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Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 01:23:30 )

One of my nephews is crazy into it. I'll have to look at it sometime.

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 01:29:25 )

If you do join Palia, I'm Spuddy on there. I can't wait to see you!

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 01:37:52 )
@Spuddy: I'll let you know when I join and add you on there :)

It looks so fun!

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 01:49:10 )

This is quite exciting!

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 02:06:03 )
@Spuddy: It is! It's been a while since I've played online with anyone. >//<

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 02:10:14 )

Has it? Well, I shall do my best to make it a wholesome experience for you.

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 02:51:45 )
@Spuddy: Aww, thanks! You're such a sweet person :)

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 02:54:55 )

Holy wardrobe change, Batman! Love that new look, are those the new solid demonic horns? What's the sparkly crown thing from?

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:01:52 )
@Spuddy: AHHH Thank UU!

Yes, the horns, wings and tail are solid. The crown is from Bride of Death :)

I love the moonstone and krampus items on your avi!

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:04:25 )

I can't place the eyes, either. Hmmmm. I was going to guess Harlequin, but I don't think that's right.

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:09:25 )
@Spuddy: The eyes are from Love Bites. Harlequin does have some cool eyes though, I just don't know what to do with the item yet

If you want to see where someone's equipped items, you can view them in their profile (unless they have their profile set to private or if they removed that feature).

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:14:13 )

Oh!! That's pretty handy.

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:19:15 )
@Spuddy: That's why my wishlist is so big now, LOL!

I try to save my volts, but it's so hard. At least I'm getting some of my wishlist items, but I should save for my must haves.

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:23:21 )

Then I insist you take a percentage of profit. You deserve all the lovely things~

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:25:42 )
@Spuddy: But you do too! I couldn't do that to you, I'd feel bad.

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 03:32:42 )

Then do more? Would you like to oversee the charitable section? If there are charities willing, I'd like to do a thing where art acquired through them will only have to pay 50%. As in, the charity pays 50%, you still get 10% of the full price, and I did a good. Charity dolls used to be popular, once. I sell a doll and half proceeds go to a charity of choice on a list. For this kind of stuff, they'd have to be vetted (the charities), and it'd be a big help if you'd want to do that.

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 11:18:42 )
@Spuddy: Sure, if it means helping a friend. I've never done that before, it's an interesting concept!

Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 17:05:26 )

I'm glad you're on board!

Donator — She, Her Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 17:49:51 )
@Spuddy: Yay, I'm happy to help :)

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Voltie Posted 12 months ago ( 2023/08/10 19:00:00 )

Should we make a dedicated thread for this discussion, or where we doing it now alright?

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