:13 )
@Yandere: I hope your husband's mom gets well soon... What is she sick with? I am kinda feeling worried too. I don't want you and your husband to experience what I am going through...

My husband's gramma is having the toughest time I think. She has to bury her son. And she is still living in the same house he did and all his stuff is everywhere. Today she had to go through photographs of him to choose one for the funeral. She is...*sigh* i don't even know if I have the words to explain how much pain she is in right now..

Thanks for listening to all this. I know it is depressing and stressful..I just have to tell someone..yknow. .writing it all out kinda helps abit...

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/18 17:35:20 )
@saeyra: Ah, I hope so too. Every week there's always something. She has issues with her lungs. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I know it's been an issue for quite some time now. q vq
There's really nothing we can do, especially since she lives in another state that's really far away. She gets better, then worse then better. She's able to travel now a bit, so that's a plus. Haaa.

Gosh, yeah. No one should ever need to do that.
Oh god. Sometimes I feel like funerals just hurt more. It's like a reality check sometimes. Looking through all that stuff really is horrible. I'm sorry she needs to do that.

No, of course. Not everything is going to be fun and games and all. Reality is still there.
I completely understand! Feel free to vent out, okay?

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/18 20:14:46 )
@Yandere: oh how old is she? I know how you feel... I get really worried too when my parents get sick and I want to fly over for every little thing but it takes me like a month to prepare for the trip and make sure all my affairs are in order plus its expensive. So I try to make an effort to just call as much as possible and fly over every couple of years... you cant really predict what life is gonna throw at you next so you just do your best..

I am glad she is doing better now though

I have no strong opinions on funerals yet. I'll let you know after this one..I have been to a few before, one was a mother who lost a son and the other a daughter who lost a was extremely sad to watch both times and I am kinda dreading watching my husband go through it and experiencing it myself.. I so far just hate that they call it a final goodbye when you aren't really ready to say goodbye yet...

We ordered the flowers today. Its gonna be white and red roses so I think it's gonna be beautiful at least. He was a soldier for awhile and fought in a war so he is gonna get the gun salute and the folded flag ceremony from the army. The other nice thing is the army is helping us pay for the funeral so that's a huge relief.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/20 17:27:13 )
@saeyra: She's in her 60s. I'm not sure what exact age, but it's around there.
I don't really have the means to travel- especially since I'm trying to save for a bunch of things. My hubby calls her at least twice a week though, so that's something. Though they don't talk about much really. You really can't. Gosh.

Hmm. I mean I know it's a service and all, and it's not like they really ... advertise all too much. It just seems weird, the whole process. I feel like it should make you feel a little better and it's just a gathering with people crying. I dunno. I've only been to three funerals or so. My step mom lost her mom and a family friend lost their dad. The other one was when I was a kid and had no idea what was going on.
You never really think about all the small things.
I think that will be pretty too. Usually people will donate flower wreaths too.
Gosh, that is nice. They can get pricey too.

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/21 07:00:57 )
@Yandere: My father in law was 61 when he died. Its really too young to lose them. I hope your mother in law lives a long time still.

Well there was alot of people at the funeral. His coworkers from work took 2 whole vans.
The army being there and giving the gun salute and flag ceremony was really cool.

I am still kinda torn on funerals. It was super painful for his mom to watch him get buried..I didnt feel any closure but it was nice to see a whole crowd of people who really cared about him. Plus the country paid their respects to a good man. My brain still doesn't believe he is dead..I thought the funeral would help but it didn't.

It was a really short affair. Less than 2 hrs. But the day was sunny and beautiful and that really helps imagining he is somewhere happy and smiling..

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/23 02:36:13 )
@saeyra: That definitely is young. Sometimes there are just those cases though. :c I hope so too. She's going through a lot of personal stuff too, so I just hope she finds that inner peace too though. Ahh.

That means he was well loved then. u v u/
I've never seen that sort of thing.. besides movies I guess. It's a nice thing for them to do though. Kinda makes me emotional for some reason.
Nah, the funeral never does. It's just like they're not there. And you're just...waiting for them to come back. It's a weird feeling. q vq
That's not too bad though. Last funeral I went to, it was horribly windy and cold. ;;; It was really long too because tons of people had speeches that they wrote. Made me cry and I didn't even know the guy.

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/23 11:08:49 )
@Yandere: I hope so too.

And yeah! Exactly! You are absolutely right. It didn't really help at all that he was in an urn and not a coffin. He wasn't..person-shaped? So my brain was like "naaaaah thats not him, that's just a jar"

Two people gave speeches at the funeral and they could barely speak, the speeches were really short. I wish I had the strength and command of the Croatian language to make a speech too because I felt like they only saw one side of him, the side of him that goes to work and talks about hobbies. They didn't see how he was with his family. He wasn't much different but he had more layers than what he showed to most people. He had the stupidest dad jokes ever and he kept telling the same ones over and over even if they weren't even that funny haha. On our birthdays he would do this formal handshake thing where he wished us health, happiness and luck. We would always roll our eyes when he did it because it felt really silly but he insisted on doing it every year. He would hold out his hand expectantly and have that silly twinkle in his eye like "you know what time it is" and we would just shake our heads and laugh before going through the whole thing awkwardly. Y'know, that kinda stuff...

The thing my husband and I are most broken up about is that he never got to meet his grandkids. We both know he would go absolutely crazy about them and they would be crazy about him. All we can do now is tell them stories about him but its never gonna be enough..
Its abit silly cos they don't even exist yet except in our imagination but we took it for granted that it was what our future was gonna look like..

