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    - If you could visit one planet, which would it be?
    One of those that are being considered fit for human habitation. It would be cool to check those out.

    - What country do you most want to travel to?
    New Zealand :)

    - If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be your very first expense?
    iPhone 14 pro lol. And then a house, maybe the house first.

    - What song lyric best mirrors your life motto?
    Ummm idk, I don’t really listen to music with lyrics.

    - What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
    As in a meal? Brussels Sprouts and fish sticks. With boiled potatoes and ketchup. Grosssss.

    @Lopsided Oreo: me too, that’s why I decided to give some away lol XD


    @Lopsided Oreo: haha no worries enjoy your prize!

    @Q t e a p o n: every few months or so!
    Omg, I would never brush my cat, you’re braver than me. They can take your eye out lol

    @Q t e a p o n: my mum just forgets to do it. I’m only here on weekends but I will have to be more diligent about doing it. I don’t want him to get more ear infections:(:(
    I also worry about cutting him etc but yeah it needs doing.
    My cat would never let me trim his claws lol. He has to scratch them down.

    @Q t e a p o n: he’s has ear infections a couple of times before. He gets them because he has long ear fur, and my mum doesn’t trim him during the autumn winter season :(

    @Q t e a p o n: wow what a complicated dog, but hopefully worth it. The pup is adorable, and super special:)
    I got my dog 9 years ago, he’s getting old now. He currently has an ear infection and needs drops, poor boy :(

    @Q t e a p o n: omgosh that baby is adorable!! I’ve never seen a dog of that breed before:o

    @Q t e a p o n: he’s a Border Terrier:) he’s so cute! Your cat sounds adorable <3 I slept late today too, it’s nice to just sleep a lil bit longer.

    @Q t e a p o n: I think your hard work paid off! & thank you :)
    I’m not up to much, just cuddling with my dog currently, how about you?

    @Q t e a p o n: whoa holy festive avatar Batman! I really like it :)

    @star2000shadow: another beautiful avatar from you!

    @Lopsided Oreo: woooooow! Also, you win 5k! Sending trade.