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Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/23 00:07:57 )
@FUZZY: Not sure what kind of tree that is. I'll have to give it a google. I want lots of pretty flowering trees. As well as a williow tree.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/23 00:19:48 )
@Rei Ann: wheeping willow trees get to top heavy and so when you get bad weather they tip over, I also like willow that only blooms in spring but its like fluffy flowers.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/23 00:25:16 )
@FUZZY: Oh is that a thing? I just think they look so pretty with the leaves like hanging over. Make me thing of like a fairy garden sort of tree.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/23 00:37:46 )
@Rei Ann: there used to be a lot of willow trees by the river, but anytime we got a bad thunderstorm, or snow storm they'd go down, now there is no more willow trees up. I remember along time ago when I was very little, I was out fishing with my family in the summer. And a bad storm came, a big willow tree fell down, someone that was also fishing there, had chains on their truck, and they had to move the tree, so that we could all get home safely.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/23 23:32:20 )
@FUZZY: Aww man that sucks for those trees, but also good that such a libiarity isn't just there anymore. Cause that situation you describe sounds very scary to me.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/23 23:56:33 )
@Rei Ann: it was very scary, most of my childhood was fishing when it was warm out rain, or shine, Even some ice fishing. I don't like hearing ice crack under my feet I'll pass on the going ice fishing.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/24 00:22:57 )
@FUZZY: Oh ice cracking under one's feets sound super scary to me. Like *shudders* I would also pass on that.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/24 00:57:12 )
@Rei Ann: yeah ice lakes, ponds are all a no go.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/24 01:12:16 )
@FUZZY: Oh I could bet. Like I find fishing from rocks to be dangerous, couldn't imagine adding in ice.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/24 03:11:23 )
@Rei Ann: now fishing from rocks I've done that. its more creepy when a snake comes swimming by well sun bathing. lol

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/24 16:09:20 )
@FUZZY: I’ve done fishing from rocks myself, and I always remember how slippery it was. Didn’t have snake issue since it was rocks along the beach.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/24 16:46:09 )
@Rei Ann: The snakes here love to swim well sun bathing, they love hiding in, and by the rocks. I just leave them be if I know there near me, but if I dont see them, but do a sneaky snake move then i squeal. And move away.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/25 00:33:07 )
@FUZZY: Well I live near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, so I don't think that water has snakes. I'd have to give it a google. We get snakes in our yard, normally garter ones, still gives me a bit of a fright.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/25 02:49:15 )
@Rei Ann: are the garter ones there a different color?

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/25 02:58:51 )
@FUZZY: I think they are just black and brown.

This is what my states website says about them.


The back is greenish, olive, brown or black with a distinct yellow or white stripe down the centerline.
There may also be a white to yellow stripe on either side of the centerline stripe, though less distinct, and the area between these stripes is often a checkerboard pattern of blackish and green spots.
Sometimes the stripes are absent, and only the spotting remains.
The belly is cream to yellowish green and generally unmarked except there may be some dark spots on the edge of the belly scales.
Scales keeled.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/25 03:16:06 )
@Rei Ann: the ones there, are different, fron the ones here. that is for sure.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/27 00:46:44 )
@FUZZY: Oh different how?

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/27 02:24:00 )
@Rei Ann: they don't have spots, theyre mostly a dark color like black, and a yellow green color fir the stripes down the back. The underside of that for belly and all is cream colored.

Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/27 23:52:08 )
@FUZZY: Oh that is very different.
Rei's Quest
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Donator — She/Her Posted 9 months ago ( 2023/10/28 00:16:54 )
@Rei Ann: they look different in different areas
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