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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/2 02:11:43 )
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yay welcome back keturah!!! love to see that ur a voltra artist now too ^0^
nice new piece! :3

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/2 10:18:07 )
Thank you so much! It's good to be back!~
Feels like it's been forever!!!
and yess! I do the monthly crate art * w *

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/2 22:57:09 )
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@keturah: oh nice!! that must be fun, the sets are so heavily themed and nice to look at, i feel like the art for them would be fun to do :3

how have u been?? is ur hand doing better?

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 23:08:14 )
Aren't they just?!!
I especially love the mild Christmasy vibes! As it's still lockdown I'll take any lil happiness I can get and feeling Christmasy is doing it for me right now, haha!

I've been good! I actually have been reading a lot lately due to the lack of drawing so have gotten through 4 books in the last few weeks! i'm hoping to finish my last 3 before I get more for christmas but we'll see~~
How are you doingg??
(also my hands a bit better, still daily pain but I'm now able to work full time and find at least 1 day a week for my own drawings)

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/3 23:18:46 )
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@keturah: aww yeah i feel that! do u get to do event art for the winter event too?? those always look really fun lol , like the art for the event threads :3

oh nice ^^ what books have you been reading? that sounds like a lot :0
i'm glad to hear ur hands doing better tho ... oof like as an artist, what an important ... limb ... lol

i'm doing ok! i'm gonna be in a different time zone next week so we'll see how it goes ... i'm a little anxious abt it all but hopefully it can go smoothly and i'll be on the other side ok
i've been doing more art this month which has been fun! i def feel like i'm learning / growing w each piece and have been trying to spend more time on longer pieces ... it's been a while and i've forgotten how much like, stamina/patience goes into it lol... it feels good to be improving and trying new things though :-)
i'm excited for the secret art exchange, i wish u were in it ^^

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/7 18:53:58 )
Not this winter I think! I don't want to take on too much just yet and I still have the 3 new crate arts to do so for now I'm just excited to see what the artists draw up for the Christmas event!
* 7 *

My most recent reads were The Long Earth by Terry Pratchet and Stephen Baxter, The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winters, If On A Winters Night A Traveler by Italio Calvino (I gave up half way through as I wasn't enjoying it;;;), Blackwing by Ed McDonald.
I'm currently reading The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch and loving it so far. :)
Do you read? what have you read most recently?!

Oooo you moving just for christmas or for good??!
I hope the journey goes smoothly! Sounds exciting, if a bit stressful , haha!
and yesssss, I just looked in your shop and your most recent work vs the first drawing I saw of yours is such a massive improvement. You've been doing amazing stuff lately :D

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2020/12/8 22:10:48 )
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@keturah: oohh so fun :3 do u enjoy being able to see all the sets in advance??

oohh a lot of fantasy ? i read invisible cities by calvino for a class once :0 it wasn't like a novel though, iirc it was like each chapter was a small world?? the class was digital illustration orrr smthg and the prompt was to pick one of them and illustrate it i think? ^^

i've been reading octavia's brood (short story anthology, speculative fiction) and a hundred years of solitude (gabriel garcia marquez, magic realism) currently! i think before that i was reading pet by akwaeke emezi (so good!!) and iq94 by murakami (i'm v close to the end but never finished lol)

i like that u stopped when u weren't enjoying a book! lol
no need to keep going just for the sake of it...

and thank u!!! i was super anxious abt it cuz i was like so many things can go wrong lol ... luckily i am finally on the other side :-) i've only been here a little over a day but i feel like it's been a while already lol ... time is so unreal haha
i'm only here for two months, i'm going back early feb :0

and omg tysm!!! yeah i remember that first piece i did for u, i feel like embarrassed ahahaha i was so rusty with painting honestly ...
i still don't have a standard process down but it is starting to feel less daunting / am learning to trust the process a bit more / try to push past the "ugly" stage of paintings lol

(oops i intended to keep this post short and it got v long ahaha no pressure to reply to all of it)

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2020/12/16 11:30:36 )
So sorry for the late reply!!!
Lucky me got to be stressed out all last week with work. I get to the weekend to celebrate my free time and don't you know it, I get a FULL BLOWN COLD LOL.
I'm still recovering but at least can work, if not very slow and sleepy xD

It's pretty cool seeing them in advance, especially having access to see the amazing pixel artists discuss colours and ask for reccs ect. They always come out so nice!

