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Forums General Chit-Chat Tooth of Wisdom

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/28 20:57:59 )
My top two wisdom teeth are already grown in, and they hardly caused any pain or problems...but now my bottom left tooth is erupting, and oml it's been such a pain in the butt over the past few days. (Honestly if my top teeth weren't already grown in, and stabbing into the soft splitting gums below, it wouldn't be so bad.) At first I was worried it was impacted because my whole jaw was hurting and kinda swollen, but it's mostly just my gums being irritated about the mass of calcium and protein poking through them. c': now it'd be nice if this tooth could hurry up and come out already since I'm tired of chewing on my cheek/gum

Do you have your wisdom teeth? Did you get to keep them? I hope I get to keep all of mine. 8D Is really just scared of having to get surgery


Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/28 23:45:58 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: Shoot man I'd still be spending less with the plane tickets included. xD


Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/28 23:58:02 )

I have them all...(apparently, not sure if it's true or not) but they don't hurt. I'd love to just tear them out though. Why keep em if I don't need em?

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me here if you wanna!

Voltie — She/It Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/29 05:17:01 )
I have my wisdom teeth in, and I should get them removed... but finding an affordable oral surgeon is a pain, and they only bother me intermittently. I've had worse mouth pain. Like that time I needed a franectomy.

Okay, so I'm also afraid of surgery- but that's less of an issue as of last year. 'Cause I had heart surgery, and that was probably way worse for me than my wisdom teeth being pulled could be. Though I did watch my dad get a tooth removed. Ugh. I still don't wanna... But the pain when I get it isn't fun either...

I send everyone who has them still hugs and hope that you won't need to suffer with them long :'D

Donator — - Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/29 05:25:25 )
I need mine out but as it is, I am already trying like a bastard to get surgery on my kidneys and money is so tight that I go days with only eating something small like a piece of toast...just enough to make me not that the kids will be able to eat until I get money for food. So, oral surgery is completely out of the question rn.

Also, one of my kids has an extra wisdom tooth. Lucky them... : /

Hope you feel better.

Voltie — She/It Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/29 05:33:04 )
@Shamrock Shamus: There's such thing as more than normal numbers of wisdom teeth!? I send hugs to your child. My friend just recently got an appointment because her wisdom teeth only recently erupted. I think she and I can both be thankful to have normal numbers...

Also, I send my best with the kidney surgery >w< Lots of hugs.

Donator — - Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/29 05:39:30 )
@Juneberry: It's weird. They've got like, one below the others. I will give them the hugs from you. Your poor friend. That's terrible. I wish her well and hope it gets taken care of. : (

Thanks! : D I hope I can get the damn insurance to pay for it. They somehow find a new loophole a few days before the scheduled's happened a few times now. : / You'd think that they would be willing to pay for surgery and not dialysis every other day for ever...

Voltie — She/It Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/29 05:48:55 )
@Shamrock Shamus: Do you even get dental on your insurance in general? That's the reason I haven't gone. But yeah... even then, insurance is a pain. I was surprised they covered my heart procedure, to be honest. Glad, but surprised. I just don't trust insurance much anymore. xD I hope you find a way around it~

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/29 15:36:48 )
@Boss Rimi: Well, if they aren't causing you any problems, you don't necessarily want to go ripping them out; if you've had them for a while, the roots will be well-developed and it'd be a very painful and expensive ordeal (they'd probably have to knock you out to pull all 4 at once). There is something to be said about a mouth that isn't crowded. c':

@SirLionelNigelConrad: Well, considering the fact that I'm allergic to all OTC painkillers, vodka would probably work pretty well. xD Whiskey is better tho...

@Juneberry: Yeah, any kind of procedure is so expensive here that Americans are just like "eh, I'll live with it". xD Heart surgery is pretty scary tho--honestly if you made it through that then you'd probably make it through a tooth extraction just fine. I've never seen a tooth getting pulled but just imagining it makes me shudder a little bit... *imagines them yanking on my tooth* OWWWWW

@Shamrock Shamus: Oh, Shamus. :C I'm so sorry to see that you're in a really tight spot. That's absolutely heartbreaking. And I also was unaware someone could have more than 4 wisdom teeth--that poor kid's mouth must be packed like sardines. Good luck with getting your kidney surgery, my friend. Hang in there. <3

[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Donator — - Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/30 02:28:39 )
@Juneberry: Lol no. It's kind of a shame to because oral health is connected to the rest of your health, from what my mom said when I was growing up...either that or she was just trying to scare me little Shamus into brushing my teeth more diligently and more often.

I am extremely glad to hear that they covered your heart procedure. What did you have done, if I may ask? My 5 year old, Ant has a pacemaker. I am grateful that his insurance company (government insurance) couldn't pull the "immigration card" on him, like they have me multiple times just this year. He was born here but both his mother and I are from other countries. : /
Insurance is almost a scam. It is just slightly shy from being an illegal scam though. They talk you into paying as much as you possibly can afford for things that you probably won't need by scaring you with "what ifs" and then turn around and use loopholes that they strategically and subtly created. That way they don't need to pay for what you pay them for. Because money means more than human lives in this world.
Thanks. I hope so to. : P

@Vii: Thank you. : ) I have hope. I refuse to give up. My kids depend on me too much to do so.

I didn't either. I am not sure if it's a normal thing or not. Luckily he's only got one extra. : P

Voltie — She/It Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/03/30 02:47:46 )
@Shamrock Shamus: I need to work on my oral hygiene to be honest. But I've read articles about it, so I'm pretty sure it's true! After all, digestion for example- it starts with the mouth, right? And sometimes, so does breathing.

It's not a problem at all to ask- though I'm sorry to hear your little already needs one of those! I had what's called an ablation. Basically, they put a catheter up your femoral artery in your leg and use it to peek inside and, in my case, burn the nerves that made an accessory pathway in my heart that isn't supposed to be there. It wasn't the most fun operation to get despite being only minor invasiveness (they had to have me awake to stimulate the nerves to figure out which to burn... I was convulsing on the table with my mind still there). But, in the long run, it's been worth it. I really shouldn't have put it off for ten years like I did. xD

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