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Forums General Chit-Chat Unwritten Rules

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 01:23:06 )
I was at a fast food restaurant alone for lunch today. Whataburger to be exact.
You know how there are just certain rules that you have to follow because it's the unwritten law?
Well, I'm an unwritten law follower.

I notice a man sitting alone by the wall.
Everyone else is eating with someone else.
That area is for the alone-eaters.
He's facing the window.
I sit in the booth in front of him, also facing the window.
We sit in the same direction because it is the rule when you are eating alone.
Don't face someone else if you can help it.
He was there first.
He chose the pattern everyone else must follow.
So. I. Did.

This guy comes up and ruins it.
He's an unwritten law breaker.
He makes life uncomfortable for everyone.

I've included a super fancy diagram just in case you don't understand my plight.
I'm the pink smiley face, the OG sitter is the yellow, and this guy who just wants to watch the world burn is green.

What other unwritten laws can you think of that everyone must follow?

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:00:16 )
Don't stand next to someone at the urinals.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:01:02 )
That's hilarious! I generally try to sit away from other people, and I definitely don't want to watch someone else eat. Plus I like to have inappropriate discussions in public places, and it's hard to do that when people are nearby. hahaha!

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:07:02 )
@Eldweena: I just disregard when people are nearby in public. If they hear my weird out of context conversations, all the better because I think it's funny.
And I just operate under the assumption that nobody cares enough to listen in on my shitty conversations.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:09:01 )
@Rallaa: and @Eldweena: I'm the opposite! I'm hyper aware of conversations in public. I'm always looking for that little nugget of knowledge or humor that I can tuck away for another time. XD

Continue your strange conversation Friends! I'm listening.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:12:35 )
LOL!! Eavesdropper. I like you. heh heh

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:22:47 )
My favorite so far was listening to a first date go horribly south. XD
I can assure you, he did not get a second one.
He sure thought he was hot stuff though.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 03:49:35 )

an unwritten rule that came to mind is ''if a restaurant is out of something that you want, order something else"

which makes sense but i was commenting on a story the other day, and whoo boy the sense of entitlement in the comments complaining about the restaurant when the customer was being unreasonable.
The restaurant was out of soda water, waitress offered tonic water, and complimentary normal water, also probably other drinks were available. but nope not good enough for the guy, he asked if he could leave and buy soda water, waitress said she would have to ask her manager since normally there's a fee on outside drinks. but the guy didn't wait and just took off to go get his stupid soda water. and there were soooo many comments defending the guy.
(Avatar Closet)

Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 09:32:55 )
I break unwritten laws on purpose. It makes people confused and uncomfortable, and suddenly I have an edge. Eye contact is my strongest game, as people get real uncomfortable with that (I know this first hand because I used to be so shy I was incapable of eye contact.) If someone comes up to me talking smack... I just stare them in the eye a bit too long, and they lose all their steam. Confusion and discomfort are not inherently negative, in my opinion. Changes in perspective can lead to profound insights.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/12 00:46:11 )
@Zuzu: Some people are just weird and specific about things like that.
Heck, the guy wasn't even like "what a shit show, I'm taking my business elsewhere that *does* serve soda water!"
Just wanted soda water with his meal and was like "look, I'll just go get my own, and we can still do business cuz I wanna eat here."
Place shoulda been like "yeah alright. We'd normally have soda water, but since we're out right now, we'll allow you to bring some from outside."
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Art by kiwi

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/12 01:08:58 )
My favorite so far was listening to a first date go horribly south. XD
I can assure you, he did not get a second one.
He sure thought he was hot stuff though.

That is awesome! I never overhear things like that. One time I did watch from a second-story restaurant window as as woman tried repeatedly to parallel park and kept slamming into the car in front of her. AND SHE JUST KEPT TRYING. A security guard went over to yell at her, and as soon as he was out of sight, she did it again. LOL!!!

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