Oh my god! I think we read that book for an art class and we had to do a project where we drew one of the cities. You just gave me mad nostalgia as I'd never have remembered that :O!!!!

Oh damn, you're reading a lot of classic literature, do you study? or do you just enjoy the classics?
I've heard good things about iq94 by murakami but none of the others. Though saying that I do love speculative fiction. One of my favourite books is The World Without us a speculative fiction book about what the natural world would be like if all humans disappeared one day.

That's good to hear you're settling in okay, I hope you've settled in even further now it's been a few days!!
Can I ask are you staying with family or just on holiday alone/with a partner? :3

Haha! I rememberrr, I have both images saved you did for me. You've definitely come a longgg way even in just a few months but I still kinda love the ones you did for me too * 7 *
''Ugly stage of paintings'' MOOD. IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REALISE I COULD PUSH PAST THAT. It takes a lot of effort and not crying over it being shit but doesn't it feel so good when you finally get past it?!?! ahhhh!!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2020/12/16 11:31:37 )
Art commission for a friend, Forelle


Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2020/12/17 11:42:15 )
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@keturah: oohh nice piece ^0^ i love how vibrant the fire looks
wah i hope you're feeling better and recovered from the cold!! get lots of rest<3

oh my gosh i wonder if invisible cities is like a very common assignment?? the chance we took the same art class must be low right lol

ahh i guess w hundred years of solitude i saw that it's considered a magic realism classic so i wanted to give it a read!
the world wo us sounds interesting :0 i do wonder that sometimes ... i think my mindset is that humans are just another type of animal and if we disappeared the rest of nature would take back over? what was your takeaway from it??

haha basically one of my friends had everything figured out and i just had to show up lol ... (and take a covid test before i left) i feel really fortunate to be here! i tried to leave sooner than later too in case covid gets worse after the holidays x_x

haha ty!! and yess whenever i'm in the ugly phase i'm like wow art is hard and i'm terrible at it i should give up now lmao
i think my fav part of the process is the v end cuz i'll do fun color stuff and post processing, so usually my motivation is like , gotta get to the end so i can do the fun stuff hahaha

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2020/12/20 14:10:31 )
Thank you so much!!! I really worked hard on the colours/shadows/light so I'm flattered you like

Yeah maybe it's a standard art project! I remember it being one of my first intro projects for University.

Oooo I didn't know murakami had magic. I assumed it was like historical fiction.
The book explores exactly what you're asking, haha! It looks very specifically at different types of impact humans have/had on the world from our housing to subways to bringing different plant life and animals and their impact on the ecosystem. I found it fascinating but it is very info heavy so may not be for everyone if that's not what you're after.

Speaking of Covid getting worse;;;;
My area just locked down AGAIN after announcing Christmas plans they've already changed them...twice in a week and now supposedly you can't see ANY other households on Christmas day. Ffhdskfhdkshjf

I find the opposite, haha!
I love the process of taking a drawing from flat to fully rendered! The ending bit always gives me anxiety as I always find issues with my art after I'm done and have to move on but look back feeling a bit letdown by my own skills xD
I hope to work on that;;;;

Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2020/12/20 18:38:22 )
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@keturah: have u ever tried doing film studies or using film stills for reference ?? :0 some of them have really great lighting setups!! i've been slowly saving some of them up over time and will sometimes pull one out if i'm being not-lazy abt lighting lol

ahh well i wouldn't consider it magic like fantasy magic, magic realism like ... realistic fiction but there's two moons all of a sudden and there's no explanation why ? i don't mind info heavy books, sometimes i'll read nonfiction :3 i started a people's history of the united states by howard zinn earlier this year ... it's definitely a history book lol so idk if i'd necessarily recommend but has been pretty informative :0 if u like nature-y nonfiction i was reading braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer and would totally recommend!!

