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The results are in...

1st Place
@Tsundererra: Congrats!

2nd Place
@Kent: Congrats!

3rd Place
@Raxton: Congrats!
@ghost: Congrats!

Thank you to our remaining participants:
@Another Movie Addict: Thank you!
@vengeance: Thank you!
@Alethna: Thank you!
@Priestess of Pie: Thank you!
@kiwi: Thank you!
@star2000shadow: Thank you!
@milkdaddy: Thank you!
@Queen of Trash: Thank you!
@Lithinel: Thank you!
@Mousy: Thank you!
@Maple: Thank you!
@Deaa: Thank you!
@mdom: Thank you!
@Zuzu: Thank you!
@Alexis: Thank you!
@Espy: Thank you!
@Xaria: Thank you!
@totalanimefan: Thank you!

(You will be notified by me, Velvet, through PM when your prize has been granted. )

A new Runway Cycle Begins!

It's PSL season!!!
Yes, the crisp cool air and colorful leaves, it must mean Fall is here!
To celebrate the changing of the season our theme this week is: Fall Fashion!

New entries are now being accepted through SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH!
I'm alright, dears! Thank you for your concern. I do apologize for the delay and plan to have everything all squared away tonight!
Posted in Past Reflections [Item Design Contest] Posted 5 years ago
@lithium: Amazing ideas, darling! Although, as Priestess of Pie asked, did you accidentally submit the same image twice? Let me know and I can add in the third submission~

@acid: Ohh getting a head start on the spooky season~ Very fun ideas!

Also, a little reminder to everyone! Today is the last day to submit your item ideas. You wouldn't want to miss out sharing your ideas right? Get them in before midnight!
@kiwi: Good question!
You may use all your accounts to vote for the same contestant(s), but you can only use 1 of the 2 votes per account to count towards a contestant.

So for example,
You vote for #24 and #27 using your main account. You can vote for #24 and #27 using your mule too! You cannot cast both votes for #24, but you can choose to cast only one of your votes if youd like.

Hope that answers your question.
Wow! Ya'll really brought your best to rep your realm!
All contestants are walking the runway; make sure to cast your votes by Thursday, September 26th!
Posted in Past Reflections [Item Design Contest] Posted 5 years ago
@Acid: Oh wonderful darling! That really would be a unique look!

@Priestess of Pie: Absolutely dreamy! These items are gorgeous.

This is already going to be a tough competition, I'm sure Volties would love all of these amazing looks...
But, time's running out, and I want to see more from you, Voltra! Make sure you get your submissions in before it's too late.
Posted in Past Reflections [Item Design Contest] Posted 5 years ago
@kiwi: Oh wow, all three of those entries are simply to die for!
Posted in Past Reflections [Item Design Contest] Posted 5 years ago

FIRST PLACE: kiwi with the Raver Mask
SECOND PLACE: Acid with Arachnocratic Webs
THIRD PLACE: Priestess of Pie with Bard's Melody

Posted in Past Reflections [Item Design Contest] Posted 5 years ago
The Rules

• The theme of this contest is common items based on past crate and plasma orb items. Think of them as companion pieces, or inspired by past items.
• Each user can submit up to three designs. (no mules)
• Remember: these are commons. They are single pose and require a main colour.
• They can be for any shop, so don't limit yourself to Velvet's shop.
• Submissions aren't judged based on art skill, but on ideas!
• Submissions will close on September 25th at 11:59 PM Voltra Time.


First Place: Your item is made, and you receive it in all colours!
Second Place: 10,000 volts
Third Place: 5,000 volts
Posted in Past Reflections [Item Design Contest] Posted 5 years ago

"Everyone's been doing so much reflecting during this block party, and it's got me thinking back too... Thinking of all the amazing outfits I've seen this year, that is!

But I've also been reminiscing on all the amazing items that Frizz and Static have put out during our time together. You know, as much as I absolutely adore them, I can't help but feel like some of those sets were missing something... A little... Je ne sais quoi.

Hmmm it's driving me crazy... Oh! I just had a genius moment! Why don't you help me try to figure it out? If you can figure it out, I'll make sure it gets added to the shelves of Voltra pronto!

... Well, what are you waiting for? Chop chop! Let's get creative!"
Hello, Dears!

Wonderful news - the the results are in and I'm so very pleased with how fashionable you've proven our city to be! Thanks for participating in AOTW!

Oh, and happy anniversary!
Our next runway cycle has begun and this time around we have a theme in celebration of this special occasion.

Can't wait to see what you all come up with this time around.
The results are in...

1st Place
@Totalanimefan: Congrats!

2nd Place
@bum: Congrats!
@ghost: Congrats!
@Tsundererra: Congrats!
@Zuzu: Congrats!

3rd Place
@Laufeia: Congrats!
@koneko: Congrats!
@Another Movie Addict: Congrats!

Thank you to our remaining participants:
@Synthetic Nature: Thank you!
@kiwi: Thank you!
@Night XIV: Thank you!
@Maple: Thank you!
@Lithinel: Thank you!
@MoonEevee: Thank you!
@vengeance: Thank you!
@milkdaddy: Thank you!
@star2000shadow: Thank you!
@Kozi: Thank you!
@Baku: Thank you!
@Raxton: Thank you!
@Dipper: Thank you!
@Hadsvich: Thank you!
@Goblin: Thank you!
@Kent: Thank you!

(You will be notified by me, Velvet, through PM when your prize has been granted. )

A new Runway Cycle Begins!

In celebration of Voltra's 2nd Anniversary our theme for the next Runway shall be...

Rep Your Realm!

Show your spirit for either the Electric, Metal, Ice, or Sound realm in celebration of the unique citizens that make up our wonderful City of Voltra!

To help, here's a little guide to colors which represent each realm:

(You may use these as inspiration, pick and choose colors how you please, this is a reference as we work to build a better guide to our realms.)

Electric: Storm, Sunshine (or Honey), Ice, Cloud
Metal: Bark, Tea, Khaki, Honey (or Sunshine)
Ice: Cobalt, Sky, Cotton Candy, Ice, Cloud, Coal
Sound: Lilac, Grape, Lavender, Plum

New entries are now being accepted through SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST!
Thank you to all who voted!
The winning contestants will be announced this Sunday, September 15th!
Well Volties,
The time has come, as it is now after 5pm Voltra time and we've organized our contestants for the runway!
Please see the front page for a running list of all the stylish Volties who've stepped up for a chance at the crown.

Make sure to read our rules and guidelines thoroughly before submitting votes!
Votes will be accepted through Thursday, September 12th.