★ ★ ★ i updated my comic y'allll :3
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That face tho makes me think he can not be nice
ty ty u wu
That face tho makes me think he can not be nice
ty ty u wu
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i am home now
they sent the girl who i share a room with at work home because she was coughing,,,,,
i held back my coughs all day
i am home now
they sent the girl who i share a room with at work home because she was coughing,,,,,
i held back my coughs all day
no other symptoms
and i have a weak immune system so i'd probably get hit hard
no other symptoms
and i have a weak immune system so i'd probably get hit hard
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Aaaah yeah better to stay away from the roommate for a bit then. ID
He's just being really weird about telling me what he got back??
like he says he didn't but I heard him on the phone to his boss saying he was positive??
and his medicine isn't really working???
Like pls boyfriend just be honest with me and tell me if u got it or not
He's just being really weird about telling me what he got back??
like he says he didn't but I heard him on the phone to his boss saying he was positive??
and his medicine isn't really working???
Like pls boyfriend just be honest with me and tell me if u got it or not
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i doubt she really has it lolll
and kairie
hopefully he's lying to his boss
i'd imagine that'd be a convenient thing to lie about;;;
and kairie
hopefully he's lying to his boss
i'd imagine that'd be a convenient thing to lie about;;;
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If it's just a cough probably not, but you know better to be safe than sorry. IDD
And I hope he is just lying to his boss, but he wasn't really direct with me when I asked him what the doctors said/what he actually has. ID Which has me concerned.
And I hope he is just lying to his boss, but he wasn't really direct with me when I asked him what the doctors said/what he actually has. ID Which has me concerned.
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that's the thing I don't really care either way if he has it or not, but if he does he needs to tell me so I can get tested/get paperwork filled out at work. ID
He does too because this is the second week of work he is missing without pay. orz
He does too because this is the second week of work he is missing without pay. orz
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They just called/didn’t give him paperwork he says??
I might snoop a bit when I get home just Bc if he does have it I need to get tested and what not as well. ID. It’s not just him who would be at risk. Which I don’t think he understands.
I might snoop a bit when I get home just Bc if he does have it I need to get tested and what not as well. ID. It’s not just him who would be at risk. Which I don’t think he understands.
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