oh noo i'm sorry to hear that :-( may i ask what region ur in that's going on lockdown ? are there ppl in ur household you'd be celebrating with?

ahh how much post processing do u do?? i find that part tends to make a big diff for me and sometimes can "save" a piece i feel unhappy w (not sure what that says abt my fundamentals tho lmao!) that's a helpful mindset though of enjoying the process :3
i tend to find stuff i'd do differently but i try to have a mindset of like, ok i learned something for next time! cuz honestly i'm too lazy to go back to fix it anyway ahaha

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/2 12:23:33 )
Again with my slow replies, so sorry!!!
My necks been playing up which screws with my arm pain.

Happy new yearr!!!

I haveeee! I think my most recent one was lord of the rings.
I've not done many but I have a bunch saved to do more screen shot studies as I love colours and compositions from a lot of movies. I'm forever watching a new movie going ''that'd make a good study'' xD
Have you done many?!

Oooo two moon mystery sounds so interesting! I'll definitely check that one out and braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer sounds right up my ally!!! I usually stick to fantasy but recently have been branching out and love ittt~

I live in London (south) and a lot of my country has gone into lockdown now. Super annoying but at least I live with family so could celebrate with them :)
Hope you had a wonderful christmas too!

Yess!! I like to look at drawings I've finished and pick out bits I can see aren't working/need working on but I usually won't fix or work on it again once I've considered it done otherwise I'll forever be going back to old drawings instead of making new ones and learning from my mistakes. :)

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/2 12:25:21 )
Only 1 piece recently and that's secret santa art!!


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/2 18:15:08 )

    ooooooooooooooooooh that lighting oooooooooooo so nice


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/2 18:54:47 )
ayyyyy long time no seeeee
and thank you so muchhh

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/2 23:23:53 )

    @Keturah: ayyy ikr
    how have you beeeeeen
    i've been very MIA here lol fandom and work ate up all my time


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/3 00:00:34 )
when does fandoms nOT take up your time?!?!?!
I've beeennnnn kinda shit? Like my arm,hand,neck injury got worse about 3 weeks ago so I've been recovering from that and have only been able to draw again in the last few days haha

( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
art dump ll instagram ll twitter

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/3 17:18:33 )

    @Keturah: good question
    if i'm not occupied by one im in another (scream
    lots of good inspo to draw though hah

    WHAAAAAAT omg that sounds awful T_T hope u make a full recovery asap omg


Donator — they/them Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/01/7 12:40:35 )
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Again with my slow replies, so sorry!!!
My necks been playing up which screws with my arm pain.

Happy new yearr!!!

I haveeee! I think my most recent one was lord of the rings.
I've not done many but I have a bunch saved to do more screen shot studies as I love colours and compositions from a lot of movies. I'm forever watching a new movie going ''that'd make a good study'' xD
Have you done many?!

Oooo two moon mystery sounds so interesting! I'll definitely check that one out and braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer sounds right up my ally!!! I usually stick to fantasy but recently have been branching out and love ittt~

I live in London (south) and a lot of my country has gone into lockdown now. Super annoying but at least I live with family so could celebrate with them :)
Hope you had a wonderful christmas too!

Yess!! I like to look at drawings I've finished and pick out bits I can see aren't working/need working on but I usually won't fix or work on it again once I've considered it done otherwise I'll forever be going back to old drawings instead of making new ones and learning from my mistakes. :)

omg love the recent piece!!! nice lighting :0 did u use a ref or anything?

sorry about the pain though, i hope you're healing up ok!<3 and happy new year!! :-) hope all your holidays were good!

oh nice!! yess i got into a habit of taking screenshots p often when i watched stuff haha - i haven't done it as much lately though but will probably always go back to it when i don't have other stuff going on :3

oof hope you're doing ok in london, it looks like the situation isn't too good :-/ i'm glad you can be with loved ones though! (sorry abt the brexit stuff too ... >_>)

yeah i feel that! i think if i always went back i would find it tedious, i think the mentality that there'll always be future pieces is helpful for me and pushes me to keep making things!

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∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

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