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Posted in the LGBTQ+ acronym Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:


-I ageee several if not most corporations have a double agenda of backing up the LGBTQ community from a position of profit and looking market friendly. I don't however think this does actual harm. Group think is a legit thing, so when bigger powers come down in support of LGBTQ movements it helps narrow the margin as well as add pressure. Slowly but surely even some of those whom are religious are starting to display tolerance and that widely comes from how vocal the community is both in expressing their arguments and the large support rallied behind it.

-I disagree that we reached our goal and majority is honkey dorey now. Gay Marriage was controversially legalized in 2015 with much backlash and still present large dense populated groups-and voter base who find it important to dismantle this progress. Will they succeed if elected?No. since we addressed the rights as a constitutional right, and church and state are supposed to remain separated. It's only been 4 years, and hate is certainly still widespread. I know itll always exist in some capacity- but a majority households in the US are Christian (and while there are Christians for gay rights. A majority hold the buble tight and are against it. Gay Conversion therapy still hasnt been founded to be ethically wrong and is still in practice throughout many parts of the country.
To me a "win" for US would be when the large majority of society accepts gays and doesn't sit there waiting for meteors to fly down in their gay weddings. It is still a societal issue until the large majority of society is on board. We might have the legal and powerful champion belt for 4 years now. But 4 years isnt long enough to wipe our hands and call it a job done. And you can vet your butt showing complacency will invite the other side to pull weight more for their bible agenda.

As for the parades- Idk. Regardless of identity I see people as individuals and if people really are hyper sexualizing things in public areas to the extent kids shouldn't be there I agree thats just gross. The peide marches we have in my state are very family friendly - aside from giant a penis balloon ive yet to see anything id not bring a kid around. So I really wonder if that kinda "issue" is mostly in isolated areas with a minority of participants and just being over hyped? Maybe it happens in your area but in quaint new england for US I haven't.
Posted in the LGBTQ+ acronym Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

(There's a few different topics covered in this thread, so I'ma seperate my response by them.)

On the topic of the acronym- people can say it however they want. LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA etc whatever floats their boats.

On the topic of people shouting "Straight Pride"
How I explain Pride to those who don't get it.

Pride comes from two sources usually.
Either you have pride in something you accomplished, something that was challenging or took a lot of effort.
Or you have pride in something despite it being seen as the contrary.

Straight Pride just doesn't make sense. Most people are straight. Straight is accepted. No one is being hanged for being straight.
Being straight isn't being contrary. It's the norm. To have pride in such a thing is rather silly?
"I am proud to be straight!" Good for you and most of the world? okay. and? Is there more to that? What is the source of this pride, what is the intention for saying this?

The LGBTQ community using the terminology pride, is entirely because it isn't accepted, it isn't the norm. No one is gay for the sake of being different- it isn't a choice. And saying "I take pride in this" is a example of Brave, it's telling the many who are shouting "Go to hell" "don't get adoption rights" "don't get marriage rights" "ew I think he's checking me, a straight male out. disgusting" IDGAF, I'm ME and I won't be shamed for being ME.

On the topic of Pedophiles looking for recognition. I'm very passionate about Psychology and I worked in a adolescent psychward (ages 6-22)
where we had 4 pedophiles. It's equally as true to say the attraction to young children is not a choice as anything else is. That's just a fact.
Those who sexually act on those who cannot consent. absolutely need to be charged as criminals- but it is unhealthy, and entirely counter productive to take everyone who is a pedophile and throw them into a basket of disgusting, universally prison material, hell burning scum. Many are non offenders, and many would do anything in the world, if possible, to NOT be pedophiles.

Anything that affects ones ability to reasonably function in society, for prolonged periods of time- usually falls into the mental disorder category.
Pedophiles are sick and they need some level of societal understanding. By blanket shaming them and wishing the worst on all of them- you limit their abilities to get help. You limit their comforts to open up. You establish a line of black and white thinking and as a whole society that prevents them from getting help. A lack of help heightens the chances of offending.
Pedophiles can't help that they are pedophiles no more than someone with Bipolar can help that they are bipolar- they may have meds. There isn't a pill for pedophiles. (INB4: ;castration- thats pretty inhumane to pressure anyone into)

potentionally triggering material below
Do I think its appropriate they are apart of the LGBTQ title? No. But I can understand with their reasoning for wanting inclusion. It isn't to normalize having nonconsenusal intercousre with children, its so bring awareness that this exists- and they cant help it- they can't choose what they are attracted to. and they need help, and resources that to this day are not well available. 3 of the 4 boys I worked with hated themselves. Multiple attempts at suicide. (older teens). and one of those 3 was an offender to his own sibling. he asked his parents many, many times for help before offending. They beat him. told him to get over it. Instead of finding him help.
He ended up being an offender. His parents took no initiative to get him help or protect the sibling despite being fully aware of his pleas. he still did the deed and he's still at fault, and he's paying the price. That girl may need immense amounts of help to cope....
The access to specifically trained counselors to assist with pedophiles is very small, despite the need for them. Non-Offenders shouldn't get the bad rap of actual offenders...forced into silence and to suffer alone for fear of their lives. over something they didn't choose to have.

Posted in What silly nicknames do you give your pets? Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

Lacey Blue

-Lacey Bobbers (Fiance' came up with it, he said it so many times it stook.)

-Trash Cat: Mean nick name, she is a rescue kitty and was found starving and dying in a trash bag. She also jumps into our trash bin a lot so I started calling her trash cat.

-Mouth: When she's hungry she does a really long meow with her mouth completely open to the point you can't see her face. So mouth.

-Shark cat: When you don't feed her quick enough she bites your leg. She swirls around your legs like a shark for prey. And she's grey and white.