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/24 16:26:04 )
@saeyra: Yeah. I always thought it would be like an accepting type of thing, but it almost makes you feel more empty? I dunno.
Oh wow yeah. An urn even feels less human like. But it's better for land purposes though, I guess.

Seeing other people emotional easily gets me upset, but it's tough when you can't talk because you're overwhelmed.
I mean, at least you'll have those memories, you know? You'll never miss out on it. Sometimes work and friends don't see the full side of people. It's sad, yeah, but there isn't much you can do about that. Lots of people miss out on lots of parts of other people's lives.

That's definitely one of my concerns too. As I'm getting older, so are my grandparents and parents. I was too young to even meet my grandfather (On my mom's side) so I only knew him from photos/stories.
we just can't predict what's going to happen unfortunately. :c

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/24 18:44:57 )
@Yandere: Oh I hope I am not making you feel upset by talking to you about this things.

Yeah we dont really fear death as much when we are kids but its kinda a growing threat as you grow older. I don't fear death for myself, I think its kinda like a long sleep where you don't have to do or worry about things. I think its worse to survive the death of everyone else. You still gotta go on living through the pain.

I cannot thank you enough for listening to me through all of this. You didn't have to but you did and it really helped me sort out my thoughts and feelings. You are a good person and I pray that the universe be kind to you whatever you do and wherever you are.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/26 01:30:29 )
@saeyra: Oh no, not at all. I was pretty stressed about coming back to work though today. Thankfully it went pretty fast.
q vq !!!

Hmm. Sometimes I'm afraid because I don't want to leave my husband alone, but when I get depressed I suppose I don't care either way. n ___ n ;;;
At least if you go peacefully, I suppose. I guess passing in your sleep would be the easiest way. I dunno. I don't really think I'd want to know that I'm dying? I feel like it would make me regret a lot of things that I couldn't do. Aughh. Hopefully I don't need to think about that anytime soon. I'm still pretty young, I guess.

Of gosh, of course! I don't mind talking about anything really. (besides politics- i hate politics). I feel bad since I don't have concrete advice to help out, but at least I could put in a piece of my mind too?I It's a nice feeling to just talk about what's stressing/worrying you sometimes. n ___n ///
D'awwh. I'm just a good listener, I guess?? You're too sweet. oml. /squishes

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/02/26 12:28:38 )
@Yandere: Yeah I joke with my husband that the one who dies first is the asshole and took the easy road. Dude, today I literally found a voice message my husband left for me a year ago. "This is for wifey, so you can hear my voice even after I die. Don't marry anyone else kay bye. I love youuu!!"..what an asshole..

I was really scared when his dad died that he would have a mental breakdown because he is already bipolar. I didn't know how he would react but luckily everything is fine for now. Today we were able to look through photos and videos to find a photo of his dad to keep on our desk. He is also really happy he has videos where his dad is talking so we won't forget his voice.

Nah don't feel bad, I don't expect you to be a sage old man haha. Even my parents don't have any good advice for me on how to deal with this. My dad thinks giving me financial advice is helping with the sadness haha. He is so funny, I know he cares but he is bad at the feelings talk. My mom told me to go to church.. my mother-in-law is even sadder than I am so its nice to talk to someone around my age, and yes you are a good listener

What are you stressed about?

Always ping me please.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/03/1 01:02:51 )
@saeyra: Ahahaa. At least you can joke about it and stuff, you know? I always tell my husband that if he dies, I'll kill him. xD Then he always retorts that he'd be dead anyway? Pffft- making sense. /shakes head.
My goodness. What a sillyhead.

Gosh, yeah. I could see how that would spiral into something crazy. I'm glad everything was pretty.. mild I guess? Sometimes it takes awhile to hit though, so be careful. Especially around events like Father's day or their birthday or parents anniversary or something. That is something nice to have.
My husband always complains because I keep every little movie ticket stub and drawing he's done and like dumb stuff like the wrappers that pokemon cards come in. And all I keep saying is that it's memories. ajhfkldjfas. I just have a bad memory so I want to remember all these things. ;;;

Ahhh. I'm old enough/been through stuff to know a little bit! But like.. I'm just horrible with works. orz.
I feel like my father-in-law does that too. Finds something else to make you worry about so you don't focus on the main thing that's really the issue. It's kinda smart if you think about it. /squints.
Hehe, I try!

It's just... a lot of work. It went from doing nothing all day to- now it's prepping for state tests and stuff. It's exhausting. I went to sleep an hour early yesterday because I was so tired. q vq

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/03/20 22:09:22 )

Are you still doing art?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/03/21 00:14:56 )
@mimikyutoo: Yes, though it might take awhile- especially this week! I'm a bit busy TT ___ TT !!
If you don't mind waiting too much, then I'm still available!

Also I love Mimikyu omg.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/03/21 02:54:28 )

@Yandere: Oh no, I get it completely~!
I was wondering if you would be able to do my current avi, but didn't know if it counted as furry?
If it's considered furry/anthro then can I get this gal in Crayon?

I can pay 6.5k volts plus a tip on either one you do ;u;
Also aren't Mimikyu's the best? :3
Hangout || Questing
Please ping me if I don't reply.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/03/23 14:45:53 )
@mimikyutoo: Ack, sorry! I ended up missing this ping, I suppose.

Hmmm. The legs might not be fully drawn in the same manner, just might look like human legs instead and then colored the same way?
I just can't draw anything animal related. LMAO.

AShfdskjghdsag. If that's alright with you, then I don't mind your avatar
I ended up getting a shiny mimikyu plushie when I went to Japan. It sits on my desk. TT ___ TT

TH || dA ||webtoon

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