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Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/6 16:32:17 )
@totalanimefan: I wasn't and still am not vaxxed. I got lucky with it... I think I caught it from my sig other who got a lot sicker than I was and he was fully vaxxed. He slept and puked and had a high fever for like a day and his cough was bad, along with no energy for weeks... He still coughs a bit to this day and has some scarring on his lungs. But he didn't get bad enough to go to the hospital so that I am thankful for. I give a lot of props to our 14 year old son cuz he had it too(we all tested positive at the same time) and even though all he had was a bad headache and some aches and pains he helped me clean the apt when it needed it, he even cooked some meals, and checked up on his Dad(who basically stayed in the bedroom the whole time, I moved about more and my days were spent in the living room on my tablet while watching our son play Xbox when he wasn't in his room or helping out.)

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/6 17:48:15 )

@macsen191: Good that you guys are all ok. I heard that it depends on your immune system and how much viral load you are exposed to. My husband got it as well and I would say that he had it worse, but he was around his mom a lot more without a mask on then I was. Before today I was too low energy to even cook or play video games. Maybe today I could do that. We will see.


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/8 17:53:08 )

Update: I feel a lot better but I'm still sick for sure. Will probably try showering today. I have the energy for it.
Still tested positive which made me a bit sad. Had to cancel tomorrows plans. :(


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/14 20:37:15 )
@totalanimefan: I hope your feeling better!

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/16 14:59:38 )

@macsen191: Thank you. I am better, but I'm not healed up yet. I have some long covid symptoms. It's not fun.

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

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