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Posted in What kinda games do you play? Posted 8 months ago

@Alexia: Yoooo, that sounds quite awesome indeed!! I admittedly tend to hang out on Voltra whilst I'm at work, and Webkinz is blocked by the pesky Work Firewall so I'll have to look into it when I'm at home. But look I shall, because that would be a neat nostalgia trip! Really cool to know it's still regularly updated and that they continue to prioritize safety for their audience and all that jazz. Thanks for sharin' about it and all, I'll look for ya when I check it out!
Posted in Hiya : ) Posted 8 months ago

@angelpurity: NICE that all sounds très cool!! Lots of directions to go in, which I've always found to be the most comforting (when you don't necessarily have to pick one thing haha). Cheers to the potential master's in social work too, that's the boat I'm sailing in right now with just two semesters left! Almost had a French minor in undergrad too so sending you a fist bump of relatable-ness haha. Alas it will be so exciting to get that visa and go abroad! Good luck with everything that entails, and also with Ashen if you end up trying it lol the combat dynamics always hand me my you-know-what _(-_-)_/ When I'm finally able to get a PC setup then Elden Ring is gonna be high up on my list to try, will have to look up Remnant too!
Posted in Hiya : ) Posted 8 months ago

@angelpurity: Hey Angel and welcome!! Kudos to you for double majoring, sounds exciting and would love to hear what you're studying if you'd ever like to share! Metal music is awesome too; if you like souls-like games, have you ever tried Ashen? I've been getting into it lately but those kinds of games can really challenge me. Anywho, hoping you enjoy Voltra!!
Posted in What kinda games do you play? Posted 8 months ago

Hey hey! I've been a Sky: Children of the Light player for almost a few years now, that's gotta be one of my favorite games overall. Skyrim was always huge for me, been a while since I played it though. I also love me some Rocket League and Fortnite lately, slight guilty pleasures haha but it can be nice to not have to think too much about what's going on and to know that a match will only last a certain amount of time! Another of my all time favorite games is Guitar Hero, music is huge for me so I love a good rhythm game. :)
Some other things I've enjoyed throughout life have been Minecraft, MMORPGs (my favorite back in the day was Perfect World Online), Skate 2/3, Life is Strange, gosh so many more and I love a good indie game too; hard to give a concise list, and sometimes I have trouble sticking with games until the end, but I do love 'em.

@Alexia: Webkinz was the place to BE, I had so many of the plushies and took care of them online all that jazz; it's so cool that the site is still up and maybe even consistently updated??
Posted in Voltie Streamers? Posted 9 months ago

@Ark: I appreciate your checking some stuff out there, that's really cool! I'd definitely like to try using that idea to guide a music-making session, maybe I'll experiment with trying to make components of a track that are each specifically inspired by one of those artists. Whether I could actually execute it is another story haha!
Doodling rocks my socks; making comics has always sounded challenging but so cool to me! Hopefully you'll have more time to dedicate to that soon; are there particular projects you've had ongoing, or hope to start someday?
Posted in Voltie Streamers? Posted 9 months ago

@Ark: I can totally understand being uncomfortable with sharing one's voice too! In all honesty I likely avoided streaming in the past as well because of vocal dysphoria, which now that I have learned to understand and mitigate in certain ways, I feel lots better about. There's lots of stigma about what certain voices mean about a person, and it sucks; at the end of the day, those folks who presume to know something about you or your age based on just your voice, would be missing the opportunity to actually know You!

As for musical production, I'd love to get more skilled with making electronic music kind of in the electronica or IDM realm. I also make ambient/drone type music which is very fun but overall I love to experiment any way I can. I've been hugely inspired by Rei Harakami and Casino Versus Japan of late, but also like, Cocteau Twins and Sonic Youth and such haha.
What types of art do you create, also? It's so awesome to have lots of folks sharing their work and processes, so much inspiration out there!!
Posted in Voltie Streamers? Posted 9 months ago
Hey hey!! I've also had a passive interest in streaming for a while, but only recently got enough equipment to rudimentarily do it. I've only streamed a few times, and honestly I don't feel any need or drive to make it a THING per se. For me honestly it can help me stay on track and force me to keep playing a game even when I want to give up, or prevents me from getting distracted which happens often haha.

