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Hiya rainbow!
Yeah I had to search for this thread. Oh well. At least we found it!
Yeah, my job actually gave me the last full week in October off for vacation, so that’s good. But I’ll survive. I’ve been doing 6 days a week since school started in April.
I hope so! It’s going to be a hard 3 months. Balancing intern AND my regular full time job.
I’ll have to work 7 days a week. :vanora_cry: but at least 6 days a week I get out at either 5 or 6pm, so at least I have evenings to myself.
I just had my last day of class yesterday for dental assisting. I start internship on the 16th, for 6 weeks, then go to another dental office for another y weeks. Then I graduate and start making that MONEY!
I have a busy schedule coming up with work and an externship, so I need to go buy a nice scheduler to keep my days straight. Lol
Morning Panda!
Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. Lack of sleep is the worst.
Morning guys!
Posted in The Weird Kids Club Posted 7 years ago
Hello wifey!
Posted in The Weird Kids Club Posted 7 years ago
Ok, gotta go to bed. Super sleepy. Night night wifer
Posted in The Weird Kids Club Posted 7 years ago
Just buy them. They released one set, then the recolors once the whole site reached a certain post count as a whole. So they released a second set.
Posted in The Weird Kids Club Posted 7 years ago
They released a bunch of the NPC items, then recolors. It’s nice.
But the commons. I need more.
I wish I still had that art you made me from Syndrone.