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Guys!! There are new event items in the shops!
@Totalanimefan: well, it’s part of my course requirements, and will be unpaid. Thankfully I am still working at my current job during nights and weekends. It’s a long hard road, but I’ll be done in a few months!
I hope so too!
I’m still in school, so it’s actually for an unpaid internship, but they hired their last intern, and they did say they were looking to hire someone! So fingers crossed!
Posted in [S]Froggy Set Posted 7 years ago
What, like 5k?
I need some volts for commons and event items! :vanora_sweat:
I’m doing great actually!
Had a potential job interview earlIer today, and it went very well!
Morning Guys!
My favorite fruits are strawberries and bananas.
Cantaloupe and honey dew are good melons!
I love watermelon.
Ooooh yeah, I’d love some deer antlers.
And ram horns!
Oooh, that’s cool too! Maybe a solid color....
That’s a good point... hmmm. MYbe we can get a different hyped pair of horns. Like long, spirally ones?
I kinda want to save my volts for the recolors of the horns though..... it’s like every aviator sites staple go to item. LOL
I like how the prices are not TOO much, but not for free either.