-Goomba: What my fiance calls her (the mushroom thing from mario) I disagree with this nick name but again he says it so much it sticks.

-Beast child: She's food obsessed and will stalk my fiance and I if she sees us eating almost anything. She'll lunge and swipe like a ninja.

-Bobbarian (mixing the bobbers nick name with barbarian) and or Dust Mite: She likes to roll around in her litterbox and cover herself in litter- then spazz and run launching the litter everywhere in mass amounts.
Millet, spilling the tea:

I've read everyones posts! Not sure if it is okay for me to respond to people so I'll refrain just incase but wow what a wide variety of representation we have here. Also learning a bit more about everyone on a stronger personal note adds context for sure. I'm glad so many of you were comfortable sharing.
Millet, spilling the tea:

I'm not blind I can acknowledge someone is hot or attractive, but I literally do not feel sexually attracted to anyone
unless I've formed a close connection to them. That isn't a pretentious choice based thing, that's just how my mind and body work.
I physically cannot get aroused if I don't consider myself close to you. It's been an issue back when I was single as it seems culture is
very oriented around sex and having sex to determine compatibility but I can't and its been hard to find people that understand that.
I'm in a loving relationship right now though and he was very patient.

I'm also bisexual.Very much so capable of falling in love/becoming aroused with any person of any background or gender once that connection is established. Unfortunately after I had started dating a girl my father's side of the family heavily retaliated against me. Them being heavily catholic. They are no longer in my life for many reasons- one of which they could not accept that I was at the time /seeing/ a girl and I never want them to be of influence or source of shame again if in the event my partner and I don't work out and I choose to be with a girl again.
(I mean hopefully my dude and I make it through but if not ya know. just sayin')

I'm also quite tired of the common belief that all bisexuals are some kinda sexual deviants who aren't capable of monogamy? If someone isn't monogamous that's totally fine so long as any relationship is open and honest. But bi does not equal poly. And through past experiences I've found lesbians who didn't want to get closer to me because I'm bi, and straight dudes who think bi translates to threesomes. It's exhausting and annoying.

Edit: uh, according to an article I read I guess I'm not bisexual but pansexual. Whelp. The more ya know lol.

How bout you?
Posted in My favorite season is starting soon... Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

ALRIGHT! I shall write up a play by plays highlight moments for everyone xD
Naturally with my own sprinkling of sarcasm and interpretation.
Posted in My favorite season is starting soon... Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

If you guys want! I can write up a play by play here when it starts next week!
Posted in My favorite season is starting soon... Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

It really is disgusting, Total!

But yes, lots of laughs to be made during this season.

Posted in My favorite season is starting soon... Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

Narcolepsy is for life unfortunately. I have a wonderful medication that makes it seem I'm almost not a narcoleptic. But unfortunately it costs $3,800 a month so my insurance every quarter sends me a letter saying they don't want to cover it any longer and I've three times so far needed to get a lawyer to fight for my right to keep my medication.

Without it, at worst I risk going back to sleeping beauty syndrome- which was 18-22 hours of me sleeping every day.

at best I will randomly fall asleep every hour or every other hour or so throughout the day and have random episodes of paralysis from basic stimuli such as laughing or hearing a sudden loud noise. My body will burn in pain most days- through out the entirety of the day.

This medicine is what literally allows me to function mostly normal but its the only one of its kind.
Which means $CHA-CHING$
Posted in My favorite season is starting soon... Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

I'm okay.
Posted in My favorite season is starting soon... Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

Did you think I meant summer? HELL, NO! I hate the heat and the cold never bothered me anyway!

But my favorite DEBATE SEASON!!
For the USA every three years DEBATE SEASON starts. (Yes, I'm going to capitalize that every time like a businessman basking in the broken system of capitalism.)

I love DEBATE SEASON. I love watching people argue their thoughts left and right and watching people climb while others dreams of dominating the podium utterly, and pathetically become crushed under the weight of scrutiny and a lack of eloquence.

It's a depressing world we live in and rarely do the under dogs make any waves- but one can hope things will change eventually-amiright? No- I'm left but that's okay and you're okay.

DEBATE SEASON to me, is football season to the bro chads out there. I watch both parties debates and find them kind of exhilirating, depressingly comical, etc. The one and only time in my life I became black out drunk and needed the emergency room, was last debate season when I decided to play the shot game of HIllary versus Trump. Within 20 minutes, my fiance had to call an ambulance. The shot game was a killer experiment. anywho I don't drink anymore after that. scary stuff.

Just felt like sharing that'll be my passion for the next few months as I continue to wonder if my narcolepsy medication will always cost $3,800 a month and if I'll always have to keep fighting my insurance for coverage every few months with a lawyer until the insurance eventually wins and I rot incapable of functioning like a normal person but won't be applicable for disability because narcolepsy is unknown by the people that make those decisions and I'm young. As my medical debt exceeds my student loan debt preventing me from moving on with my life. :) least I can't say I'm lonely with all those debt collection calls and letters in the mail of interest. That one broken tooth cost $2,000 fix so oh well not doing that. Hahahahahaha

TL;DR It's DEBATE SEASON for the USA. Let the games begin continue.
Click here for the double night line up of democratic debates.
Posted in ***MATCHA'S GACHA*** Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

I always pick fours on these things because 4 is my lucky number. :3
Posted in i have the worst luck Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

Reminds me of winter orbs. My luck was uh, weird?

Opened 6 Danceur orbs and got five Danceurs, the rarest....When I was trying to get the uncommon items lololol
Posted in Animal Crossing: New Horizons! Posted 5 years ago
Millet, spilling the tea:

I like how we can share the controller with someone we live with too!