Thus far I've just streamed a few random games, particularly one called Ashen that is a bit more challenging for me so it helped to have even just the idea of an audience there (most of the time there's maybe just one of my friends, or one random person, or... no one haha, but I honestly don't mind). Someday I'd like to stream music-making if possible, especially if I get better at DAW audio production.
I have had some other friends who have streamed for reals, also, and it's been cool for them it seems!

In terms of shyness, I can say that what helps me is not feeling pressure to show my face at all! I only stream my gameplay and my microphone, and that makes me feel comfortable; my friend who streams the most also does this, and it works out for her so everyone can totally work within their niche and comfort zone.

@Ark: I think it can certainly be a cool outlet and if you put yourself out there, folks will find ya! I know the challenging part can sometimes be building that audience, but lots of folks are willing to support each other and I'm sure you might have some Voltie pals who would offer their support too, all that jazz. Best of luck if you decide to start, regardless!!
Posted in Hello! Posted 9 months ago
Hey there, welcome!! I was looking for Gaia-esque sites when I found this place; used to be on there as well but when I was quite young.
Hope you like Voltra! Neat paintings too :)
Posted in I Got The Job! Posted 9 months ago
hey noiceeeeee, congrats!! hoping the job is enjoyable for you as well as lucrative !
Posted in oh dear, we're in public Posted 9 months ago
I'm thinkin' I can understand what you're getting at; tough to have a pretty confident sense of self that also seems to require some degree of explanation to others. And it always sucks to not align with the mirror, them things I can all understand having trans experience myself!

It's what rocks about having spaces like this to be expressive and presenting in ways that align best, all that good stuff :)
Plus exploring identity and the nuances therein with terminology/etymology and such can be super helpful. Ultimately we are all our unique selves but so long as we are respectful of others it helps to have words to relate to those others with, naturally !
Posted in oh dear, we're in public Posted 9 months ago
We live laugh love some lgbtq+ vocab goodness, I'd love to hear about anything that's been interesting to you along those lines too if you'd like to share!
I also appreciate that your fun words could be combined, perhaps one could engage in fickle bouts of tomfoolery eh?

haha I do that as well, I've tried to get better about interrupting conversations but sometimes I just Gotta Know That Thing.
Also loved that article you linked, fun stuff! " often find the formation "troller", rather than "troll", to describe one who engages in trolling, suggesting that the word was originally a verb, and that the noun came later." <-- exactly that kinda stuff is fun, it's little details and all but I find it fascinating. Thanks for the share!
Posted in oh dear, we're in public Posted 9 months ago
Hey y'all, hoping everyone is having a decent start to their week!

It's been slow for me and I'm all discombobulated for a few reasons, but trying to stay motivated and productive to at least some degree. I realize I'm maybe not so good or consistent at interacting with this community yet but it's already been a pleasure to just see folks chatting and I'll keep trying to engage some more in other threads when I can.

Alas today I'm struggling to stay motivated at work, and instead have distracted myself thoroughly by reading the many different definitions and potential applications of the word "public," inspired by a chat I had with someone this weekend. We realized we weren't sure if a church would be considered a "public place" and I kinda love delving into the nuances of language and meaning, so here I am. It's a fun one, both adjective and noun. Neat that it can be both broad ("of or relating to people in general") and specific (relating it to government, nation/state, or business affairs in particular). Some definitions refer to types of funding making something public (i.e. public radio), whereas it can also of course just mean "exposed to general view" which is so open to interpretation haha.
Definitely gonna have to say churches are public places; didn't have much doubt there but was still intrigued to look up the word itself.

I will say that it's not as interesting as the word "salad," which I did way too much research on some years ago. But it certainly has gotten me through this work day lol.

Anyone have any fun words they like, and why? Gimme some words of the day to throw at my queen Merriam-Webster.
Hoping everyone's doing well and feeling good!
Posted in Snowdust2022 has entered the site! Posted 9 months ago
What's uppp Snow, welcome!! I'm quite new as well, and already feel like it's a nice little community to have found. Hope you enjoy exploring as I have; nice first avi too!

Hopefully your vacation is a delightful one :)
Posted in this is fun and quaint Posted 9 months ago
@Spuddy: no worries at ALL lol; I'm still getting used to the site myself so am sure I'll miss all kinds of mentions or cues or what have you hahaha and I suppose it's not as literal as I'd like but I can make it a goal?? I'm like a big toe but only if the toe was wearing a wig or something... once I achieve True Toe Form, trust that y'all will get a premiere

@milkshake: oh my gosh I always forget about sun bears. they absolutely look like people in bear costumes. Fear™